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Big Pharma set to take over medical marijuana market

Sativex is pretty easy to make, just dissolve QWISO in some glycerin and put it into a spray bottle. It's also much cheaper to make than it is to buy Sativex.

I think I will call mine Xevitas, since it was reverse-engineered anyway, lol.

You are the first one they will go after, I assume. Better get some stock, fast, before you have troubles. lol


Active member
This is where to me it seems our mistake was taking their bait way back when we accepted cannabis as a medicine to advance our cause instead of a complete legalization.

On one hand we can't be faulted since we are trying to gain ground to the ultimate goal.....the end of this corrupt prohibition!
On the other hand we allowed this to happen. It was a set-up from the beginning. Who controls the medicine? Well, Big Pharma does. In my view, we played right into their hands, and seeing this new news is probably no surprise to more folks than just myself. It is they who've kept their eye on the ball this whole time, not us. Make no mistake, if they want a piece of the pie, they will get it one way or the other.

If I'm wrong, or if I'm right, we have our ground to hold. The work of those preserving our land races and other favorite varieties needs our protection. The work of those advancing the cannabis cause is precious.

Let your love for cannabis flow friends and much peace to you all.

i feel bad for the people who thought it was a benifit to have dipenseries,you had a plant you could have grown in house and you can do your own quality control,instead they hand the reigns over to the govt expecting them to be real nice guy's in buisnuess?
my advise is stock up on genetics,because if they patent it,and it remains illeagle,not only are you going to see more people in jail,seed dispenseries will be phased out for violating copyright law and youll be smoking "monsanto maddness" pretty soon.
and the public at large will not be able to there hands on anything decent cause even if you grow your own, you have a chance of getting monsanto pollen in you grow wich im sure you wont like.
From their Website:

GW's financial adviser is NM Rothschild & Sons and the company's broker is Peel Hunt LLP

How is it that Rothschilds get behind everything in the whole world, yet some people still deny their existence?

No, they don't control the world. Go back to sleep everyone.


my advise is stock up on genetics,because if they patent it,and it remains illeagle,not only are you going to see more people in jail,seed dispenseries will be phased out for violating copyright law and youll be smoking "monsanto maddness" pretty soon

Yeah, I'm lifting my self imposed seed purchase ban, and thinking of ways to keep from having all my seeds in one basket. So much for being a reformed seed-a-holic. :D
man, y'all need to chill - even if monsanto gets patents and bullshit, there is that much canna out there they cant stop the real thing from getting out there...

Afghan Kush 4 Life!


Kiss My Ring
man, y'all need to chill - even if monsanto gets patents and bullshit, there is that much canna out there they cant stop the real thing from getting out there...

Afghan Kush 4 Life!

chillin's what gots me stoopid to begin with.

we need some action. something positive yet forceful. civil disobedience was only just an introduction to the travesty called the american judiciary; uh triad.

ime mansanto could genetically alter cannabis to provide no benefit/effect and disperse pollen over whichever continent/locale just happens to not acquiesce.


in the thick of it
I too think we could see the overall plant go to GM-garbage if we don't secure our own seed banks. not just mj, but all types of seeds. They will get control. I don't believe that this will ever be really legal. Not when they can squeeze another cent from our pockets.


Active member
the worst with copyright law is this may end up somthing like napster it can be avoided with a law saying marijuan/cannabi/sativa/indica/ruderalis/hemp is leagle for all.it doesnt have to be any clearer or to the point.


Big Pharma owns the politicians in the US. What they want they get. Just a matter of time when were told no more dispensaries or medical mj cards. We all have to buy Sativex. They will make it so Drs. can only prescribe Sativex.
sigh... :faceslap:

AND we will all go back to the black market.

GW Pharmaceuticals would have you believe that it’s a “pharmaceutical” product because according to its research that’s what patients prefer. As the GW spokesman puts it, “It’s a pharmaceutical solution, formulated with the ability to deliver a precise dose and with stringent standards of quality, safety and efficacy”.

In fact, what GW does is grow high quality cannabis under pretty much the same conditions as most illegal growers. It uses clonal propagation to ensure consistent levels of cannabinoids. Lighting and hydroponic nutrition is computer controlled with automatic ventilation. It really is no different from the most sophisticated and efficent illegal cannabis farms. It’s a recognised and proven technology now also used by Bedrocan in Holland, the Dutch government’s exclusive medicinal cannabis grower and Gropech in California. It is building a new 60,000 sq ft facility in Oakland for a crop worth $50 million per year.

Bedrocan Grow
The difference between these crops from legal and illegal growers is insignificant. It’s similar to buying your tomatoes from the supermarket or the farm shop.

GW Grow
GW takes its high quality cannabis, chops it up and soaks it in alcohol with the application of gentle heat. Then, with the addition of a little peppermint oil to mask the taste, the filtered liquid is packaged into tiny little aerosol bottles. Each spray delivers 2.7mg of THC and 2.5mg of CBD. What GW doesn’t tell you that it also contains all the other 60 cannabinoids found in the plant, each of which has its own mechanism of action and effect.

