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Bipolar Disorder and Cannabis


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor

Epic post :good:

I know the blueberry is where the anti-anxiety and increased mental stability Cannabis magic is at! (mixed with the SPG of course!) Hope that is all going very well for you! ;) :joint:
It is. My cats are particularly happy, b/c I gave up the back room downstairs for all the current seed plants (about 20-25 of them, I think) under two banks of flourescents. They are in an L shape, with a nice area of open carpet next to them that is well lit, there's a big table behind that with four sections, so that cats can lay on the banks of flourescents, lay under the chairs where we've got them propped up, lay on the carpet in the square of light, or chill out in one of the sections of the under part of the table. They munch a little on the lower leaves, but we'll strip those once we put everything in flower in my master bath (yes, I gave that up, too, for breeding, seed runs, and popping new beans). Everything is green, bushy, and yummy looking, and we're very excited. We're also popped some more grape and got 3 males and 2 females so we're going to cross breed those and then hit every strain in the house with the grape males. Then we'll be able to pop the rest of the seeds we got from you, too. And those will be going on later this fall or winter. We're really excited, b/c we've got a lot to choose from and we know we will get THE anti-anxiety strain. This has been something I've been wanting to do for my friend for a while now and I had been reading about your Sweet Tooth and wanted it. I was really excited when my husband decided we needed to round out our strains with an anti-anxiety strain and we started reading and stocking up. I think this will also make a difference in my daily life and we'll be able to help others in our life who struggle with the same issues. The longer I get into this, the more I am into how the pot affects me and those that get it from us, and asking my friends and listening to their physical, mental, and emotional needs and learning what works for them and providing that for them. It's very exciting to branch out in this new direction and know that we'll be able to help people in different and better ways.

I can't thank you again enough for all your kindness. It is much obliged and when we told the story to my BFF, she was so touched by the whole project, from your breeding, professionalism, kindness and care for growers, to our efforts to provide this for her and others, to the soothing nature of having our mini-forest downstairs and how nice it is to see green and happy plants, to how happy the cats are to hang out in their personal forest, as it's obvious they feel about it.

The magic so far is that my hubby almost always has a 100% or 95%+ germination rate and it was 100% this time. Our only "problem" ever is that we usually have 90% females (hence the reason we didn't have room to have clones or small mothers of everything we experimented with last year). This time, the plants responded to his need for Grape males and gave us more males than females. I never cease to be amazed at all the objective proof that that plants, the cats, and we exist in a symbiotic environment. I have to say it's turned me into a homebody, there is peace, comfort, and joy in the happy, healthy living beings coexisting together in our home.

Thank you again!
I know the blueberry is where the anti-anxiety and increased mental stability Cannabis magic is at!

Agreed, definate thumbs up!

The SPG is another question altogether, but yes/ and no. Depends on the SPG... If one gets my flow.

Sweet tooth, holds the bounties of the slightly higher cbd, running in the oaxacas and defines them fairly well in, whats that stuff called....? Progeny...

Both blueberry and sweet tooth keep the anti anxiety state along with enough aromatics to keep all well balanced in most persons.

I prefer the more sativa blueberries in this case, once a while ago crossed with the mango haze, good experiences to be found for myself personally.

Every mind is different as is the connection to the body soul interaction.

Each plant will speak differently to this personal vibration with its own certain frequency, probably based on the crystals held therein.

Many blessings and harvests to all...


Active member
@sso, I am glad your stopped drinking a lot.

It used to be a positive for me: pot doesn't addict you harshly and overtake your life so that you die. It still doesn't change the fact alcohol is responsible for three deaths of people I cared about.


Howdy everyone! Long time, I’ve been out conducting my own research. Lots of interesting info posted since I last checked, let me read them all 

An interesting thing I’ve learned about myself. Smoking only the same strain exclusively not only has diminishing medicinal returns, the color of the effects change as well. What started as spectacular and mellow, over time can become edgy and dark. 3 seems to be the magic number for me, cerebral/up/mellow – for day, body-sedative/narcotic/ -for night, fast/racy/ceiling-less/psychedelic – to explore the edge. I seem to be able to maintain a fairly happy balance.


New member
I was very recently diagnosed as Bipolar type II. I’m a life long substance abuser and after 40+ years I've narrowed my use down to pot and liquor. Liquor just got eliminated via the diagnosis; no wonder I can’t drink like everyone else. Pot can go too, if it makes me feel better. Besides, I can still grow it and share it with others in need :comfort: Do you all have any info to share?

We'll i never been diagnosed with bipolar, but all my family says i am. I Never thought i was bipolar and i still don't, but according to my family i am -- possibly am considering my father and every member of his side of the family have some sort of mental illness wrong with them..

My Father is a schizophrenic, bipolar, borderline and long list of other shit.

