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Biden will never legalize it


Well-known member
When does he replace the constitution with the bible? He believes in the separation of church and state.

By common law are you talking about federal law?

States rights are part of a constitutional republic. Centralised power is bad.

Paul believes the drug war is unconstitutional and abhorrent. Libertarians believe the government has no right to police what you do with your own body.

Ron Paul has said the church should provide for those who have no health care, for example.

He may not believe the federal govt has a right to police your body but he sure has no problem if individual states want to police your body.

White Beard

Active member
That, exactly: he doesn’t want the federal government involved, but your state can tar and feather, if they want, ‘cause “states’ rights!”

And decentralized power is one thing: 50 individual satrapies doing whatever they like is not a nation, it’s *at best* a confederacy - and we’ve already BEEN down that road. Twice.


Active member
Ron Paul has said the church should provide for those who have no health care, for example.

He may not believe the federal govt has a right to police your body but he sure has no problem if individual states want to police your body.

Yes he said charity like the church. If you let the state provide healthcare you get lower quality services at a higher price (to the taxpayer in this instance). The free market gives you the best quality at the lowest price. Thats all voluntary. Ron Paul is a christian libertarian. He respects the separation of church and state.

States rights is why you have legal marijuana. Its schedule 1 just like heroin on the federal level. I dont see why its a bad idea.

He doesnt want the government to police your body, even if its the state. He just believes in solving such problems through the state. If a state wont legalise marijuana for instance you can just move.


Active member
That, exactly: he doesn’t want the federal government involved, but your state can tar and feather, if they want, ‘cause “states’ rights!”

And decentralized power is one thing: 50 individual satrapies doing whatever they like is not a nation, it’s *at best* a confederacy - and we’ve already BEEN down that road. Twice.

Its a constitutional republic and the founders designed it as such.

Even if every city was its own state it would be better than being subject to a centralised power.

The way you say it seems like you think it would be pandemonium. I don't know why.

What exactly do you think would happen if the federal government and all its alphabet agencies disappeared?

I know the illegal wars and covert actions would end. Or do you think individual states would carry on messing with the middle east etc?

Like Texas bombing Libya? Or do you think the states would go to war with each other?

Whats your take?


Well-known member
Oklahoma gave life sentences in prison for hashish. Texas was trying to give a 19yr old life for weed brownies.

All good tho. States rights.

White Beard

Active member
“States’ Rights” is bullshit...and by that I don’t mean the 10th amendment is bullshit, although I could make a case....

Decentralization fantasists don’t actually know much about how such a fractured “nation” works, it seems to me. Worth remembering that the articles of confederation were insufficient to make a nation, they were replaced for cause. The 10th was a sop to the Slaver states, essentially guaranteeing that they could run their own house, and it went south rapidly (pun not intended) pretty quickly...and the primary reason was because each state thought of itself as a State...and only barely connected to the other states.

Effectively, anyone who advocates for “states’ rights’ is what they themselves might call a “statist”, and in the buildup to secession, the Slaver states didn’t give a rat’s ass about the “state rights” of *other* states: they DEMANDED that Free states (so-called) enforce Slaver laws rather than their own when slavers came calling with their slaves in tow, they had no problem at all with refusing to play nice with other states while insisting they - and their ‘property’ - were ‘protected’ by Slaver law under all circumstances. They also wielded ‘the Slave power’ (a term of art at the time, to identify the overweighting of Slaver states by reckoning slaves as 3/5ths of a person for purposes of representation) - and they wielded like a club.

Might be okay if these “sovereign” states recognized the NINTH amendment as well, but no: the 9th is barely even waved at in passing. The unenumerated rights asserted in the 9th are considered to simply not exist, anymore...we have a big mess of draconian and punitive laws on the state level because The State has decided in each case that individuals have no rights but what The State chooses to recognize.

There is only ONE way to effect change in *all* the states, and that is to act on the federal level. People don’t seem to like the federal level anymore, which is self-destructive, as the federal level represents the only real protection the citizens have again PRIVATE predation...and that ‘protection has been aggressively dismantled by ONE party, who successfully blames these actions on the *other* party.

If it sounds like a stupid situation, well, it is....


Active member
But the feds are unhinged. Its like 21 trillion debt, swaths of illegal wars, the CIA etc executing coups over foreign governments, funding terrorists in Syria.

Surely this is not preferable?

Plus the feds are immovable on drug policy. There would be no legal cannabis in the USA without states rights.


