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What the f*** you mean 350$ a oz
damitrius777 said:
wow looks like your moving on up,i believe those white rocks are big chunky perlite.looks good brudda cant wait for the flower pics

your friend
hey i know you sup brotha good to see you back on the forums update coming soon
later bro.


What the f*** you mean 350$ a oz
Don Cotyle said:
Sounds like it would work! You could cool the basement with the a/c unit(the a/c thermostat would control the basement temps) pull your fresh cool air from the basement passively, no fan. Vent your warm air thru scrubber with a fan! Just make sure you'r able to vent the hot air from the a/c unit outside thru a basement window! Sounds like it would work great!!! You may also want to run your exhausted air from your grow thru a duct, thru your cool basement to drop your heat signature and vent it out right next to the a/c unit. It should help keep it a little more stealthy, any heat signature would look like it was all comeing from your a/c unit exhaust!!! Hope that makes sence to you, sometimes I babble when spitting out an idea!!!

Your room is sure filling up nicly!!!!! Don
Hey Don sup man :wave: well I had to pull the 400w mh out and go with the two t55 temps out side got up to 93 temps in my room got up to 86 –87 so tell I figer out the ac I am going with the fluorescents for a bit been looking around local stores for a good portable ac just not sure what I need I know I want one that vents out side still looking for the right one
Peace brother. :rasta:
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What the f*** you mean 350$ a oz


Well like I was telling Don I had some heat issues last few days so I switched to t55 fluorescents for a few days tell the temps out side cool down a little bit and or I get portable ac unit I am not really sure how close I can go with the two fluorescents lights at about 31/2 to 4 inches away tempts at 83.6.
The 4 AK-47 are still the fastest and got two good looking snowdog bx1 day 11 wow takes for ever lol grow baby grow ok tell later peace. :wave:
Few at day 11



What the f*** you mean 350$ a oz
day 16

day 16

Well temps out side cooled down so I was able to get the babies back under 400w mh temps in grow room 78 to 82 light out 71 humidity 29 got a 12000 btu portable ac on the way all 18 babies doing well snowdog bx1 now pulling ahead on the dog race ak-47 looking great have not decided whether to top them or not last grow was tree style and I had to tie them bitches down well at least the nirvana northernlights x bigbud ok heres a few pic ok peace.



chemdog d and sd



go on .. pull my finger
ICMag Donor
hey, ur babies look very healthy , and they are growig fast .
perfect mate :respect:



What the f*** you mean 350$ a oz
m@rg said:
hey, ur babies look very healthy , and they are growig fast .
perfect mate :respect:

Thanks M@rg thay sure are takeing off fast this time just counting the days lol
thanks for stopping buy update at 21 days veg peace brotha.
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What the f*** you mean 350$ a oz
damitrius777 said:
this is gonna be a good show,lookin good brudda.

Sup brotha babys seem to love the soil mix got to decide if i am going to try
toping this time or just tie the bitches down later.
i realy like haveing that big ass bud peace brotha.


What the f*** you mean 350$ a oz
update day 21 veg

update day 21 veg

Ok little up date and I mean that literally lol but there trying hard to get big temps have been under control 70 lights out 80 lights on got my 12000btu portable ac today so I am set for the hot weather going to hit the babies with 1 tbl per gal of foxfarm 0.01-0.3-0.7
Big bloom starting tomorrow I am thinking another week I will transplant to 3 gal buckets
Then veg tell preflower shows then in to 5 gal buckets for flower.
Ok well thanks for stopping buy my thread and peace everybody.
few pic
chemdog d bx 1 21 days veg

sour diesel ibl 21 days veg

snowdog bx1 21 days veg

chemdog d bx2 21 days veg

AK-4721 days veg

group shot 21 day veg



What the f*** you mean 350$ a oz
damitrius777 said:
looks like a small jungle in there.

Small being the key word lol i hate this part bring on the buds peace brotha

Don Cotyle

Hi MRBIg$, I was gonna suggest running lights at night when temps are cooler but I just saw where you got it covered with an a/c unit!!! Your grow is looking great! Are you useing any molassas in your water mix? I've been adding blackstrap molassas at 1 tablespoon per gallon of water, it helps feed your benificial bacteria that in turn breaks up the nutrients into smaller pieces and makes it easier for your plants to absorbe!

I've got 1 lone surviver from a 16 bean germ 100% germ rate, Burmese Dream/MOD. I had a small electrical fire and the heat and smoke killed all but one! I sexed it and I got real lucky and got a girl!!! I've been training her from the git-go...heavy pinch-twist and tieing back and down. I was gonna clone the hell out of her but I decided to just turn her into a monster!!! Here's a peek!

I didn't want to waste the light so I put some veggie plants in there, toms,peppers and eggplants...LOL

Keep on keeping on..Don!
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What the f*** you mean 350$ a oz
Sup Don sorry to here about your bad luck luckly you got fire out before it got out of controle i love mods gear hope she gives you some nice buds i gess that is all us indoor growers biggest fear is fire good luck with the girl
o and the eggplant lol.
I am curently on 18 -6 light scedule so i have to run my lights for 6 hr in the day time but i am going to flower in the night hours only and start up ac if i need to so far so good only getting up to about 84 max peace brotha


go on .. pull my finger
ICMag Donor
hey mr big, plants looks like there lovin it :yes:
how long u gonna veg ur plants for
im going for the tree stlye this run from seed,then the clones ill lst and sog em nxt run
great growing



What the f*** you mean 350$ a oz
m@rg said:
hey mr big, plants looks like there lovin it :yes:
how long u gonna veg ur plants for
im going for the tree stlye this run from seed,then the clones ill lst and sog em nxt run
great growing

Hey m@rg sup i am going to veg tell i sex them all prob about 50 days
update coming soon peace brotha.

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