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Biscuit Box


weed fiend
Struckanerve, I haven't tried combofix. Thanks for the link. With some exception, I'm usually better at avoiding malware than removing it. I'm familiar with safemode but unfortunately several attempts at fixing didn't work for me. I'm sure it's my process that failed and probably not the malwarebytes program.

I did get instructions about changing the icon name but the malware had advanced to limit user options. There's a feature in malwarebytes that allows removal of locked programs but malware appeared to advance to java, messenger, etc. I just don't understand the hierarchy? or structure of the advance, once the pc has rebooted. I'm not even sure if the disc's boot sector wasn't infected.

One of the best preventative actions I've taken is to create a limited, user account. However, this particular malware infected the limited user account.

I had CCleaner (I don't recommend this program.) Even though it creates a backup file for deleted registry items, I'd just as soon not use it. I get the feeling it eventually causes problems itself. Again, my limited understanding.

CCleaner showed C:I: (looked like drive I within drive C) Windows explorer didn't show drive I.

Thanks for the tips, I'll keep them handy should problems happen again.


love machine
ICMag Donor
Sorry for the no-pic delay. Looks like I've got a pc virus that may require reformat. :comfort:. I'd hate to send pics at this point.

What looked like high pH was an ill-adjusted meter. Twisty leaves are a thing of the past. Droop was most-likely a saturated root ball. The plant is big enough to handle all the watering now.

The battle continues.....

Too much fade at the lower levels are even and appear to be N def. Added N causes slight ram horn at the top. I'm starting to suspect Mg def as some of the fade appears splotchy. These symptoms defy typical N and or Mg def symptoms.

The good news, the plant is too big to suffer harvest-wise.

While this Kush\Diesel x Deep Chunk canopy was more even than the current scrog, it was too-busy to maximize yield.

The current scrog has room to breath.

(server pic, virus-free)


I'll get the virus fixed, even if I have to reformat the hard drive. Then we'll get to observe the current scrog already in progress.

excellent work !!!!!!

cheers, :)


weed fiend
excellent work !!!!!!

cheers, :)

Thanks red, that was some really good chit.:D I think I saw you're back in bidness? I'll have to get over there and see what's up. I'm sure it'll be some major plantage!

wow wow just wow. she is looking amazing now. happy harvest when it comes. :D


Hello, #1cb! I'll bet you've got some good things going on too! I'll be dropping by to see what's happening. :wave:

Here it is, for what it's worth....


I never expected low pH symptoms but I'll indeed have to break out the pH up with the next feed. Thanks for stopping by, everybody.


weed fiend
21 days flower

21 days flower

Recovery stage atm, still a bit of new fade here and there. The new growth is greening up so my hopes are, uh... waxing.



Last edited:


Looking good DB. Sorry to read about the malware... I hate that crap! At least you have some herbal stress reduction capacity.



weed fiend
Whatup, dddownlowww! :wave: Good to see ya, bro. I've got about 40 days to finish, can't come soon enough.

I had another virus, 4 or 5 years ago. What looked like scareware turned out to be real. A Czech-Republic hacker cookied my (encrypted) Ebay/Paypal transaction. Then the hacker cookied my e-mail addy and sent a bogus Paypal-update. I wasn't privy to protocol and fell for it.

My credit union had a $200 limit on atm withdrawals. I cursed SECU countless times but it saved me from theft. Typical banks had a $400 limit.

With my info, the hacker tried to atm $300 in eastern Europe. This flagged my bank and blocked the transaction. The bank contacted me and verified I was stateside. Then, SECU waxed the hacked account-number and issued a new one. I don't know how much I would have lost w/o the $200 limit. The hacker would have hit me every day until...

I'm sure Paypal had warnings on their web-site, warnings I failed to heed. Now Paypal e-mails URL warnings and "we don't solicit personal info" with every transaction. This started a month or so after my experience. Today, I bet peeps still get taken the way I did.:shucks:

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Sweeeet DiscoBiscuit!!! VERY nice job bro!!! Those buds look very dense and nummy:)
everytime I use nutes I need ph up...does that sound crazy??? Trainwreck is a heavy feeder though...
I am totally impressed as always with your grows:tiphat:


New member
looks soo cool with the screen design. Wish you good luck and heavy harvest! Nice smoke from TW aswell! Keep up the good work! peace!


weed fiend
Thanks BC. Wow, pH up? I don't recon you're crazy, lol. I've seen your grows.

swebigbang, thanks much, appreciate your stopping by.

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
hows things growing?? lol..
can't wait to see more pics of that awesome job you're doing Disco!!!!
take care bro!!

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Not bad DiscoBiscuit!!!:)
I'm creeping around your thread looking for cola's..lol...
how far away are you now from chopping?? those buds look nice and fat:dance013:
excellent job bro:tiphat:


weed fiend
Creep on, BC. More (micro) colas in me journal, most likely SOGs. I'm mulling Dec 1st which will be 65 days. After that, I'll start up another sog. Colas be a little bigger but probably nothing to speak of down low. Thanks for stopping by. :wave: lol