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Biscuit Box


weed fiend
I went as Elvis in a white sequin jumpsuit.
My 40th was a toga theme. Got lots of kudos and hangovers. I think it was the Everclear punch.

Alright, Elvis is cool. If I ever overdid it, it was while wearing a toga. I don't know what it is about bed sheets and me drinking too much. Maybe it's because I used to be married?

damn you guys are a bunch of ole farts,,,


Yep, old and flagellant. That's us... er uh, me.:)

mmm everclear punch.....

Hello hazy. :wave: :friends:


weed fiend
Here's the new kids a week into flower. Profuse growth with 4 of 7, not so much with the other 3. But I get the impression the little ones are just behind, not runts.

They've already got little pre-nubs. I'll post the count when they turn to pre-flowers.:)

These were 4" tall the first day of flower. The tallest has already grown 8" in one week. Future grows will see no more than a week veg or they'll get scrogged.

Root growth with minimal veg is not a problem with these. I had to be real careful transplanting the cups to bottles. But I could throw these in 3 gallon pots or bigger today, w/o the delicate handling.





Stalks are robust and secondary growth is fast. I'll be able to clip some of the primary fans before they're a month from seed.


They're not underfed as they appear in the pics. But they're obviously not happy with half strength. I'll give em their first full feeding tomorrow. Thought I had quarter horses and they turned out to be Clydesdale. They're definitely thoroughbreds.

Smell is starting to develop beyond the mint stage. It's too soon to tell which direction they're headed but rotten funk is already coming through.


love machine
ICMag Donor

gotta spread the rep before giving it to disco again,

wow man, im lost for words, you got them green thumbs for sure disco,

cant wait to see whats going to happen with these little ones !!!!!



weed fiend
Hey, red. I'm real excited. Two thumbs up at this point. Was telling the breeder I'd veg these to 6" tall and flip. I'm glad he told me to reconsider but I still went overboard. One of my old poly hybrids has to veg 6 weeks. This was just over two and could flip with 7 or 10 days easy. I've never grown 12/12 from seed. But if I did, this would be a candidate.

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Giddy-up then!!..the horses are off and running:)...lol..love your analogies...i'd take those over any Shetland pony anyday:wave:
those plants look very nice Disco:tiphat:..the containers look nice and full of roots too..
As always, very nice job!!!


weed fiend
Hey BC and thanks. I think I can get them a lil' greener so I don't come up short too early. I recon the roots could use more P at this point but I'm holding off until the third week for that. I've read a few posts that mention P contributing to excess stretch. The other camp says N contributes to stretch so I figure it's a bit of both.) Anywhoos, trying less P initially may prove fruitful, misapplied or myth.


love machine
ICMag Donor
Hey, red. I'm real excited. Two thumbs up at this point. Was telling the breeder I'd veg these to 6" tall and flip. I'm glad he told me to reconsider but I still went overboard. One of my old poly hybrids has to veg 6 weeks. This was just over two and could flip with 7 or 10 days easy. I've never grown 12/12 from seed. But if I did, this would be a candidate.

hey look like if you ever get seeds from that guy again you could always run then straight 12/12 .... now that would make a very interesting show eh ?

but yeah these are like monster already, they make those cups look small, did i say cups? ha ha

cheers ,,,


weed fiend
Yeah, like a 64 oz Big Gulp.:D

If I try a 12/12 from seed, these will be on the list.

But with a small grow, training isn't usually a big problem. As long as I don't have to go through with this again, lol.



weed fiend

You can bend them here,
You can bend them there
You can bend them anywhere!

If these do like that godforsaken grow, I'll whoop up a batch of green eggs and ham and take a pic.:D


weed fiend
Whatup Chomp? Glad you're along for the look see.

Hey, Sgt. Yeah, these want the stratosphere alright. I think I'll pinch a stalk or four tonight, might send em into overdrive, lol.


Active member
looks like im just in time to pull up a seat for this run...

looking good i love the cab...


weed fiend
looks like im just in time to pull up a seat for this run...

looking good i love the cab...

Hello whodare, thatnks for the kind words. Man, I was over at your place, Guns 'n Roses Welcome To The Jungle was playing in the background! Fine work.:D

Obviously the biscut will make the buds i mean jeeeeeez.

Good stuff, still watching closley.

Namaste :joint:

Hi Arthur, thanks for checking me out. They're doing so good, I will post a few pics tonight. Thanks for stopping by.


weed fiend
Here's a few more pics, day 11 flower. These got their first bloom nutes today, 5 ml Floranova Bloom - 1 ml Floralicious Plus - 1/4 TSP Kool Bloom powder.


The fans are getting too big for the cab, had to trim the biggest ones. Doesn't really matter, they were taking a beating. As soon as the secondary fans take over, whole primaries will be culled.

Before trim, I hate cutting healthy plants.


The pre nubs aren't definitive but look like balls. Three aren't showing yet, I'm guessing they're females.


Only 6" headroom left in the cab, the next ten days will be a challenge. These have big fat hollow stalks so super cropping the tops isn't an option. Topping may be the last resort.


love machine
ICMag Donor

wow, must spread some reputation before giving it to disco again ...

they look quite bigger from the last update, but not shown yet ... mmmm

we'll all have to wait and see i guess :):)


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