Active member
Blah, blah, blah, blah. When large private or corporate investors come to Biden's party and demand that marijuana be legalized because they have found ways to make a mint off of it, he will do their bidding. That's the way politics has always worked. Parties don't matter, state's rights, federal rights etc., all of that other bullshit doesn't mater.
It's ALL about the dough! The one's with the largest amount of dough make policy and laws. The entities with the largest amount of dough have the biggest voice and the largest influence because they tell politicians what they want and expect the politians to go out and get it for them. Politicians are paid employees of special interests and that's it. That's who funds their and their party's campaigns and that's who sets them up with cushy jobs after they leave politics. All this other talk about state's rights, federal rights etc. are just distractions politics use to take your eye off the ball. It's always has been and always will be about the money. Keep your eye on the ball. Money talks and shit walks. Period.


Active member
Blah, blah, blah, blah. When large private or corporate investors come to Biden's party and demand that marijuana be legalized because they have found ways to make a mint off of it, he will do their bidding. That's the way politics has always worked. Parties don't matter, state's rights, federal rights etc., all of that other bullshit doesn't mater.
It's ALL about the dough! The one's with the largest amount of dough make policy and laws. The entities with the largest amount of dough have the biggest voice and the largest influence because they tell politicians what they want and expect the politians to go out and get it for them. Politicians are paid employees of special interests and that's it. That's who funds their and their party's campaigns and that's who sets them up with cushy jobs after they leave politics. All this other talk about state's rights, federal rights etc. are just distractions politics use to take your eye off the ball. It's always has been and always will be about the money. Keep your eye on the ball. Money talks and shit walks. Period.

Well the only way to stop money from trying to buy government influence is to shrink the size of government and severely limit its power. If you cannot lobby the government to legislate on behalf of your special interests then you have a free market. Government interference fucks everything up.


Active member
Huh. Biden has come out again against legalizing marijuana this week. Creepy Uncle Joe said Saturday that more study is needed to determine whether marijuana is "a gateway drug." This makes him the only one of the leading Democratic presidential primary candidates to oppose legalization on the federal level. And he is still the front runner on the Democratic side.


Active member
Meanwhile the federal House Judiciary Committee has passed the MORE Act this week which would legalize marijuana at the federal level. Which is the reason that Biden reiterated in Las Vegas about his position being against legalization.

The main elements in the Marijuana Opportunity, Reinvestment and Expungement Act, or MORE Act are (if they pass he House and Senate as they are now):

  • Decriminalizes cannabis at the federal level by removing it from the Controlled Substances Act.
  • Requires federal courts to expunge prior convictions for cannabis offenses, or at least allows prior offenders to request expungement or a review of their case.
  • Establishes a 5% federal tax on cannabis and cannabis products that'd be used to create an Opportunity Trust Fund. This Fund would assist individuals disproportionately impacted by the War on Drugs, provide loans to small businesses in the pot industry, and help those adversely impacted by the War on Drugs minimize barriers to marijuana licensing and employment.
In its present state, the MORE Act is unlikely to pass a Senate vote, or even pass their committee and be put to a vote. So this is pretty much dead. The 5% Federal excise tax on Cannabis is the biggest issue against it passing now.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Joe is not gonna be the nominee. If the dems keep at the impeachment and other crap they will insure a easy victory for Trump.

Michelle Obama could be the nominee. Her husband said he would not run for the presidency a couple years prior to running. She would get all the black vote and a good chunk of the dems. Woman and not white is good juju these days. Kamala comes off like a insincere slime. She put pot users in prison not so long ago. She smoked pot so a hypocrite. Not enough to be female and mixed race for her.

Mayor Pete will not get black vote, gay dislike? Of course. Bernie might make it. He seems crazy but not a space case. His ideas are shit but he knows what city he is in. Warren is a insincere nut but has her crappy brain in enough control to seem capable of ruining the US.

Joe could use some thc imo. It seems to help the elderly mind keep sharp. What I read anyways. He is too much of space case to get enough votes. No charisma unlike Trump. At times he seems to have dementia. He was always a space cadet though if you look back at older video, just a bit more these days.


I have a feeling that as soon as the next Democrat is elected, the cries for impeachment will begin

Raise the anti and reap the rewards


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I would vote for Unknown Hinson if he ran. Michelle is all I see having any chance. She was a empty vessel but lots liked her. 'Eat broccoli instead of fried chicken and Sprite!' What a mind.

Bring on Biden though. Goof is good for a laugh at least. Warren is so annoying.


Well-known member
I'm not paying 5 % tax for their fucking mistakes or to loan anyone money to start selling mj wtf? instead why not take money from law enforcement? The money they issue to eradicate mj could be used lol nevermind who gives a crap this won't pass

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