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BigTokes ~ "How-To" Of The Bio-Buckets 101



thanks for the awesome post!! now you got my gears turning for a new build :)


Active member
what if you were to let the chlorine evaporate and then add beneficials to the rez, rather then using airborne spores?

Does anyone know a good product for this? I would imagine it would make things go a lot quicker, and get better results. Also, what lava rock is best (have to order it), and where is a good site to get lava rock, net pots, and other hydro supplies from that doesn't say something like HYDROSTORE on my credit card bill?

I was thinking of doing a bio bucket setup but just for a closet grow (36" x 29" x 90" tall), under a 600w hps, and using one 32 gallon resevoir as the buckets, fed air via a 36 watt eco 3 plus air pump, open lines (no airstones, will not clog I assume) and a 2-6 plant scrog depending on how big they get and how long I veg them. Was thinking of also buying a sub-culture product and then also using floranova bloom with it. 300gph pump with bag filter on a timer set for 15min on 30 min off to circulate and also oxygenate without raising rez temps much. I love this thread, so much good info, and im sure the quality of weed produced at least rivals traditional orgainics and probably spanks the pants off it in everyway (yield, quality, resin, smell, taste, smoothness of smoke, etc)

sorry for rambling in your thread, let me know if this post was inappropriate, i just am excited haha btw your setup is clean and genius I am in awe:joint:


New member
Wow very impressive tutorial.

In another thread and possibly you make mention of it again in this thread is that you run the system 24/7 for a week to build up the beneficial bacteria. What's the min. amount of time one can get away with this and if one skipped this part wouldn't the bacteria build up anyway while the clone grows? Perhaps the netpots/medium can be soaked manually? Just trying to squeeze out as many crops as possible and getting clones started a week or so before you harvest means you can pop them in right away and save a week.


Active member
Wow very impressive tutorial.

In another thread and possibly you make mention of it again in this thread is that you run the system 24/7 for a week to build up the beneficial bacteria. What's the min. amount of time one can get away with this and if one skipped this part wouldn't the bacteria build up anyway while the clone grows? Perhaps the netpots/medium can be soaked manually? Just trying to squeeze out as many crops as possible and getting clones started a week or so before you harvest means you can pop them in right away and save a week.

I've found that clones can go in right away while the water is "cycling". Most roots won't reach the water level for a few days while you hand water the clones.


Would somebody be so kind as to list a website where I can get the proper (and exact same as used in Big Toke's setup) lava rock. That's the only thing I am not sure about.

Thanks for your time guys. I'm back on my gradual mission to get things going, and I've decided to go with a small bio-bucket setup for my first ever attempt. (If I do)

Thanks again.


Wow, I just searched google for about an hour for red lava rock to suit this purpose with very, VERY poor results.
Anybody know where I can find this, in an appropriate size (1.5 inch or larger) and the proper - red, porous, real - lava rock?

I live in Canada.


Active member
Inspired, you can probably find it at a landscaping place. Here in the states Home Depot used to carry it in small bags in the garden section. Also, the lava rocks used for home barbeques can be smashed up and used. Rinse out the dust before using.
Hi all others that have worked with what seems to be a wonderful method that brings so much relief into the lives of those around and to ourselves.

I have read the first 35 or so pages of this thread at least twice a couple of years ago (as well as the other BigToke articles on this subject) and up to this post once. I have done many searches on ths particular question and seem unable to find the answer. So here I am to be as humble as possible and ask the others that have worked with this method...

Are the lava rocks reused after harvest or just replaced each cycle? If reused, then how are they prepared for the next cycle?

I admit I have not searched much for the answer to this question, but I will be bold and ask anyway. What is the method for filling the system? I would think it would be to fill each of the buckets, and then fill the reservoir to the right level but I might not have thought of the best way. Don;t want to burn out the pump.

Thanks in advance and I look forward to be able to add to the community.

Dr. Conjuror
I think you can re-use the lava rock, what bigtokes did to get rid of the roots is leave them out in the air for a week, then the roots just fall right off with a little help. But I do imagine the roots to be god-like so I'll probably just be replacing em.
Thanks for the input. I remember him hanging the plants above the buckets, but I did not recall him mentioning what he did to them at that point.

So he did nothing more than remove the roots or did he use the same technique as the original preparation for them (soaking them in the 5 gallon bucket, topping off with water and a cup of hydrogen peroxide overnight and then rinsing well)?


The easiest method I found to clean the lava rock was, get some more 5 gal buckets, place the lid/net pot over a empty bucket to drain for a couple of minutes. Grab the remaining main stem and yank out the center root mass and cube, you can get a lot of the root mass in the lava this way. Scarp the exterior roots off the side & bottom. Empty the lava rocks into another bucket, pick-out the obvious root peaces and repeat. Then the bucket with the used lava rocks gets a good high pressure garden hose spraying and more roots will break up to be fished out. Fill the buckets with water HO2 for 24 hrs, rinse and allow them to dry. A large tray works well.

As for filling the system. 1st I fill the rez, with all feeding valves closed. Start the pump and slowly turn a single bucket on. Hopefully the pump will prime itself. Allow the rez to refill a bit and move down the line one BB at time. Watch for pressure drops as you add more open lines. It a good time to start fine tuning flow rates and look for leak...
Yes I was not sure if I wanted to get rid of what was in the lava rocks or not, I was not sure how the colonies of the benficials grew on the lava and the root system. I was trying to figure it out from this image...



