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Biscuit Box


guest 77721

I'd keep poking that Sativa under the screen until it's got a good showing of bud sites.

Once she breaks free of the screen there's no stopping her. My little girl grew up to 3" a day during peak stretch.



weed fiend
These are veritable Clydesdales :)

These are veritable Clydesdales :)

Day 6 flower...:jump:

Happy to say things are swell in the biscuit box. The color has returned to the sativa and bush is fat and happy as always.

Forgot to take picks of the stalks underneath. I want to show off the girth and the expression variances. The fat girl has stretched little since the flip but there's lotsa tops throughout.

The sat is much bigger than last week yet the lower growth never seemed to explode like the terminals. This is just swell because I always wanted tall at the ends of the screen and shorter interior to minimize shading. Might get me a lil' half-pipe going on.

As far as screen coverage there's a hole beneath the fan. I doubt I'll mess with threading the hole because I'd like to see what these do with a bit more elevation. I'm a big fan of El Gato and he's always got the airtime with his scrogs.




love machine
ICMag Donor
beautiful pictures there, disco
the info are very informative, as well.
those gals are sure loving life in your cab
and i could only see the positive potentials they will bring for you

have much fun my friend,
and please keep us posted.



weed fiend
Looking great man!

Thanks, Maj.. :) That's because I gots a pic of your grow in front of my girls for inspiration.:D

beautiful pictures there, disco
the info are very informative, as well.
those gals are sure loving life in your cab
and i could only see the positive potentials they will bring for you

have much fun my friend,
and please keep us posted.


Hey, red. Your operation is lovely as usual.

You bet, I'll keep the updates coming and thanks for checking things out.


weed fiend
Day 12 and all's well...

Had some unusual rust on one fan. Wasn't calcium spots, more like stripes between the veins. Should have snapped a pic, somebody might have known what it was. I always find something a bit interesting with each new grow.

Other than that, no problems. These girls are doing fine.


Here's the node spacing on the bush ~1" per


Here's the sat, as much as 3 to 4 inches per


Here's the main stalks - can't really see the bush stalk for the leaf but the bush's stems are as fat as the sat stalk.


All tied up and still growing through the roof :jump:



ICMag Donor
I just love this set up! Micro grows really bring out the MacGuyver in me... I think it comes from watching too many Hogan's Heros episodes as a kid... they were always hiding shit right under the Comandant's nose lol.

Stay Toasty DB!


weed fiend
I just love this set up! Micro grows really bring out the MacGuyver in me... I think it comes from watching too many Hogan's Heros episodes as a kid... they were always hiding shit right under the Comandant's nose lol.

Stay Toasty DB!

I think I McGrubered this one.:D It'll prolly explode at the end of the episode.

Lol, mounting this in a bunk bed and slapping it into plain view sounds like the stealth I need.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
i have a couple of heavily thai dtc99's that have been hanging out in veg...i know they are gonna stretch in flower like mad so i have been topping them over and over and tying them down lst style,i think the two will end up covering half the screen which has a dozen plants under it now....
yours looks nicely trained,good full screen...


weed fiend
i have a couple of heavily thai dtc99's that have been hanging out in veg...i know they are gonna stretch in flower like mad so i have been topping them over and over and tying them down lst style,i think the two will end up covering half the screen which has a dozen plants under it now....
yours looks nicely trained,good full screen...

This is good to know. Got some dtc99 beans meself.:D

Sounds like you're setting them up right. Milhouse also did a great job with the training.

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