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Big Brother Is Watching

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
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ICMag Donor
I agree with most of your statement, and I am not in any way trying to sound unkind. I must take issue with one point of your comment on all Americas woes being the white Christian, due to the forceful spread of our religion. That's insane. The complete message of the Christian faith is that of love. I seriously doubt you're a Christian, and therefore you may not know all it is about Christianity. Furthermore, if there is a religion that spreads its word by force, I believe you should read up on Islam. Perhaps you should review the Hitler regime and his Atheistic world view. It is not the Christian way to spread the Word by force.

See Mark 6:8-11
8These were his instructions: "Take nothing for the journey except a staff—no bread, no bag, no money in your belts. 9Wear sandals but not an extra tunic. 10Whenever you enter a house, stay there until you leave that town. 11And if any place will not welcome you or listen to you, shake the dust off your feet when you leave, as a testimony against them."

Some may claim that their obvious madness is driven by God, but those folks just are not true Christians and do not follow the teachings of Jesus Christ.
Now, back on topic, I would have to say that all of these agencies in our government are in place for some truly good reasons, but are subverted by their politrickster bosses. I can see having an ID card or a driver’s license, but I can't see having a national ID. I can see the point of a crime fighting agency that is in place to stop the import of cocaine and heroin, but I can't see one using it's mega force to bust a medical grow in a state in which it is lawful to have a medical grow.
We must have rules or we would implode. We must have leaders who actually represent the people, who are not career politricksters, who get their hands out of our wallets and their eyes and ears away from our personal space.

It is not the core morals of Christianity it there history as an organized religion, and the sense of entitlement the over all attitude of organized religion brings. It just happens Christianity was the most popular here. The logic that your god is the right one and everyone else is wrong, makes it easy for stupid humans to justifty instituting religious bullshit into government. This is also a problem of men hiding behind the religion, for protection so they can commit atrocity For instance the Inquisition, the killing of the native americans, the take over and political division of africa causing everlasting civil war in some places. The holocaust, the salem witch trials, the abortion, and gay marriage issue. the changing of the texas text books to teach creationism again. The communist which hunts. I can keep going. Christian Entitlement fucks up everything.

Just live by the Golden rule. that is the only part of the bible you need it makes it simple. Do unto others as you would have done unto you.


Hey are you calling me dumb ??!!! LOL LOL :tiphat::dance013: maybe alittle :blowbubbles:

Well yes it is for the film getting developed lol.. They also asked them to keep their EYES open LOL for potheads lol just like YOU!!!! fucking potheads lol..

Not trying to offend anybody, I guess I could of stated it another way,but wouldn't that be as smart as posting a picture on this web site with yourself in the picture?
Yeah I know I'm a pothead & proud of it!!!!!:comfort:
what I want to know is who the hell buys ferts at home depot!?! Wouldn't want to smoke his buds being fed Miracle Grow!

Why NOT, if properly flushed it's no different than 90% of the shit everyone on this site feeds their plants... Whoop eeeee!:moon:


Hash , most my friends that use weed are true Christians. As for that tracking device, I wouldn't give it back without a legal warrant. If LEO comes to my house asking to be let in or for me to give them something , that means they are asking your permission. He should have at least asked a finders fee to give it back . Maybe 100 bucks?


Active member
It would not surprise me to know that DirtySouthTo707 is the guy who was hanging out with the circle of narcs in Athens and that he left due to being known as a narc by association. If so he if one POS who jumped me from behind with 5 other guys like a bitch that he is. I got jumped b/c they were all drug addicts who wanted to stick their nose in business that didn't involve them. If DirtySouthTo707 is that person and I see him all hell will break loose. I almost pulled his eyeball from the socket last time after trying to bash his skull to get a rnc locked. Then P's drug addict friends decided to start kicking like bitches. Don't fight one on one like men do...naw b/c your leader scambell is too much of a pussy to do that and druggies want to do other people's dirty work to get some drugs. If it is P then he is one of the people who happened to get busted without anything happening to him(NARC)!!!
so if its legal for LEO to put a tracker on my car...can i put trackers on all the squad cars in my county and have them on a "radar" so to speak? they park the pig-mobiles in the street where i live....
ill drop a few hundo if i can have a pig-radar...who wouldnt...never get busted again....


Any precedent you can cite? Conservative means protecting our rights against illegal intrusion from the government. It's very liberal to grant the government this kind of authority.

As an aside, I want us to grant our govt the right to use technology in cases of true national security and buying a lot of fertilizer could be an issue. But this is a DEA agent for crying out loud, not Dept of Homeland Security.

Don't mean to get off-track, but, this post disheartens me more than the thread itself. And even then it isn't that it is a lie, in and of itself, as much as it is that there are more than a few who actually believe it!

Don't know where you're from, but for the last 40 yrs any conservative political candidates I have seen worldwide, pride themselves as being "Law and Order" candidates and that liberals are too soft on crime and criminals.


I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
whats even more fucked up is you can get on google and ordered your own gps tracker for 100 bucks.


Tropical Outcast
whats even more fucked up is you can get on google and ordered your own gps tracker for 100 bucks.

Well...so can you order a GPS blocker.

$29 shipped.


Ioni Botani

The Mafia.

The Mafia.

I hope you don't leave your cell phone turned on...talk about a perfect way to track you...

As long as that phone is turned on...your phone company knows exactly where you are.

Just saying...

Yes indeed. Even when Location is turned to "911 Only."

Come to find out...they have even used cell phones as microphones and cameras. It was cited in a case against the Mafia. Even when the phone was "turned off and the battery was dead."

Fucking Orwell. Spot on.
The phone tracking you are linking is only if the phone doesn't have GPS. If the phone has GPS, they know exactly where you are. Almost all phones have GPS on them now days.


Tropical Outcast
The phone tracking you are linking is only if the phone doesn't have GPS. If the phone has GPS, they know exactly where you are. Almost all phones have GPS on them now days.

Mine doesn't. And if it did I could disable it.

But then again I couldn't care less anyway.....
I'm not trying to be a dick. I'm just pointing out that knowing where you are isn't much of a problem for police. Sadly, until this is legal, everyone should keep the paranoia levels high. Basicly, with today's technology, if you are under investigation, you are fucked.