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Biden Victory Thread!!

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Trumpkin known as "Dances With Karen's"



A whole lot of people who thought they were part of the con now discovering that they were the marks. Which is exactly how a con works. It's what I've been saying for the last 4 years.

The guy stoked division and fear for 4 years and its obvious culmination was obvious. Luckily, Trump himself signed an executive order that anyone caught vandalizing fed property would be a 10 year minimum. Oh the irony of all the people who didn't want monuments to racist traitors torn down only to spend the next decade behind bars for desecrating the nation's capitol.

Law and order .....right?

... and the fact that they don’t/didn’t wear masks,
because they’re selfish.

and they foolishly shared their seditious conspiracy...


makes it so much easier for the feds to do their job.

hooray for the scales of justice,
and karma.


Active member
Trump went out to the podium, told them "we are gonna march" to the capitol together. Ducked out, directed them to the building and then watched the fuckin coup attempt from a makeshift green room.

Trump has torn down all boarders that suggest* he's a traitor and removed all doubt. These terrorists are planning on coming back on the 19th. Impeach and remove Trump, arrest him for sedition, inciting violence and riots and terrorism and put the national guard guns drawn on the steps.

In basic terms, treat Trump terrorists like innocent black protestors. Once they break the line, open fire. This is not some Target storefront in Portland. This is not a reaction to extrajudicial killings. This is a planned-in-the-open domestic terrorist attack on our national capitol on the day congress met to certify the States' decisions.

Biden should cancel his big inauguration and have a private televised ceremony in the rose garden that Melania destroyed. Just like the failed confederacy, were going to be dealing with these idiots for years to come. It's gonna get worse before it gets better.

This coward isnt attending the inauguration because he's trying to skip town to prevent being punished for his actions.
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Well-known member
there should be a national and federal investigation into ALL law enforcement departments in the US to uncover ties to white nationalist and fascist groups, purge them, and then defund the fuck out of them.


That's not a serious crime. Most likely only probation.

there were 3 charges i believe,
and more than likely will be more...

that article screenshot only lists 1,

but he’s definitely being charged with mail theft
which is a felony
and something else i can’t remember

White Beard

Active member
Looks like Trump Knew their plans in advance.
Looks like you can’t stop making things up

The next two weeks are going to be awesome!
Endless nitrous!!! I can hardly wait to see what flights of fancy you come up with!

Oh really? What is going to happen?
He’ll make up something else!

What were they gonna use those zip ties on?. Most would think they were gonna take hostages.
That WAS the plan, Hammer - that’s what the gallows they erected was for: to ‘try’ and execute prominent Dems.


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
there should be a national and federal investigation into ALL law enforcement departments in the US to uncover ties to white nationalist and fascist groups, purge them, and then defund the fuck out of them.

I disagree. We already have bottom of the barrel cops. What's going to happen when they have to hire cops at minimum wage because they can't afford to pay decently.

I say give them more money but less social responsibilities.

Cops should only be called to deal with violent criminals. And 20% of their week should be devoted to training. Whether it be unarmed combat, takedown maneuvers, or de-escalation techniques.

Non violent criminals shouldn't get the cops called. It should be an auxiliary type officer and social workers trained in psychology. Domestic violence calls should be handled by an officer and a person trained in domestic situations.

The cops are called upon to do way too much as it is. We need to limit the scope of what they do so they can excel at we need them to accel at - extreme violence when no other options work.


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
We knew this was gonna happen. The blame rest solely at Trumps feet.
No it does not.

There's Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, Ron Johnson, Marsha Blackburn, Matt Gaetz, etc., need to be expelled from congress and never allowed to hold public office again for their part in this fucking farce.

Every single person who echoed and thought they could opt into the energy of the President's lies to gain them power within that base need to be tar, feathered, and run out of town on a rail.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
there should be a national and federal investigation into ALL law enforcement departments in the US to uncover ties to white nationalist and fascist groups, purge them, and then defund the fuck out of them.

Starting to sound like me. What happens when they find that they are all funded and supported by the relictual Hillary Clinton State Department?
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