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Bio-Canna Range?


Hiya, i was wondering if anyone here is using, or has used the Bio-Canna range?

Im currently growing with

Bio-Terra Soil

Im looking for someone whose experienced with it as some have said you don't need to use the Bio-Vega feed until the last 2 weeks of Veg & then taper off in the first 3 weeks of Flowering, but others recommended me to go ahead & use the Bio-Vega as soon as i got my plant nicely rooted... i already have minor yellow spots & marks, a couple slightly burnt tips, so i don't wanna go make it worse...

Id love to hear anything about this range, even if you think its crap

ps this is my first grow, Barneys Blue Cheese, 250wHPS, 3 plants in 11ltr pots, watering every 4-7 days...(very hard to get run off in this soil!)



follow your heart
ICMag Donor
not sure what you mean by not needing it until last 2 weeks of veg? clones? or from seed?

you need to feed the plant when it says it's hungry ( light green leaf and the sorts of defs starting to show ). and yes, when you flower, you want to use veg nutes for a couple weeks as the plant still need more N for growth.. I start flores 2 weeks after flipping

as for your plant having yellow marks or the sort, not sure what it could be so I can't comment.

I like bio-canna. I like my things about them, but I will leave it to, only bottles I use are bio-canna.

Elevator Man

Active member
I've just started with the BioCanna range myself, on the two most recent plants I've flowered - currently at four and five weeks. The five-week plant has been showing signs of a Nitrogen deficency (as far as I can tell) for a week now, and it's really puzzling me, unless they really need full strength nutes all the time.

I only gave them the Bio-Rhizo for the first week, as they were in fresh BioTerra soil, and then half-strength BioVega a couple of feeds, with the intention of one solid full-strength feed at four weeks before switching to BioFlores. But at four weeks the plant was developing light-green to yellow leaves, but most worryingly, some at the tops of stems, not the bottom. I suspected light-bleaching at first, as they were quite close to the light (but not too hot), but that fades usually by moving the plant away. But the yellowing continues.

The four-week plant looks better, so this may be a plant-specific problem, and all my vegging plants look superb, and super-healthy even on half-strength, so I don't think there's a problem with the nutes at all. So I'm keeping some BioVega in the nute mix for now, just in case they run out of N just when they really need it, but I'm a little perturbed, as both grows friends have run with this range have looked superb.


Thanks for the replies guys

I gave my first Vega feed at over 4 weeks from germination & its really perked my plants up!
Before that id just used Bio-Rhizotonic & Hygrozyme, the Bio-Vega smells amazing, like a strong liquor

Gonna keep doing one feed nutes, then the next day give a splash of pure water, it just feels right :)
Some say give nutes every water but i don't wanna come into lockout problems in the future

Elevator Man

Active member
jmansweed - holy crap - that looks like a comprehensive thread! Thanks for the link - I'll have a read-through later on tonight.

I'm very confident about BioCanna, based on my vegging plants, so I can only assume I've under-cooked it a little this time on the Vega (for this particular pheno anyway) - maybe it just needs shitloads of N compared to other plants...:chin:


I used the Canna bio terra plus soil this last round, and it did pretty well, especially considering I didn't add any perlite or anything to it. Overall it worked as well as most other mediums I have used, though I can see not having to use perlite as a definite plus.


Im a little disappointed by the sales rep advising me to not use Bio-Vega until the last week of Veg, when they obviously could do with it well before that.

After the first feed of it the other day they loved it!


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
I'm very confident about BioCanna, based on my vegging plants, so I can only assume I've under-cooked it a little this time on the Vega (for this particular pheno anyway) - maybe it just needs shitloads of N compared to other plants...:chin:

Eman, sometimes I do different ratios of vega and flores in flower , as like you said they might need more N during flower then what flores provides. also if your into "organic" maybe after a while with bio-canna to start some add-ins like dried seaweed, as some have a N rating of 1, so you'll get a little more N if your using seaweed or some other products that are "organic" .. ....

Im a little disappointed by the sales rep advising me to not use Bio-Vega until the last week of Veg, when they obviously could do with it well before that.

never listen to these people, listen to the plant


The bio line is notorious for not having enough N. Not sure if they fixed this but it is a common problem.

Elevator Man

Active member
Well it's had some more N now, and I've moved two humungous plants out, which has give the rest way more light than before, so hopefully the combination of the two will restore the balance somewhat. It looks healthy enough apart from the yellowing leaves, though I'm concerned bud development may suffer from the lack of fuel. I've had Flo plants that lose shade-leaves as they flower, so it's not entirely unknown to me, but they were generally low-yielding phenos.

jmansweed - your point in your thread about resin buildup beginning later in the flower-cycle with organics seems to be bearing up, though as they're both new strains to me, I can't test that for certain yet - looks that way at the moment though.


My plants after a slow start are coming through thick & fast, they love the Bio-Vega (although i overdid it slightly)

I can't wait to start flowering & hit em with the Bio-Flores & the Bio-Boost!

I was gonna use vintage bat guano but the shop's out of it, so gonna just use the Bio-Canna range & Hygrozyme

I took this pic down...but heres the diary!