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Bill C-15 has passed in Canada. You will get 6 Months prison for one plant. ORGANIZE.

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Like I told alot of my paranoid friends, not to worry about it

The law was never going to pass, even if it did the Supreme court would have thrown it out

Politicians are all about saving face, there was no way they were going to say that they were wrong, so they look to other ways to remove mistakes....thus dismissing parliament.

But it is good news!!

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude


outside of complaining like regular canadians lets show the government we not going to take it. A series of rallies across the country should be held one after another with a season ender in OTTAWA late 2010. Lets start in vancouver where we know there is demonstration support and work our way across the country!!!!! Who's in??? and when should the Vancouver rally kick off???

Amstel Light

cuz there is going to be a crazy demand over the next few years, maybe the type of demand that would force some sort of legalization?

Prison is fucking stupid, fill them up with murderers and rapists but drug offenses are such BULLSHIT, un fucking believable how sketchy governments are.

A real step backwards for u guys, I feel for you, I hope it can get reversed soon... beware there are some here that really likes it to be illegal and prolly likes this new legislation (yea i know fucking unbelievable!)...


Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
A real step backwards for u guys, I feel for you, I hope it can get reversed soon... beware there are some here that really likes it to be illegal and prolly likes this new legislation (yea i know fucking unbelievable!)...


well not that unbelievable

illegal= more profit

Once/if it becomes illegal, how long till big tobacco starts pumpin it out? Who can compete with that..

headband 707

Plant whisperer
I too have the feeling that we had better be careful what we wish for as the Gov. is so bad no matter how you look at it. Can't see them doing right by ppl they never have before lol peace out Headband707


Active member
outside of complaining like regular canadians lets show the government we not going to take it. A series of rallies across the country should be held one after another with a season ender in OTTAWA late 2010. Lets start in vancouver where we know there is demonstration support and work our way across the country!!!!! Who's in??? and when should the Vancouver rally kick off???

Well attended rallies are good political protest tactics. They attract media and provide a platform for sending a message home to both the faithful and those who have not heard the message yet. An extremely well attended rally is a very good means of expanding the potential for increased political opposition.

But please recognize that these are the politics of protest - not the politics of persuasion. They inherently tend to preach to the converted - not those who have not yet heard the clarion call.

More importantly, they contain within them dangers that all who engage in such tactics must face up to. And to be blunt - there is not enough facing up to those shortcomings in the "marijuana movement" in Canada. It's not even close and it's a real problem.

A poorly attended rally is, in fact, a political disaster. It encourages the opponent to believe (rightly, in most cases) that there is no real broad-based concerted opposition to the subject matter of the protest. Far worse, a poorly attended rally makes the media discount the group and dismiss it out of hand - not simply for the moment but in the future, too. It becomes a case of a The Boy Who Cried Wolf. The risk is simple: it causes one's position to lose significant media credibility if the march is poorly attended. We have a pattern of coming up short in that category, time and time again.

Have you noticed how the media increasingly ignores such protests from the marijuana movement in Canada? That's because we've cried "Wolf" FAR too often. We yell, scream, announce a protest rally - and only a few dozen people show up. If it wasn't so damn discouraging, it would be pathetic.

This is the danger to protest politics. Regrettably, the "protest march card" has been played so often - and so poorly - that there is nothing to be gained by it anymore at this time. Indeed, there is far more to lose by playing it poorly.

We've simply had far too many poorly attended protests. As a consequence - the media ignores the rallies and the government is ENCOURAGED by them. Worse, those individuals who actually were motivated enough to bother to turn out have their morale crushed for their troubles. They tend not to want to bother to do it again when not enough people bother to show up. Success breeds success; but failure breeds failure.

We've had FAR too many of those in Canada over Bill C-26, C-15 and Mark Emery. The media now ignores them outright - and as well they should. Three hundred people blocking traffic might be news, but 10-12 of them on a street corner carrying a Canadian marijuana flag just isn't.

Accordingly, currently such rallies attract no media, encourage the government and discourage our own activists. That's a lose-lose-lose result, in my books.

The politics of protest require extensive ground work and a real base of committed people at an organizational level before they can be leveraged successfully. They need more ground work and personal phone calls to the group's membership. Given the very real problems we have in co-ordinating activists in this country, and the unwillingness of people to provide personal contact details to the leadership (such as it is), our protest politics have come to the point where they are hurting us more than they are helping.

I'm not saying it can't work. I'm saying that in order for it to work, it must be handled properly and with a real investment of time to develop personal relationships among the grass-roots so when the protest is called - people show up in real numbers. It's a LOT of work and a helluva commitment to do all of that so that the rallies help and do not harm. The good news is, the Internet is extremely efficient at breaking the ice to assist in co-ordinating this. But it isn't enough on its own. It REQUIRES phone calls, meetings and face-to-face contact, too in order to be successful. That's the part where we have fallen short.

I suggest more prudence and less gung-hoism with the willingness to organize a rally or "protest". There is a time for these tactics, but they require more investment in the front-end than we seem capable of mustering at this time.

The Global worldwide Marijuana rally is attended exceptionally well every year in Toronto on May 1; indeed, the largest crowds in the world for the event almost invariably are in Toronto - and not by just a little. I would suggest that the real work be done on that day - collecting names, addresses and phone numbers. And an investment of effort into following up those contacts to build a real base of committed activists be made. But the contact has to be personal. There is no substitute for personal relationships here. You can't make this work on an anonymous basis, sorry.