The older i get (30 now) i feel like something is wrong with me, i don't want to be around people at all (i didn't use to be like this when i was a kid) when a stranger speaks to me, i get like choked up, like i'm going to say something stupid and can't get my words out. Other times i'm really happy, then at any given second if i get pissed off, i will come unglued, putting my fist trough the wall, breaking shit..

kids? nope, i can't be around kids because i can't put up with it,
Job? i can't be around people like i said, interviews i will be tongue tied, then get upset.
Girlfriend? Nope, i can't be around people, much less talk to a girl.

I Didn't use to be like this damn it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I Found the girl that i was in love with, we was 13-16 were inseparable, we was like 2 peas in a pod, but her and he family moved off. One day on facebook i decided to type in her name, and sure enough there she was.. She is smoking hot, really really hot, Her and Brittany Daniel could pass for twins!

So i messaged her, shes always been the quite/shy type and never came out and said what she wants or what she means, she expected you to read her mind.. She always hinted around. She's also a very private person.. As i was looking over her facebook page, i notice that i was the only one she has been responding when i commented on something to.. But we really haven't really talked much, just a few words here and there.

She was married and now divorced, she has 2 kids.. Yesterday i got a pvt msg from her saying "Fate happens now, you decide." and i'm like blown away and don't no what to say! Do you mean what i think you mean? or something else? I Haven't seen or talked to this girl since she moved off when i was in my teens.

But she has kids, and now this little thing i have now where i can't be around people and it fucking sucks, and sometimes i think i would be better off dead.

Sorry for rambling on


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Take a chance and see what happens man because if you don't step up to the plate you can't hit a homerun. You are definitely valuable to the world and yourself, so none of this better off dead stuff please that's just not true. Realization is important and I think you seem to have good self awareness so take it easy man and enjoy your life and make the best of it don't rush it because you are still young and you have much to learn & much more to live. If you ever need to talk to anyone feel free to contact me you are not alone here you are amongst friends even if we don't "know" you some of us do care. :canabis:


Active member
@sso, I am glad your stopped drinking a lot.

It used to be a positive for me: pot doesn't addict you harshly and overtake your life so that you die. It still doesn't change the fact alcohol is responsible for three deaths of people I cared about.

oh it was luckily only between 16 and 24 (both weekend days and occasional weekday)

never really was a problem either, probably wouldave been if i hadnt found pot and not just found alcohol more and more boring :)
but i dont know,..

might be a bit harsh, but saying alcohol was responsible is like blaming a knife (can be used for harm and for good)

it does make you stupid though in large quantities and with the stigma on marijuana, many choose alcohol to ease their day.

btw, great posts.

im afraid i cant thank anymore today :) (had one ? whats up with that? how many are per day?)


We'll i never been diagnosed with bipolar, but all my family says i am. I Never thought i was bipolar and i still don't, but according to my family i am -- possibly am considering my father and every member of his side of the family have some sort of mental illness wrong with them..

My Father is a schizophrenic, bipolar, borderline and long list of other shit.

The older i get (30 now) i feel like something is wrong with me, i don't want to be around people at all (i didn't use to be like this when i was a kid) when a stranger speaks to me, i get like choked up, like i'm going to say something stupid and can't get my words out. Other times i'm really happy, then at any given second if i get pissed off, i will come unglued, putting my fist trough the wall, breaking shit..

kids? nope, i can't be around kids because i can't put up with it,
Job? i can't be around people like i said, interviews i will be tongue tied, then get upset.
Girlfriend? Nope, i can't be around people, much less talk to a girl.

I Didn't use to be like this damn it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I Found the girl that i was in love with, we was 13-16 were inseparable, we was like 2 peas in a pod, but her and he family moved off. One day on facebook i decided to type in her name, and sure enough there she was.. She is smoking hot, really really hot, Her and Brittany Daniel could pass for twins!

So i messaged her, shes always been the quite/shy type and never came out and said what she wants or what she means, she expected you to read her mind.. She always hinted around. She's also a very private person.. As i was looking over her facebook page, i notice that i was the only one she has been responding when i commented on something to.. But we really haven't really talked much, just a few words here and there.

She was married and now divorced, she has 2 kids.. Yesterday i got a pvt msg from her saying "Fate happens now, you decide." and i'm like blown away and don't no what to say! Do you mean what i think you mean? or something else? I Haven't seen or talked to this girl since she moved off when i was in my teens.

But she has kids, and now this little thing i have now where i can't be around people and it fucking sucks, and sometimes i think i would be better off dead.

Sorry for rambling on

If she has kids fuck your ego and try to help her.
If you tend to be choleric stay out of their lifes plz.

You have a bunch of problems and no women can solve that think twice before doing something. AND QUIT SMOKIN. Cannabis will harm you you are a person out of the endangered group. Never read about schizo (yea also if your father was schizo you have hies genetics) and cannabis use? Dont do it... or be really really carefull.


Active member
If she has kids fuck your ego and try to help her.
If you tend to be choleric stay out of their lifes plz.

