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Bill C-15 has passed in Canada. You will get 6 Months prison for one plant. ORGANIZE.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Yeah he emailed me and asked me to call him or leave my # and he would call me. I replied I would prefer to know what you do before I go so far as to call or leave my #. I told him I didn't trust Lawyers and does he want money? I did this on Fri. afternoon so he will either get ahold of me on Monday or ignore me because I asked him straight out what he wants lol peace out Headband707

Green Supreme

On the link I put up status is bout 1/3 way down the page on the right hand side. Peace GS

headband 707

Plant whisperer
If you want to stop C15 today is the day!

If you want to stop C15 today is the day!

Hey Headband707 today is the day to help stop Bill C-15

Canadian Students for Sensible Drug Policy is out in force today on Parliament Hill starting at Noon, and across Canada with events starting between 12-2pm!

Come out and show your opposition to this horrible bill! C-15 will thow you in jail for 9 months for growing a 1 marijuana plant in a home, or 18 months for making any kind of hash in a home.

Go to your Member of Parliament's office and stand with CSSDP and against C-15!

For those of you unable to attend in person, Kristen Mann of Hempology is holding a Phone JAM in solidarity with CSSDP. Call the Senate at 1-800-267-7362 and ask to speak to a Senator from your provice. Tell the Senator about why you believe C-15 and Mandatory Minimum Sentences are bad for Canadians. Keep calling and let the Senate know that Canadians are opposed to C-15 and the radical Conservative agenda.

-Jacob Hunter

WhyProhibition.ca is a project of the Beyond Prohibition Foundation:

142 - 757 W. Hastings, Suite 211
Vancouver, BC V6C 1A1
BC's senators email is : [email protected] and [email protected]

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Active member
no problem, I've been following this closely. it's the only place I could find where you can watch the senate live...the only other alternative is to watch it days after the senate meeting takes place on CPAC.

schedule for future use-http://senparlvu.parl.gc.ca


mr noodles

wtf ?????????????????

whit that i now have no doubt that the next step will be the termination of health canada program....

this is fucking crazy , we are tougher than the usa ................fuck the conservative, fuck harper


Active member
Whats so unreasonable about a Review to review how the review will be reviewed?

Lets see, how many folks we got here that can make a consumer choice that will impact Canada?

"an Era of reality" ??????

danny karey

So this is just a review? I f'n hope so, this is going so bad it's f'n scary!!!!!


mr noodles

are we living in canada or in texas ?

i am sick in my mouth...

everytime this shit is growing the worst it became

harpo is leading the pole and the liberals are dead, no wonder igniatieff suck moose balls

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Not that it would have made much difference but when I posted the link to try and stop the C15 online . After posting that to 4 bud boards only 12 ppl signed, that is sad.Were not going to get anywhere if ppl don't vote these assholes out. How can such old assholes make these decsions for us? Look at how old these ppl are!!!! WTF!!! Time to move away from Canada lol peace out headband707


Active member
I wish to caution those people who are following the proposed amendments - they are proposed amendments in the committee - they must be passed by the full Senate. That may not happen.

The important amendment this morning (from our perspective) was that the Senate Committee did the following:

b) if the subject matter of the offence is cannabis (marihuana), is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than 14 years, and to a minimum punishment of

(i) imprisonment for a term of six months if the number of plants produced is less than 201 and more than five, and the production is for the purpose of trafficking, [DELETED]

This section was removed by the Senate Committee. Sounds good, right? It is, but the below section remains:

(ii) imprisonment for a term of nine months if the number of plants produced is less than 201, the production is for the purpose of trafficking and any of the factors set out in subsection (3) apply,

[NOTE: this does NOT say "more than five and less than 201". It says "less than 201", period. If true, go to section 3, below.]

(3) The following factors must be taken into account in applying paragraphs (2)(b):

(a) the person used real property that belongs to a third party in committing the offence;

(b) the production constituted a potential security, health or safety hazard to persons under the age of 18 years who were in the location where the offence was committed or in the immediate area;

(c) the production constituted a potential public safety hazard in a residential area; or

(d) the person set or placed a trap, device or other thing that is likely to cause death or bodily harm to another person in the location where the offence was committed or in the immediate area, or permitted such a trap, device or other thing to remain or be placed in that location or area


Political Commentary: The absence of some key opponents of C-15 from the Senate Committee meeting on the amendments - namely Senators Campbell(L) and Nolin(C), suggests that a deal had already occurred well before today's committee meeting where the Committee had already determined what amendments were going to pass. Neither Senator Nolin nor Senator Campbell wanted to be seen as having anything to do with actually voting to pass C-15 in any form out of the committee, and so neither of them attended. Today's results were a foregone conclusion. The fix was already in.
The Amendments - The Process - What Remains in Bill C-15
First, the amendment has to pass the full Senate. It has not. The amendments the committee proposed in connection with eliminating the 2 for 1 sentencing credit in the last Bill it considered was not passed by the full Senate. This is far from a done deal. This amendment may not be approved by the full Senate.

The Bill is still potentially VERY significant. Please look at the "aggravating factors" and what remains.

What this means is that if you grow a single plant in rented accomodations, or even if you
grow a single plant in your own home and there are children present who are exposed to a security, health or safety hazard by reason of the grow (exposing them to a "security" hazard" is almost always certain as the presence of MJ plants exposes children to rippers) then you go to jail for nine months minimum. To be clear: in all cases the Crown must ALSO prove that the purpose of the grow was for trafficking. If they cannot prove that element, the mandatory minimum does not apply.

Result: If you own your own home and have no kids, you'll be safe from a mandatory minimum for 200 or less plants in most circumstances. But if you rent, (or even if your home is in your spouse's, sibling's, or parent's name), or if you have kids, you are still exposed.

If you
place a trap near the grow, or more importantly, bypass an electrical meter, you'll have created a pubic security hazard (in most cases) and will be exposed to nine months. Reality is, under current judicial sentencing, anyone who places a trap near a grow or bypasses electricity is going to do at least a year anyways, so this really is symbolic in those cases. Those people will do more than nine months anyways.

Which group benefitted the most from this and was instrumental in persuading the Senate to make this amendment? Small commercial growers who provide marijuana for compassion clubs. That's a very good thing - and I don't suggest it isn't.

For the largest number of people who actually use marijuana in Canada - students and young adults around Age 20 who do not own their own homes, they are still exposed to a mandatory minimum - and it's NINE months, not SIX.

Improvement? HELL Yes. Time to break out the champagne? Hell no.



Active member
If this goes through fully how much do you think a lb will cost? I think this is going to make a few people who dont actually do the work themselves rich....



Active member
If this goes through fully how much do you think a lb will cost? I think this is going to make a few people who dont actually do the work themselves rich....

If the amendment passes, I don't think it will affect price at all. That's just my opinion.