Put in enough effort - you can ultimately translate that effort to meaningful media coverage and expansion of the political agenda in a helpful way.

Amstel Light

well not that unbelievable

illegal= more profit

Once/if it becomes illegal, how long till big tobacco starts pumpin it out? Who can compete with that..
AHHH the big tobacco scaryness..you could compete as could anyone with any balls....do you drink budwiezer or coors everytime you drink a beer? So from this post your ok with the new laws?

Amstel Light

I guess these folks should just give up now since big beverage(coke and pepsi) Cant be competed with right?


Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
AHHH the big tobacco scaryness..you could compete as could anyone with any balls....do you drink budwiezer or coors everytime you drink a beer? So from this post your ok with the new laws?

I could care less about the laws

I follow whatever ones I want, this is one I would not fight. mainly as it really has nothing to do with me.

as far as Jones Cola and the soft drink market, or any other major player/minor player market... I think market share explains it.

If you want to try and release something on a national level, knock yourself out


New member
This all stems from profit. It is simply too much of a loss in profit to make buds legal. The Health care industry would lose billions, not to mention the profits from the jails and law enforcement. Reason does not matter, the mighty dollar still reigns supreme.


I dunno the initial losses would prolly come back 10 fold think about how much money is going around in the BM that the gov/pharm companies could be raking in if legalized.....just my 2 cents
This all stems from profit. It is simply too much of a loss in profit to make buds legal. The Health care industry would lose billions, not to mention the profits from the jails and law enforcement. Reason does not matter, the mighty dollar still reigns supreme.

You're wrongfully assuming that users of prescription drugs will automatically switch to marijuana if it becomes legal. This simply wouldn't be the case as many people still have a very negative view of the drug due to all the smear campaigns against it. I do agree, however, that the pharmaceutical companies stand to lose billions of dollars in the long wrong if it were to be legalized.

I dunno the initial losses would prolly come back 10 fold think about how much money is going around in the BM that the gov/pharm companies could be raking in if legalized.....just my 2 cents

This. Don't they estimate that the "marijuana trade" in BC alone is worth 7 billion annually?? If that is extrapolated across the entire country the government stands to make a great deal of money through taxation and/or production.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
As far as the money lol I guess you haven't read the Canadian College of Phys. and Surg. stance on Medical Marijuana .. Nothing is going to change until they do. This is why it's so hard to get help here in Canada in the first place. Atleast in the US they can go to a Dr. and show your paperwork and get help. Here even if you are catagory 1 or 2 you still can't get any Dr. to sign the papers for help. This is a broken system in everyway ,right to the core.I doubt that anyone is going to change this when we hire the DEA to come in and help us. What did ppl think was going to happen when these assholes came to town? There has been more busts here then ever before and they took out the HA which like it or not was a big part of the underground crop. The worst part is the Dr.'s attitudes whenever you bring up marijuana and I assume ppl not wanting to say anything about the fact that they smoke. peace out Headband707

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
With how hard it is to actually get a family doctor here, it's no wonder people don't want to say anything. I have not brought up anything about cannabis to my doctor, I'm pretty sure he would be dead against it. Our medical cannabis system needs to be fixed now, before it's gets even worse.

Why the hell are the DEA up here, stay in your own damn country!

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Personally I have found GP's as useless as tits on a Bull. I have never actually met a GP I thought had any brains.. I have seen so many now that I know better then to ask them for any help. Just get them to refer you to a pro as they are not pro's lol peace out Headband707
Video: Bill C-15 Senate Cttee Q&A w/ Tousaw, Lucas, Leung, Belle-Isle

Video: Bill C-15 Senate Cttee Q&A w/ Tousaw, Lucas, Leung, Belle-Isle

FYI, new videos from the Bill C-15 Senate Cttee uploaded...

Senate Committee Q&A w/ Tousaw, Lucas, Leung, Belle-Isle (7 clip playlist)


Senators put questions to:
- Kirk Tousaw, Executive Director, Beyond Prohibition Foundation
- Philippe Lucas, Founder/Executive Director, Vancouver Island Compassion Society
- Jeet-Kei Leung, Communications Coordinator, BC Compassion Club Society
- Lynne Belle-Isle, Programs Consultant, National Programs, Canadian AIDS Society



New member
Before buds were made illegal about half of the medicines made in the U.S. contained some form of this precious plant. Not everyone would switch right away. It would take time of course for the public opinion to change. From a medicinal perspective there is not an equal for pain- it is not addictive, it is not poisonous to the body, it is relaxing. In terms of pain, stress, and anxiety there are few things that are better. The problem is you cannot patent it. Anyone can grow it for themselves. Its a healthy backyard medicine cabinet. The pharmaceutical companies, and of course the cigarette and alcohol companies would lose a fortune if it becomes legal. Lets not forget the jail industry. Why else would America classify it as a dangerous drug in the same league as heroin and meth?

headband 707

Plant whisperer
I'm not 100% but I think they might have taken cannabis off the same list as Heroin so it's no long class1. If I'm not mistaken,, and rightly so.. I have notice a real difference in the American's College of Phys. stance on marijuana and the Canadian College of Phys. It's like they are two opposite views on the same plant. Who the hell is Canada listening to? peace out Headband707

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