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BICYCLING ACROSS THE US - Which States to Avoid?


Active member
going cross country from mass to cali the only problems were in co going to mass. they were definately looking for smugglers. well fuck them i had 1/4 p and 1000 seeds, i also had several ballasts and a few hoods packaged they searched alot and i talked to the young cop playing nice guy. we talked alot about my cars engine and modifications. they found nothing and the cop told me he was gonna make similar modifications on his ride. i drove 250 more mile then checked in got drunk ,retrieved some weed and got blazed for a few dayz. going the other way you dont have any problems. i sent packages from the e to w for ten years without a problem LOL


Vladimir Demikhov Fanboy
Def. don't travel thru Hawaii or Alaska.


Ha! I've ridden most of the states (including those two) and I have to say, the only states I would stay out of would be Kentucky and Tennessee. Then again I'd stay out of them even if I wasn't on a bicycle.

If you're vaguely suicidal though I'll invite you to some winter riding in the Yukon. I did get a free jersey out of my letter explaining that a moose attacked my old one while it was on the line though.


Active member
raise hell on the trip out here. make sure they remember you . consider makup and pink hair. something that will make them remember you. then when you return with my radio flyer load you wont be hassled. dont think this is the first time this process has been used tried and true. have you considered donkeys for the return trip? i am still looking for a nun that needs a ride back and forth to TJ too


Active member
only had a problem once on the southern route. my 69 stang overheated. cop said do you have any drugs . i said hell no asshole this is a 69 stang boss 302 rep, if i ha d any it would of already been buried out there int he desert. skip too about 15 cops digging in the dirt. pricesless


New member
the southern states can get quite hot and muggy besides the bs pot laws. sometimes its tough to ride to the store in a car down here.
supermanlives please stop spamming this thread...I am trying to get a legit discussion on this and you're posting about transporting weed in a wagon cross country.

I will NOT be transporting weed across the country, thus I will have to be purchasing it at various times on my trip, I will respond to the other posters when I get back from seeing Fast5 :joint:


Active member
and FWIW i dont think you got what it takes to go crosscountry. be sure to document it as much as you can without faking it


Active member
after 1500 miles tops tou will be taking the train or some other form of other of public transport if you actuallly have a credit card. and yes i have bike travveled long distance


Active member
if your serious i am sorry . but i have done long distance biking . conditioning and planning. dont avoid any state .and have fun. yummy are you on acid?
wow, you are crazy, but awesome!!!
i like it
how about letting us know a rough route, that way people can then chime in better

edit, oh damn, i just read you are seeing fast and furious 5, ouch. honestly, just based on reading that, no bullshit, i dont think you will make it. any time i think of someone who biked accross the country, i feel i should be able to ask if you have seen any fast and furious movies, in the theater, and the answer should always be either "no" or "whats that?"
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I live on a bicycle route. So this is to all y'all SPANDEX IS A RIGHT NOT A FUCKIN PRIVILEGE. Dudes just say NO

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