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Big Ballin's Grindhouse Hybrids Projects...One at a time starting with Prophet!!

big ballin 88

Biology over Chemistry

Such a sexy girl....I'm glad i have a clone of her. While the other one is slow as death and super sativa. Couldnt get any pics because the lights went out.

big ballin 88

Biology over Chemistry
Post them here, no homo but i miss you bro.

I need to update, my girl is getting real sexy and plumping up quickly. My other Ultr Sonja isnt looking to hott right now. Probably due to supercropping.

big ballin 88

Biology over Chemistry
Starting to get close to the chop on this gal.. She is soo sexy, not to mention extra dense. She seems like she'll be real winner. I'm glad i have a clone of her to use as a mother

She has nice resin on her and extends far down the leaf. Looking at her through a loupe real shows her strong suit.

big ballin 88

Biology over Chemistry
I decided this morning to chop the top on the the Ultra Sonja indica girl. I'm running low on bud so she'll be dry by the time i run out. Even though this chop is early, this will also allow me to find out when her best finishing time is for future references. Theres still pretty much a whole plant left.

First impression upon cutting is this nug is dense! Finally i got my girls density to where i want it and it shows within her. She wont be a huge yielder per say but thats due to a super short veg time. Next time around she will defiently put out.

I think i finally got this micro thing down and its just a matter of picking plants and letting them fully finish since i chop early a lot of the time because of crappy planning.

The smell is amazing and reminds me of lemonade with a fruity pebble sort of smell to it. Kinda hard to pinpoint. It also has those hints of bubblegum, but is way more on the fruity side.

NOTE: I had pix but due to problems with personal security i will have to take them down for now.

big ballin 88

Biology over Chemistry
Hey LB, not just lemonade but a real unique fruity lemonade like cherry or strawberry. More on the cherry side. Its very unique in the sense i've never had a plant with that smell. It also has the bubblegum smell but the first thing that hits is the cherry-lemoness. My clone of her is doing iffy after a mistake on my part on watering with an old batch of molasses water. Hopefully i can reveg her. I WILL NOT LOSE HER!!

Security problem is all but a past now, and its all about being smart. i've upgraded my operation for a perpetual setup just need to get my mothers down and i'm set. Figured i do some breeding while i'm at it and spread the love...

big ballin 88

Biology over Chemistry
Prophet F2's are up and running. Got 2 that have been up for a couple days now. It looks like maybe another 5. Some of the seeds i made were kinda premature from being plucked so early due to mold. However, i still have atleast 4 viable seeds, hoping on 7...

I'm back to horizontal, under a 250w HPS...All these plants were hit with the male pollen from the Prophet....I have enough pollen to backcross to the Prophet papa...

Ancient Affy

ELE- Smells like chem/petrol funk

Trainwreck x Afghan- Lemon/citrus fuel

big ballin 88

Biology over Chemistry
Bobby- Thanks for popping in!! After seeing your results, I hopped on the Grindhouse bandwagon instantly. Its crazy to think that was a year ago...Time flies when your growing buds

gumball- I'm glad to see your still round here. Thanks for kicking it!!

Some shots with the MH in...Hoping that prophet pollen adds a nice stench of kush/hashy to some of these plants..

big ballin 88

Biology over Chemistry
Well here's some progress on the breeding. I have two last Prophet F2's. One of them I had thought was male from the get go. It had looked just like its father, thick stems, super stinky and crazy vigor. Turns out she was a male and is a super sexy one at that.

The Two Prophets

The new laboratory with the Prophet on front

big ballin 88

Biology over Chemistry
Well I have a Prophet male also. Thinking about making F2s and a BX. It just sucks considering how small the plant is gonna yield, but it will be worth it in the end. Some kushy smells going on in there.

big ballin 88

Biology over Chemistry
Project is running well...Have 2 females, one super frosty and leaning towards the bubba with small nugs but crazy resin. Shes putting it on early and quick, just like the weight. She's holding the only link i still have to a pure Prophet bloodline, holding seeds from the Prophet father of the previous generation.

big ballin 88

Biology over Chemistry
Just some random pcs of a Prophet lady. She is unlike any other one I've had smell wise. She smells kinda rank, reminding me of gym socks lol. Real thick and strong with resin.


big ballin 88

Biology over Chemistry
Well decided to take my first Prophet F2 down today since she was about 50% amber looked at 200x. She is dense and hopefully i can reveg this one. I left the bottom half to ripen up.



bigb88,,She Looks well Pukka(ripe),them leaves are well frosty.
best of luck on the reveg.