I see what you have described will provide a blank slate for the new starting point from the beginning.

I like your method of filling. It does not require any new hoses or water carrying. Great thinking.

Thanks for the quick response. I am trying to imagine any obstacles that might arise.

Did I mention how I love reading the threads made by BigToke and all the other caring people here at IC? I should have if I haven't. Short term memory is not the best at the moment. ;-)


The beneficial bacteria is difficult to see, but I think BigToke mentioned that it's the white crust that you start to see on the dry lava rocks later in the cycle. If the water has any funky smell likely you have something anaerobic growing and you need to add more oxygen.

Also, Oasis Rootcubes are much better than rockwool for BBs. I've tried both and the Oasis cubes are very easy to work/clone with and worth the extra time to source out and purchase.

I'm sure more obstacles will arise, BioBucket systems are very DIY and like snowflakes no two are alike.
I think the picture I referenced was when he did his adding the bad bacteria experiment to see if it would recover.

I am going to try to use the directions to what BigToke has spent so much time laying down here. So it will of course be Oasis or it's a no grow. ;-) I am trying to eliminate variables in the system so I can get all the wonderful help available here. Once I get it tuned in, I will then work on reinventing the wheel.

I thank you again, and hope that you and others will continue to share your experience as you have. It is after all a community thang.

Them x 2

New member
First Post On This Forum.

First Post On This Forum.

I found you guys after reading Daltron's last post before he died. I've been a member of the gardens cure for almost six years, my name there is Them. That's where I found Daltron's thread.

I have always used a self contained aero system. It works well but it is persnickety and needs to be checked at least a couple times per day. Plus I saw where Daltron once harvested five pounds from three plants. Now I don't care who you are, that's impressive!

I find the "Bio-Buckets" intriguing. The plumbing is much more involved than with my aero set up so I'll need to consider the construction and everything else involved, but I am seriously considering becoming a Bio convert. :yoinks:
Welcome ThemX2.

It seems to be a very interesting method. Be sure to read all of BigToke's signature threads on the Bio-Buckets. Some of the information is spread out among them but it is worth the effort and you should be able to learn about many things as you are.


I think I've found a website that'll sell/ship the red lava rocks (1 1/2 inch) to Canada. I placed an order and I'll see how it goes.
If anybody else is unsure about where to go, if you can't find any locally, the website's URL is www.firerocks.biz
Thanks everyone.

Them x 2

New member
Thanks Dr. Conjuror,

I appreciate the worm welcome.

In the back of my mind I had been thinking about a five gallon bucket and how to make a bubblier or something, but never thought through the flushing process etc.... I'm really glad Big Toke did all the brain work. I'm even more glad he was so willing to share the info with peasants like me.

I'll need to do a lot of study before I try this, but It's now in the front of my mind. Sooo I'll start reading and see if I can convince myself to go for it.

Thanks again.


"Be shapeless, formless, like water..."

I've been growing in Bio-Buckets for a while now. I've revamped my setup a few times, and have made a few mistakes along the way. I'm going to hang around and answer any questions I can...

I've used Rapid Rooters and plain aero clones, I've never been able to source the Oasis cubes locally. Both worked fine, as long as you keep the stem/rooter/cube just directly above the water. It's a bit more tricky to make aero clones stand, but can be achieved due to the nature of the lava rocks (I can kinda "lock" them into position, if that makes sense, using the rocks as support).

As far as adding extra beneficials, DON'T!!! The airborne beneficials are all you need, and they're FREE! :yeahthats I believe the beneficials colonize right at the water line, in the pores of the lava rocks.

To clean my rocks: I pull as much of the roots out by hand, then use a high pressure stream of water to blast off any remaining roots, using a spare (and big) netpot to hold a few of the rocks at a time. Then I dump them into a 5 gallon bucket, fill the bucket with water and a bottle of hydrogen peroxide, and let them sit for a day. One more blast with the water, and they're ready. (I go kinda overboard on this, but I'd rather know theres no bits of roots left over). I'm just anal about my medium I guess... :D

I saw somebody asking if there is a ready-made version: Nope, and to be honest, thats one of the great appeals for me, in that you can build 90% of this system with parts from Home Depot, Lowes, or just about any hardware store. The only things I needed for the room that I bought elsewhere:carbon filter, fan, lights, a pump (I bought a Dolphin external, pricey but well worth the dough, ZERO heat transfer to your nutrient solution, a friend works in the fish industry, he says he's seen the same model at a customers house in a salt-water setup thats been running for YEARS continuously with not even a hiccup. Don't cheap out on the pump, this is important!), a plastic, non-corrosive float (I found a nice one on Ebay for like 15 shipped, the only metal part is a stainless-steel cotter pin above the water line... In the video Bionik Kronik posted, they have the same float in the main or master bucket.), and a few other things I can't think of off the top of my head, a little hung-over. :abduct:

Man, thinking back, I made so many mistakes and did things that I ended up changing down the road. Hopefully, I can help some of you aspiring Bio-Bucketeers avoid the problems I had. I had another account, lost my pw and can't remember the email addy I used to sign up with it! :wallbash: I'll see if I can dig up my old threads...

I don't know how frequently BigToke posts anymore, but I know the last time I was here (under my old handle), he wasn't always around. I'll keep an eye on this thread and offer as much advice as I can. :joint:

Hope that helps! :wave: