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Big problems with bubblers – DWC, RDWC grower's opinions

Bobby Boucher

Active member
I pitch em. Only ever had one clog up when an airline got pinched for 24 hrs.. but I've dealt with tooo many failures to chalk another one up to trying to save 10 bucks.

(Day 27 gang!)



Bobby Boucher

Active member
Only thanks to pf's thread! And a certain little magical caterpillar..

If I was still dancing to the beat of my own drum, I'd be in a world of hurt.

Drop That Sound

Well-known member
I'm sure there are 100 more ways than we know to raise DO levels more effecientely, with no actual pumps..

How about using electrolysis, with a remote hho (browns gas) fuel cell, that also refines and seperates out just the oxygen molecules? Then pumps it into a venturi, on demand?
Seems like it would be absorbed back into the water quicker. Maybe the leftover pure hydrogen could be burned like LP produce c02 at the same time.. i'm not a chemist but it sounds cool ;)

Bottled oxygen (scuba/welding/medical grade) could technically be considered more dangerous than a small hydrogen cell but should work just as well? I've seen vids of guys injecting it in, straight from bottles, and those expensive breathing machines. I actually had one of those but it came out of a nasty moldy junk RV, so I didn't plug it in lol..

I guess if we unlocked some secret like how to reverse engineer a fish lung and breathe underwater just by moving an artificial muscle (or an actuator) we would be using that technology to make other new products too.


Well-known member
Ditch the stones, open lines don't clog and work just fine

8 dry oz not counting popcorn

7 dry oz not counting popcorn

Stones are a waste of money
Nanobubbles could be the answer to hydro growers prayers


I am in contact with dennis from O2grow

Smells like bullshit to me when it comes to growing. How much oxygen do you truly need in the reservoir for happy plants? The only prayer here is the one of the supplier trying to get ya to buy their expensive airstones you don't need. Keep your res temps in the green zone. Simple air stones or no airstones as welderdan runs work just fine, depending on the system you are running.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Smells like bullshit to me when it comes to growing. How much oxygen do you truly need in the reservoir for happy plants? The only prayer here is the one of the supplier trying to get ya to buy their expensive airstones you don't need. Keep your res temps in the green zone. Simple air stones or no airstones as welderdan runs work just fine, depending on the system you are running.

I gotcha, but, just because we do not have the awareness and have seen a pile or two of BS, doesn't mean this is, too.

I did a YT video search and came across a fellow grower pumping pure O2 from a cylinder. Plants look very impressive. Check it out. I posted a link in my new thread

asking about it.

Drop That Sound

Well-known member
I agree that all you need is an open line, and keep the temperatures in check... But so did the engineers that worked on motors before the turbo charger was invented. :)

Drop That Sound

Well-known member
Just wait, any day a volcano could blow and block out the sun for a few years, its simply a matter of time. The only guys with dank cannabis, and food for that matter, will be generating their own c02 and oxygen via some of the methods in these articles.

I got this feeling that all the technology the space agencies have been building, aren't designed to be used in space, but really here... like down in Antarctica or underground. I won't go into why I don't believe we've been to space, but it makes sense that the money is going toward something they know and we don't.


Chemon 91
I agree with CooterB.

Sorry PetFlora but those plants look like garbage. Bunch of f#%ked up one fingered leaves. One fingered plants are a hammer to the head that something is messed up.....badly. It looks like they tried to grow some 3-5 fingered leaves towards the bottom early on but reverted back to the one finger banger. Those plants are sick and have some serious problems going on.

Don't want to offer any advice because people who do on your thread are met with snide remarks and insults. Not because they jacked ya a bit but simply criticized your sick plants which obvious is to everybody but you.

Before you go off on how many "views" your thread has it's not as many as you think. I do visit your thread now and then just to see the disconnect between what is written and the state your plants are in.

Your thread has 35,00 views and 305 replies which are mainly you talking about what farting around you did in your grow.
35,000/305=114 views per post.

Let's look at my thread which I don't shamelessly plug 4-5 times a week like you.
14,000 views and 53 replies.
14,000/53=264 views per post.

I have more than twice the views per post you do and I don't even push my thread on people once a week.

Why don't you post pictures of your buds in the photo section in the "frostiest Buds" thread or the "free your budshots" and get some real feedback? Or just ask for some feedback in your thread on what people really think about your plants? Why don't the dank growers on this site visit your thread and talk it up? You should step back and view your thread from a third person point of view and you might find some new insight. F#!k it. Just carry on like you've been.


