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Big Batch O COCO-----Analyze my plants--lots of pics


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eek, i have a feeling my crop is being limited due to light leaks and small containers.

some of my buds are foxtailing and looking kind of weird, which i attribute to light leaks.

also they seem kinda rootbound due to the smaller pots, which my roomate assured me "thats enough trust me"

fucking idiot

too late to transplant, so im gonna flush, cut, and hopefully do better next time around. other than that i realy like coco coir so far, just my plants didnt yeild as much as i wanted.

some weird rams horn effect on the second batch

but overall the nugs stilll look very high grade and the smell is ridiculous!



Active member
i really dont like the foxtailing that is going on here, how do i avoid this?!?!?!?

my last grow in hydroton, my plants grew huge round buds, now they are growing long and thin which i hate!!!


Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death !!
Yo !! I appreciate the thought ?? Its never a problem.

Many issues going on here man.

1st: The rams horn is signalling a major Nitrogen Overdose. You need to flush and run strait PH adjusted water for several days. Even up to a week.

2nd: CO2 will not help if unless every single other parameter is dialed in perfectly. Your wasting your money with CO2 right now. CO2 most likely would not increase bud size anyway. Juts speed up the growth. But on ly when there are NO ISSUES whatsoever.

3rd: I see a lot of 3 fingered fan leaves which makes me wonder if these are reveged or Flowering clones (clones taken from flowering plants) or maybe immature plants. (????)

4Th: Try running strait Lucas with no additives. I have troubleshot many grows using the formula your using for coco and when they just use the normal Lucas formula..........problems go away. Run 8/16 and that's it. All the other stuff is what people in the coco thread have added to the best formula around (basic Lucas) to FIX PROBLEMS THEY HAD due to environmental issues. Its really simple. 8 mils of Micro and 16 mills of bloom. That's it. Done. No additives. I run my mothers with coco and you do not need any additives at all or alter the Lucas formula. Coco doesn't change the characteristics of the regular Lucas formula........IMO. (It works for me just the way it is)

I don't think the pots are to small IF they weren't vegged in there for more than a couple weeks.

Depending on the week of flower your in........it may be to late to change the yield on this batch. But you definitely need to flush that Nitrogen out.

I don't see signs of light or heat burn. What size lights are ya running? (600s?)

Hope that helps !!


Active member
EEK! Thanks for blessing my thread, and thanks for catching that nitrogen overdose.

the weird thing is, on those plants showing nitrogen overdose im only watering with like 3.5ml of micro per galllon and 6ml bloom!

im highly suspecting that my plants hermied due to light leaks, i found two bright red lights from fans/dehumidifier that i covered up.

to answer your other question im running two 400s, so that means the lights arent too close? i was highly suspicious that my foxtailing was due to the lights being too close, because the middle canopy nugs are all showing nice round features.


Thought I would chime in and comment on your last post. I was running two 400's air cooled and had my plants 12-16" from the lamps. I noticed the buds in the middle of the plants were the largest and nicest, toward the top they were slightly smaller on 3 of 4 plants. Interesting, and unfortunate as the 400's don't penetrate too much. Sweet spot was ~18" perhaps. The 600's I acquired since have yielded dramatic improvements.



Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death !!
I would agree with Dryden and the 400 penatration. But I have grown some nice tight / fat nugs with 400s.

Even though your only feeding 3.5 of the micro.........the additives MAY contain some nitrogen as well. Check the labels. Plus........You can get build up and lockout over time since coco will hold nutrients as they are used and eventually become toxic. You really need to flush man. Gotta clean out the excess build up.

Have you grown that particular plant before and did you have better results or is this the first run?

Unless you actually see nanners or nuts.........I wouldn't assume ya got hermies. But I have my LEDS covered up as well. Can't be to careful huh?


Active member
so you guys are saying that my 400 is more effective after 16inches from the light?

i noticed that my plants around the fringes, that get the angled light, have nicer nugs than my plants that were directly under the 400.

should i raise em a bit on the next grow?

Ive never seen nanners? what i have looks like foxtailing, where growths form on top of the cola and stretch out, making my nugs look long and thin instead of fat and chunky.


so you guys are saying that my 400 is more effective after 16inches from the light?
No, the 400's lumens/sq. ft. will taper off at the inverse of the square of the distance from the bulb (someone correct me if I'm wrong) so the highest intensity light is right next to the bulb and it tapers off from there. Your buds will grow bigger with more lumens however if heat is an issue or if the plant is highly sensitive there may be a "diminishing returns" principle at work here. You will increase yield up to a certain distance from the light after which you will hurt your yield. I'm not saying this spot is 16" from the light, I think it will vary from bulb to bulb, environment to environment, plant to plant. All I can say is don't put it too far away or you will definitely hurt your yield.