You have a bunch of problems and no women can solve that think twice before doing something. AND QUIT SMOKIN. Cannabis will harm you you are a person out of the endangered group. Never read about schizo (yea also if your father was schizo you have hies genetics) and cannabis use? Dont do it... or be really really carefull.

you are right and wrong.

probably would be dead if it werent for my wife.

but no, she did not fix my problems, im working on that, its just she gave me a reason to live and a reason to want to deal with my problems.

dont be with people you cant handle, but love is always worth a shot.

to kort420

heck, you might like the kids (being hers) or she enough to tolerate them for. lol.

be nice then, dont have anything nice to say, dont say shit.
if you get angry, walk away till you are calm, dont blow up in anger.

dont take your frustrations out on other people.

when you need to take a break from everything, do so.

but id make it clear to her, what she is getting into, what you are dealing with.

if she loves ya, she will help you and stick with you

and her answer sounds like that, she´s willing if you are.
but remember, you need to be willing to make a change.

and decide how much of a change you are willing to undertake or need.

and let her know that (if she loves ya, she will stick by you)


Active member
For those who are talking of losing it because of pot, yes you can.

If you quit you'll regain a normal mind that reacts to things, then you will begin psychosis.

If you don't quit, you must maintain regular use and don't go overboard. I don't care about any "links" to psychosis.

There is a reason people self-medicate, if they only had the right pot consistently and didn't turn into a super-heavy smoking machine everytime they get the chance.

I would say IN a period of psychosis, smoking is not good. That will increase mania/paranoid thoughts. When I am a little psychotic, and I smoke, I turn crazy.

I am so used to being out of whack, my mind never notices and I don't pay attention to fake symptoms like fear or anger, lack of security.

If someone is bipolar, marijuana makes them unipolar or not cycle so harshly and frequently.

Now I talked about psychosis and how when my symptoms come up, I don't care and smoke....and go on "crazy person" rants where everyone listens up and they LOVE IT. I make all sort of conclusions on things like a president making a speech. I am a good master at negotiation and can make false things true etc. Which I never mislead or want to win an argument, the argument wants to win.

Pot can turn on an inner sensor, it can get you embarrassed or not want to be around people. The inner sensor is fake, let your anxiety take you on a trip, but don't let the anxiety overtake you.

If you have an emotion of fear, you will react will anger or submission.

If you constantly have fear or apprehensive, that will do nothing.

If you submit to the fear, it will also have you.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
No that means you have feelings and are human. :tiphat:

It's the numb ones you gotta worry about with the empty blank stare.

Much love.
Hey all. I've been diagnosed and treated for Bipolar Disorder since 7th grade and wanted to share a personal perspective.

Put simply, the drugs that I was prescribed for most of my life really, truly worked for me. They are the only reason I am alive today, and most likely the reason that I am able to control my bipolar disorder today without medication(per my doctor's recommendation and supervision). I think this is important to state as I've noticed many people who think marijuana is some sort of cure-all and that the drugs that are prescribed to people by doctors are terrible and do more harm than good.

I tried marijuana for the first time this year. Interestingly my mormon friend introduced it to me(I'm an ex-mormon going on a little under a year now) and I was worried at first about how marijuana would affect me. I have a tendency to overdo things. I'm prone to addiction, though I've never tried hard drugs and don't like alcohol(probably because I'm aware of my tendencies and where they can take me and it scares me).

The past 6 months of my life have been the highest quality in terms of happiness that I have ever lived. I think it may be a combination of many things that have changed in my life, but I think marijuana has been a small component that has afforded me greater opportunities in seeking happiness while living with this disorder.

I read a few of the posts here and will read them all later tonight, but some things that I've heard I'd like to comment on.

The recommendation for indica over sativa: For about the first month or two after my first experience with marijuana I was totally into sativa's over indica. I felt more energetic, I worked out more, I was more social(though to be fair I am a very social person anyway). When I had sativa I felt like I was feeling only the positive sides of my manic depression...without the depression. I was amazed!

Over the months I have talked with my psychiatrist and therapists many times, and even asked for outside perspective from my parents and family, and we've been able to ferret out that Sativa's make me cycle much faster than I cycle without any marijuana. Indica strians tend not to do this to me, and I also tend to smoke less when I partake of Indica because it's not as mentally addicting. What I mean by that is that Indica strains seem to treat my anxiety better(which helps me manage my feeling better and evaluate my emotions more accurately) whereas Sativa strains tend to impair my judgement more. I don't think Sativa strains are "bad" for me, I just think that indica strains are better.

Once again, this is PERSONAL EXPERIENCE and I am only providing it to possibly help others try to understand what is best for them through telling people how I determined what is best for me. I'd love to answer any questions people might have about me, my disorder, or anything else I brought up here.

tl;dr - I like indica strains more as a person with bipolar disorder.