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Biden: No Guns for Weed Smokers


Well-known member
I tell myself don't get involved in political stuff. I just wanted to see what people had to say about no guns if you get medical marijuana. Then it digresses into GOP and America bashing. Then I get involved.

I like other countries in general. I love to see the people posting weed pics and information from all around the world. I used to send clones out worldwide to people in other countries. I was happy to have made friends. Dozens and dozens of people. Many of those same people hate me now over politics. When one side went to far calling people nazis, white supremacists and deplorable it made it impossible to coexist in harmony. Add in the fact that one side is totally hypocritical and pretends their hypocrisy doesn't exist makes it more frustrating. That side controls 99% of the media too. The situation is totally surreal. Sad surrealism sucks.

Back to the grow threads where I still have some friends around. Some of them new from other countries too.


moose eater

Well-known member
There are two main groups here the growers and the NARCs trying to bust them. Any grower who does not know this is going to get burned. But don't believe me your buddies can't be NARCs because you know them. Until you realize that NARCs use grower's accounts and names they busted to bust more growers.
And pray tell, who are these nefarious narcs? You seem to know a lot about them, even down to how many sub-sets of members there are here.

So please, do tell us. We want to be safe, ya' know. Who are these narcs? Point them out.

By the way, I'm sure it occurred to you that there's a LOT of USA folks here who live in legal states, right??

How exactly does that fit with your allegations and narrative of the place being loaded with 2 groups; narcs and (not sure who, as you really didn't mention the specifics once you were finished libeling persons you don't know).

Your demeanor here is as bad as a few others who took -years- to earn such notoriety. In short, your immaturity holds no positive value. Your stats are not new to anyone from the US I know who posts regularly here, and your generally insulting nature makes you .. a less than desirable member here.. or, in plain old English, an asshole.

I'll leave you an 'out'. Your 'assertiveness' (that borders on rude when it's not, and way past rude when it is), is reminiscent of those I knew in the Yukon Territory who were Quebecoi in the mid-1970s. It wasn't that they were rude pricks like some folks are. They were very nice people. Their use of English was as a second language, and so the syntax or emphases were sometimes skewed. In those circles, it was easy to sometimes hear things said that were not meant as they sounded.

But in your case, you're using written language, so while there's some plausibility in that explanation, it is less so than with spoken words from a second language.

So for now, despite cutting you a 1/4-inch or so of slack in this issue of your rudeness and accusatory tenor, I'll instead reserve my conclusion from earliier. You're a paranoid, delusional, rude, asshole.

And no, you aren't invited to my birthday party.
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moose eater

Well-known member
I got called a narc multiple times over by that person.

I don't take it lightly.

Narcs are tortured and killed by some, with evidence or without in many cases.

I don't take it lightly.
I just perceive it as another delusional pinhead making a bad name for cannabis, by furthering the erroneous conclusion that cannabis causes mental illness. Some of these folks were problematic before they ever got high, imo.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I tried to write it up to youthful dipshit syndrome. Dude is almost sixty.

I pointed out that the system implemented to reduce harm by legalizing hard drugs would be further effective if it sourced cocaine through licit means, guaranteeing purity and cutting out cartel importation and profit.

That sent the guy into a huge rant about how I wanted drugs illegal and didn't want addicts to be safer. No basis in reality.

Just like I was misunderstood then, I find myself misunderstood in this thread... No huge surprise.

I think we ought to have guns regardless of cannabis use.

And for further reference, I don't swing on Biden's balls but I think Trump's getting cut off could be making America great again.


Active member
How can u make a impaired decision off of .03 thc 😆,maybe Biden thinks the high will b such a low u will shoot the first thing u ACTUALLY c😂


Active member
A year of probation for two roaches in an ashtray? In high school? Parked at a sonic drive in? Yeah I was really going down a dark road wasnt I :rolleyes:
The point being you knew you were breaking the law and you were careless, why would you leave roaches in your ashtray? That implies your were driving high. What exactly keyed the police in on you? Did your car reek of pot?


Active member
Poor Americans you have the most people in jail in the world and it's a joke until it's you eh. KARMA in action bitches You got to love it!
Well oddly most of the people in jail are Black. They commit 70% of all violent crime in the US. Another big segment of our jail population are illegal immigrants.


Active member
so tell me there, bright boy...how do you "avoid" an arrest unless you never have any in possession? it's not hard to get busted for weed here. you DO kinda have to work at it in Virginia since they legalized. i've seen 3 people in FYI for weed over there, all three had way too many plants going. sounds like you and your nephew got a lot in common... like, a lack of brain cells working with each other, lol...:pointlaug
So they were knowingly breaking the law, got busted for it and this is someone else's fault? I agree the nephew never was very smart but it seems like the not so smart are the ones getting in trouble. As for avoiding arrest just make an effort at not being a standout stoner. Being fugged up in public is a no no.


Active member
I tell myself don't get involved in political stuff. I just wanted to see what people had to say about no guns if you get medical marijuana. Then it digresses into GOP and America bashing. Then I get involved.

I like other countries in general. I love to see the people posting weed pics and information from all around the world. I used to send clones out worldwide to people in other countries. I was happy to have made friends. Dozens and dozens of people. Many of those same people hate me now over politics. When one side went to far calling people nazis, white supremacists and deplorable it made it impossible to coexist in harmony. Add in the fact that one side is totally hypocritical and pretends their hypocrisy doesn't exist makes it more frustrating. That side controls 99% of the media too. The situation is totally surreal. Sad surrealism sucks.

Back to the grow threads where I still have some friends around. Some of them new from other countries too.

A lot of people from the UK and Canada seem to think they are somehow superior. They do not to see what Trudeau makes them look like, or that backstabbing Johnson.


Well-known member
The point being you knew you were breaking the law and you were careless, why would you leave roaches in your ashtray? That implies your were driving high. What exactly keyed the police in on you? Did your car reek of pot?
Breaking the law with roaches. What keyed the cops in on me. My god man did they just thaw you out? The attraction was from two friends of mine getting in a brawl and that resulted in 3 cars getting searched. So to answer your question yeah. I was carelessly minding my own business. And your damn right i drove around with a cool buzz. Zero accidents. I was good at it then and Im great at it now. I'll teach a class on it at the annex when its legalized


Active member
So they were knowingly breaking the law, got busted for it and this is someone else's fault? I agree the nephew never was very smart but it seems like the not so smart are the ones getting in trouble. As for avoiding arrest just make an effort at not being a standout stoner. Being fugged up in public is a no no.