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Birth Laws


So I really think that there should be qualifications and requirements that need fulfillment in order to obtain a license to attempt procreation. Bringing in a child is a huge responsibility that many people are ill prepared for. Also, with the population rising we need to cut back on the amount of people procreating and by filtering we could better the human race by passing on "better" characteristics.

Honestly, I think its selfish to have more than 2 kids at this point in our earth's history... I think it should be against the law to have more than 2 children in America. Thoughts?


I don't understand how its fucked up milwaukee. Our earth is over populated. It is extremely selfish to procreate like we are now. Plus, and I am sure there are a few outliers, many parents probably don't give the 2 and onward children full attention which also isnt fair.

I firmly believe that is a huge reason we have such a big problem with stupidity in America - you need to teach your kid to have wonder for knowledge and to think critically when they are young. Nature is important (you do need the genetics to be smart) but nurture is equally important...ESPECIALLY in humans.

Point is we have limited resources and we can't sustain the current growth. 2 kids is more than enough...

Edit: The incentive is certainly a good idea and compromise though and would be better than nothing. Good idea.


Well-known member
It's called Eugenics.

Forced sterilization they have been doing it for years. Haven't you heard of Planed Parenthood.


Who are you to say two is enough? I don't like seeing people in the trailer park on welfare having a dozen kids that the state pays for. You could offer people $50k to take themselves out the gene pool and that would be more cost effective. I know a lot of good families with more than two kids. No to big government!


On my daily observance I see many people that could be likened to dodo birds, to think that these people are kept alive by our own governmental support systems sickens me. Now to think the dodo's are reproducing at alarming rates is even more panic inducing.

Most people I meet that have even half a brain dont usually have more than 2 children because they know they cant afford more than that. The need for large families went out with the farm. People with large families today seem to fall into 2 groups, minorities (or should I say majorities;)), and religious whackos that dont believe in birth control (just look at the Duggar family, 19 kids and counting, your people need to have your heads examined!).

I dont think a license to breed is the answer, I think the governmant needs to stop paying these morons to sit home, collect welfare, sell crack and pop out babies.


well i for one believe in mandatory sterilization for some....okay...alot. if you can't take of your offspring...don't have them. i'm just amazed at the stupidity of people just for a few second orgasm....ffs!

Owl Mirror

Active member
by filtering we could better the human race by passing on "better" characteristics

That has already been tried !



Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
I think if you sign up for welfare for any longer than a year, they should be sterilized. Welfare is there to help people out and shouldn't be used as a permanent means of living, so if you don't want to work ever, no kids for you. I don't think my hard earned wealth should support societal parasites, cause thats what they are.

As far as limiting children for contributing members of society, it would be hard to do. I wouldn't want any government fining (profiting) me for having 3 or 4 kids, then they would end up encouraging you to have children, more funding for them.

Maybe the most subtle and non-controlling way would be to teach them throughout grade school about ecological balance and the consequences of exploding population growth of a particular species.

Owl Mirror

Active member
I think if you sign up for welfare for any longer than a year, they should be sterilized. Welfare is there to help people out and shouldn't be used as a permanent means of living, so if you don't want to work ever, no kids for you. I don't think my hard earned wealth should support societal parasites, cause thats what they are.

As far as limiting children for contributing members of society, it would be hard to do. I wouldn't want any government fining (profiting) me for having 3 or 4 kids, then they would end up encouraging you to have children, more funding for them.

Maybe the most subtle and non-controlling way would be to teach them throughout grade school about ecological balance and the consequences of exploding population growth of a particular species.

Ignorance is inexcusable in this day and age !

Who is Eligible for Welfare in the United States?
If a person wants to receive welfare, he or she must apply, provide proof of financial need, and meet a full range of federal and state requirements.
Often, adults must meet certain work requirements in order to be eligible for welfare. The requirements may vary depending on the program and the state in which the individual is seeking aid. Generally, recipients are expected to seek employment and/or training. Some states provide work training and employment search programs geared specifically towards welfare recipients.

In certain circumstances, a recipient may be exempt from work requirements. For example, an individual in a single-parent household, with a child under 12 months old, may be temporarily excused from work requirements. Temporarily or permanently disabled recipients, as well as those enrolled in substance abuse programs, may be excused from work requirements as well. Additionally, individuals otherwise eligible for aid, but attending college, may be eligible for a work exemption for as long as they are attending school in a program that meets welfare requirements.

Amstel Light

yea selfish breeders! maybe they should be forced to adopt a child before creating the third ? for the most part only morons trap more flesh in this world... there are plenty of children praying for a good home but for some reason these people having children think thier gene pool needs to be propagated.....


Statistically less intelligent people reproduce more. I say two is enough because we have to draw the line...I am a libertarian but even we must concede that there must be some regulation. If people are completely opposed to limits I don't see why licensing seems so far fetched. Certain economic things are required to raise a child properly...among other things. Just because someone can reproduce doesn't mean they should!

I knew someone would alike this to Hitler...We are not arbitrarily discriminating against people just based on something with no causal relationship (race and being a lesser person/less intelligent etc). The license would be an equal opportunity as long as you fit those requirements, you could keep your genes within the pool. These requirements wouldn't be too unreasonable at all, in fact they would just be the minimum (w.e that is....) amount to comfortably raise a child.


^yes! idiocracy is a brilliant movie. Every single day I am constantly seeing that movie play itself out within our reality...rather sad really but there is comedy in the tragedy.

Amstel Light

^yes! idiocracy is a brilliant movie. Every single day I am constantly seeing that movie play itself out within our reality...rather sad really but there is comedy in the tragedy.


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