My favorite post from pet flora is when he asked Gypsy Nirvana if he was a mod?



Well-known member
I agree that all you need is an open line, and keep the temperatures in check... But so did the engineers that worked on motors before the turbo charger was invented. :)

You're comparing apples and bananas. Forced induction creates more power in an internal combustion engine. Water can only hold so much dissolved oxygen, so more bubbles is pointless. Plants uptake what oxygen they need, you can't force them to uptake more.

The real key here is not to keep a constant full rez with a shit load of bubbles. You let the rez level drop. The roots get exposed to actual air, and the resulting ph swing allows for uptake of a wider range of nutrients. That is the reason air stones are pointless.

Once you dial it in, you don't even need a ph meter. There is no need to over complicate this shit.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I agree with CooterB.

Sorry PetFlora but those plants look like garbage. Bunch of f#%ked up one fingered leaves. One fingered plants are a hammer to the head that something is messed up.....badly. It looks like they tried to grow some 3-5 fingered leaves towards the bottom early on but reverted back to the one finger banger. Those plants are sick and have some serious problems going on.

Don't want to offer any advice because people who do on your thread are met with snide remarks and insults. Not because they jacked ya a bit but simply criticized your sick plants which obvious is to everybody but you.

Before you go off on how many "views" your thread has it's not as many as you think. I do visit your thread now and then just to see the disconnect between what is written and the state your plants are in.

Your thread has 35,00 views and 305 replies which are mainly you talking about what farting around you did in your grow.
35,000/305=114 views per post.

Let's look at my thread which I don't shamelessly plug 4-5 times a week like you.
14,000 views and 53 replies.
14,000/53=264 views per post.

I have more than twice the views per post you do and I don't even push my thread on people once a week.

Why don't you post pictures of your buds in the photo section in the "frostiest Buds" thread or the "free your budshots" and get some real feedback? Or just ask for some feedback in your thread on what people really think about your plants? Why don't the dank growers on this site visit your thread and talk it up? You should step back and view your thread from a third person point of view and you might find some new insight. F#!k it. Just carry on like you've been.


My favorite post from pet flora is when he asked Gypsy Nirvana if he was a mod?


You mean you agree with AnusBrown?

Laughing right back at you

Your numbers ignorance, not withstanding...

Yes, I screwed up when I transferred these plants from their starter home into their grow/harvest tents, BUT, I neglected to change the light timer from ~ 12/12 back to ~ 18/6. Within 2 weeks I had pistils on tiny plants and was like WTF? As soon as I figured it out, I increased the light, but that's the equivalent of a reveg, which produces single bade leafs. You knew that, right... right... right

So tell me master grower, do single blade leafs not process chlorophyll? The only possible answer you could provide is yes, BUT, 5+ blade leafs would process more, and I would agree, but look at the abundance of single bade leafs and the huge mount of buds I have.

Friday's Update. Oh the horror

View attachment 458998 View attachment 458999 View attachment 459000


Autistic Diplomat in Training
This deserves a repeat.
Awesomely posted Medfinder, your words clearly shine the proper light on this... ongoing situation.

thank you!

Sorry PetFlora but those plants look like garbage. Bunch of f#%ked up one fingered leaves. One fingered plants are a hammer to the head that something is messed up.....badly. It looks like they tried to grow some 3-5 fingered leaves towards the bottom early on but reverted back to the one finger banger. Those plants are sick and have some serious problems going on.

Don't want to offer any advice because people who do on your thread are met with snide remarks and insults. Not because they jacked ya a bit but simply criticized your sick plants which obvious is to everybody but you.

Before you go off on how many "views" your thread has it's not as many as you think. I do visit your thread now and then just to see the disconnect between what is written and the state your plants are in.

Your thread has 35,00 views and 305 replies which are mainly you talking about what farting around you did in your grow.
35,000/305=114 views per post.

Let's look at my thread which I don't shamelessly plug 4-5 times a week like you.
14,000 views and 53 replies.
14,000/53=264 views per post.

I have more than twice the views per post you do and I don't even push my thread on people once a week.

Why don't you post pictures of your buds in the photo section in the "frostiest Buds" thread or the "free your budshots" and get some real feedback? Or just ask for some feedback in your thread on what people really think about your plants? Why don't the dank growers on this site visit your thread and talk it up? You should step back and view your thread from a third person point of view and you might find some new insight. F#!k it. Just carry on like you've been.


My favorite post from pet flora is when he asked Gypsy Nirvana if he was a mod?
