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BL4ZE20's CFL Grow


Whats up everyone,

This is my second grow figured i'd post a grow log up so people can follow along and also so that myself and others can maybe learn a few things in the process. First off i'll give you the basics i'm using 130 watts of cfl, bagseed which I vegged 2 weeks and then flipped to 12/12. Last grow i was able to get 20 grams out of one plant with this setup. This time around i'm aiming for a zip.
I know the plant doesnt look perfect i've still got a lot to learn but anyways heres a few shots.

Heres a pic 29 days into flower

And the rest of these are at day 58 of flowering

Main Cola

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Just Call me Urkle!!
Welcome to IC glad to see you got some buds going if you have any questions or need tips ask me or check my threads I also recommend making a Bubble Cloner and you will have clones in 7-14 days in just water! Check the link in my sig


Thanks for the welcome Thundurkel. I pretty much have everything but the airstones to make your bubble cloner. Right now i've got a cut thats just sittin in a jar of plain water, here in about a week or so i should know if its going to root or not. And if i can just put my cuts into a jar of water with nothing else and they root then i'll stick with that since i like things simple :joint:

Little update: I may be harvesting my current plant here in about 20 days depending how far along it is. I've got some better genetics lined up it's a northern light x ak47 cross and i've already got one clone put in my flower cab with my bagseed plant so i need to make some room for the better genetics hehe :rasta:

Heres a picture of my mother plant NL x Ak47
I need to top her or something because shes getting a little tall for my comp case i'm just afraid i'll mess her up.

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Active member
plants lookin real good bl4ze20! any shots of the cab as a whole? do you have a separate veg cab? keep it up, can't wait to see the harvest shots in a couple weeks.


tngreen : I dont have any shots of the cab as a whole right now, i'll try and get some when the lights come on. I have a computer case i'm currently keeping a mother plant in and if i throw in a few more lights i could probably use it as a veg cab for a clone or two till im ready to flower them. That's my plan anyways. So far i've just vegged in my current cab and then flipped the lights but it'd be much easier if i had two seperate area's up and running.

ninjashoes: It's actaully just some bagseed from some regs.

Mr. Tony: Thanks for the comment. I'll do my best

Update: Not much to say right now other then my cab has been getting a little hot so i had to take some cfl's out but i'm pretty sure i know whats causing it. I've used the same amount of cfl's for months on end and have had no problems so i've just gotta make some adjustments and it should be good.

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Bean Curd

Those are some great looking buds, BL4ZE20. How do you attach the scrubber to your pc fan? Thanks.


half cat half man half baked
Looking great man!

One little suggestion. Since your plants are wider around then the cup anyway, why not use a bigger cup? I've pulled out vegging plants out of 16oz cups where the roots where already all bound up.

Keep up the good work.


Bean Curd: I used 6inch ducting but it was way to big so I had to rig it to make it work. I'm pretty sure 4in ducting should work i know a 120mm fan is bigger then 4in (i havent measured) but yea i think with 4 inch it should fit better and then i'd just use duct tape to seal it to the filter and the fan.

Catman: are you talking about the plant that i have in the red party cup?
I know the plant i have flowering could use a bigger container last time i used a 3 gallon grow bag and was going to this time but i was running low on soil so i figured i'd just experiment and see what happened plus it worked out for the best since I was gifted a few clones that i needed room for.

Bagseed77: Thanks man appreciate the comment. Yeah bagseed is fun since you never know what you may get.

Blackfoot: I appreciate your comment as well. As far as topping the mom yeah i know it won't hurt it and i know i can do it. It's just since i've never done it i always think in the back of my head what if I screw it up!

Update: I went ahead and started to flush. I've looked at the trichs and most are cloudy with a few that are amber. I'm sure i could take her a little longer but i'm just needing to make space for my NLxAk47 clone that im super excited about lol :jump:
I'll try and get some pictures of the cab for you guys it's just in awkard spot so it'll be hard to get the whole thing into the picture. But i'll get them up here sometime.

Blaze On :rasta:
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Update: So were at day 74 or so of flowering now and she'll be getting the chop here in a few days. Still havent got around to fixing my cab so that i can use all my cfl's without worrying about heat. Also i tried grabbing some pictures of the cab as a whole but it's just in a bad spot so i can't really get the whole thing in a picture.

Heres a picture of my clone starting to throw a few hairs

I like this shot it looks like little crowns or something are shooting up on the main cola lol i dont know how to explain it or if that makes any sense.

Heres a shot into the cab with my current flowering plant and clone.


Quazi- Thanks man, the colas are pretty and they smell quite nice also :)

Well it was harvest night. I wasen't able to get many pictures because my camera batteries were low and then ran out on me. But ill be sure to get you guys some when it all drys out. I yielded 78 grams wet so that should be about 15 grams dry or so. A little less then my first grow but this grow is defiently better quality. I cut off a sample bud a few days ago and then me and my bro smoked that and i must say it's pretty good :rasta:

Heres the harvest

Main cola sitting at almost 32 grams wet. Not big compared to what most guys grow on here but im proud of it lol. It'll be sad when i smoke it just picking away at it haha.

Well thats all i've got for now.

Blaze On! :rasta:


Just Call me Urkle!!
Nice bro! I would say you got about 20g dry not 14 but thats just my thoughts good job tho buddy love the CFL revolution!!!


rcknrllmothrfck: thanks man. The herb definitely works good for my anxiety a whole lot better then those anti depression pills i took when i was younger. Yea sure they helped my anxiety but nothing was enjoyable anymore. With weed i can relieve my anxiety and still enjoy life without being turned into a zombie like those pills do to me.

Thundurkel: You may be right man i think they've still got a little bit of moisture in them so once they've been in the jars for a while i'll weigh them again and also keep track of what ive been smokin on.

I'm still working on some pictures for you guys i just can't get the lighting and shit right with my camera.

Jar of buds with my bong loaded up about to take some rips :rasta:

Blaze On!! :rasta:

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