Illegal Grow
I applaud GW Pharmaceuticals for bringing the enormous benefits of cannabnoid therapy into the 21st century. It’s nothing new though. The medicinal value of the plant has been known and widely used for thousands of years. Only in the last century has it been demonised by lies and propaganda. It would be a mistake though to think that Sativex is anything different from the plant itself. It’s just been wrapped up in a marketing and physical package which has enabled stupid and cowardly politicians to accept it.

In fact, Sativex remains just as illegal in Britain as herbal cannabis. Even though it has received MHRA approval for use in the treatment of MS spasticity and may be prescribed by a doctor, it remains a schedule 1 drug under the Misuse Of Drugs Act. The Home Office has indicated that it intends to amend the law but has not yet done so. This means that any pharmacist who dispenses Sativex at present is guilty of exactly the same criminal offence as any street dealer in weed or hash.

The Home Office will, of course, turn a blind eye to this but not to medicinal herbal cannabis even though, in every sense, it is identical to Sativex (except that Sativex also contains alcohol and peppermint oil). The stark idiocy of British law is revealed.

Never before has there been a better example of the how the law is an ass and so are the spineless politicians who support it.



Overkill is under-rated.
@ lazyman: this patent leads me to believe your recipe for sativex is incorrect.
and here's the patent for those interested: http://www.patentstorm.us/patents/7344736/fulltext.html

I know it's not exactly the same, but here's what I can tell you:

CO2 oil is nice for smoking, my friend brought me some made by some dudes up north. It has a nice earthy taste. it also tested at 61% THC, compared to my QWISO's 66%. My oil is stronger.

They decarb then do a CO2 extraction, then wash it in ethanol, then filter out the waxes at the bottom. Not a big deal, or difference really. I decarb, do a denatured wash, and from then the on the steps are pretty much the same for me.

The only real difference is they are starting with CO2 extract, and I'm starting with a higher potency alcohol extract. They also claim a 9% extraction yield by weight, I tend to get 12-15% with my methods, and mine is stronger!

I think I win vs the pharma company, woot! :)
My granma told me when i was young "if you lie down with dogs you will get up with flies".That is what you American med guys did you trusted yer profiteering back stabbing government and there big company buddys and now they are going to fuck you.Take my advice stock up on good seed throw away any piece of shit permit or med cert you have and go back to being a criminal then what ever dirt weed or aerosol tinture they offer UNDERCUT THERE PRICES WITH HOMEGROWN ORGANIC SWEETNESS.


I know it's not exactly the same, but here's what I can tell you:

CO2 oil is nice for smoking, my friend brought me some made by some dudes up north. It has a nice earthy taste. it also tested at 61% THC, compared to my QWISO's 66%. My oil is stronger.

They decarb then do a CO2 extraction, then wash it in ethanol, then filter out the waxes at the bottom. Not a big deal, or difference really. I decarb, do a denatured wash, and from then the on the steps are pretty much the same for me.

The only real difference is they are starting with CO2 extract, and I'm starting with a higher potency alcohol extract. They also claim a 9% extraction yield by weight, I tend to get 12-15% with my methods, and mine is stronger!

I think I win vs the pharma company, woot! :)

Exactly, so you do know the details. I thought that was the process. That is one of the things about our gray market. We can rip off patents and since it's all undisclosed anyways, no one is the wiser. :) Do you find 'tane to be stronger than your QWISO? I ask because I had someone tell me they only use 'tane for their edibles because it's the strongest.


Overkill is under-rated.
Honetly no, I have a few buddies that make BHO, and we seem to find them comparable. None of them have had theirs lab tested, but none of them decarb or filter their "concrete" either. They also make much smaller batches, mine are usually on the order of 6 oz per batch, theirs are a few grams. I know my method is much less expensive than theirs, a gallon of frozen denatured alcohol costs $16 and will wash around a pound of prepped trim.


Overkill is under-rated.
Oh, and I do use my oils in edibles, capsules and candy making, I bought all the stuff to make tons of all of them but my guy backed out at the last second. Argh!

100mg of oil per dose seems to be a very strong dose in edible form, some friends reported that a 100mg capsule knocked them out for 12 hours. My patients with the highest tolerance take two and are VERY stoned for 5-6 hours. I prefer making capsules and lozenges in 50mg doses, easier to titrate dosing for folks with lower tolerances. Heavy heads can always take more! ;)


Active member
How can one be sure there is no ISO left in the QWISO that is eaten? Considering ISO is a poison. Is it all removed? I always used ethanol for extracts I was going to eat.


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
In cali and colorado do you guys have associations watching over your laws??? in michigan we have MACC just think we could always unify the states... maybe with the help of norml.... i think gov is building up for a final push to eliminate us. we need start the movement again before we get wiped out....


How can one be sure there is no ISO left in the QWISO that is eaten? Considering ISO is a poison. Is it all removed? I always used ethanol for extracts I was going to eat.

I use certified organic food grade 190 proof alcohol from alchemical solutions in northern CA

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