As long as your tops aren't burning and the leaf edges aren't curling upwards (a sign of heat stress) then you're fine. Air cooled 400's can be quite close to the plants and be OK. I grew out 4 plants from seed untopped untrained so the plants weren't really suited to grow under 400's (the long main branch was much taller than side branches so the 400's were probably 8-10" from the tip of the top and more like 16-18" from the tops of the side branches.) I suspect there are other factors at play more important than light distance in your grow. Especially crucial is do not overfertilize. Too much N in flower will critically reduce yields and furthermore if you burn your plants with too much P/K it will take away even more from their potential. In my case, each successive plant that I grow and flower turns out to be healthier than the last. Each one more happy and more dark green going into flower, with no clawing leaves, explosive pistil growth in the third week, etc. etc. However I have encountered these issues before now. :)

What I'm trying to say, light distance is important but less so than proper nutrients and ph.

Cheers and GL

p.s. CalMag contains a fair bit of nitrogen, I recently adjusted my feeding regimen to taper off the micro and calmag in mid/late flower. I'm experimenting atm with feeding them a good bit of nitrogen in the first 3 or so weeks of flower, hitting em with koolbloom twice like week 2 and week 4, and really tapering off the micro and calmag (nitrogen) so as not to impede flower development. Like I said, still experimenting! Based off h3ad and rez's flower regimen.


Active member
yea h3ads was really good in veg, but i never really "upped" the dosage from veg to flower, so its weird how the grape apes all showed nitrogen def.

long story short, all the puny pathetic grape apes have been chopped, the nugs will go to making some hash. everything will be chopped soon and we are gonna clear out the flowering room to start flowering some monster mothers growing in soil. (cant keep the mothers, lease is up, dont like the genetics, might as well flower em!)

the good news is that we chopped some of our PKs and regardless of the foxtailing this shit is sparkling with crystals and super sweet smelling, i will have some pics in the next few days!!


Active member
all the hermies dried, i dont even know what to do with this crap. theres light THC crystals on some of the nugs but 70% of it is trash and smells like plant matter.

i got 37 grams of this crap off 5 hermies, jokes on me because i paid 7 per clone. that asshole grower really ripped me off because the genetics on these plants sucked balls. i only later realize that the clones i bought were taken from flowering plants, they had decent roots but i should have known!

otherwise, stay tuned for the PK chop, it should make up for the hermie mess.


yeah that garberville does get a nice coverage
curious to hear what you think of the smoke...

i wish you success on your next run


Shit does happen homie. Learn and move on. Having your owns moms and strains that are proven and dialed in by you is definitely, I have learned, the most valuable thing besides experience.


Active member
^^ worrd i wish we focused more on our mothers and clone production instead of focusing everything on our flowering room, me and my roomate really pulled a newb mistake with that one..


haha that sounds like most new growers. Everyone wants to have a badass, bud-producing flower room but then you get it filled then taken down and you're like, fuck, those seeds aren't ready or you can't get clones from who you were supposed to. Not that I've done that haha. But for real, having those clones and moms is very overlooked but soooo important to a nice flow of crops and good bud.


Active member
I have made sure to learn from my mistakes, so here are pictures showing our latest work.

Ikea portable closet that houses a 150 and covers our clone tray as well as small rooted plants.

Our second wave of veg plants, looking nice with 4-5 cola rings after their topping.


since our lease is up soon, we decided to flower our mothers, they are massive after a nice 2 month veg....however they are in soil, so thats gotta be discussed in another forum.

THe last of the COCO batch, about 10 or so strawberry coughs and PK that need about a week. So far everything that we dried is looking really good, smoked our first joint today and it was POTENT>>>>>it is super glue sticky, i had to use the grinder for the first time in months because it was so sticky. the foxtails when dried up are actually very frosty and make perfect bong bowls!!!

ill have some dried pics up soon, they are still in curing.


Active member
Oh yea and i HIGHLY recomend RAPID ROOTERS, seriously, im a straight newb at cloning and i had a pretty high success rate with roots in 10 days. they are all popping huge roots!!!

Soaked them in a superthrive or light nute solution, with clonex rooting gel, in rapid rooters sprayed daily under a humidity dome, BIG ROOTS. that one veg plant in the ikea closet is only 3 weeks from cutting.. its already huge.


Active member
some cured pics, you can see the glasshouse frost on these babies. the nugs are a little airy, however this stuff has super bag appeal. the fluffyness makes 8ths look like quarters, and every single person who has smoked this has gotten stoned out of their minds. many many repeat customers so far, mostly due to the super glue stickyness when breaking it down! IMO the pics dont do justice, it looks like some scraggly crap but its probably some of the best shit ive smoked in a long time (since my last harvest hehe). The foxtails, which i bitched and moaned about for so long, actually make excellent bong snaps!



Nice looking buds there. Looks just like my Blue Mystic from my first grow. Nice a frosty, fluffy, and everyone loved it. Smoked great. Good job on the clones/moms closet. Will be invaluable to your op.


Active member
next batch already been flowering for a week now, getting reaaaal big, growing in Soil not coco this time.


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