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BHO and is it healthy?

I love this stuff but I was wondering about how good this can be for you??

My current purge method is a hot plate (double boiler type contraption) with the oil being purged by extreme heat until I feel the bubbles have all been popped...then I usually let it sit out, then freezing it(I know some people say don't but this is the easiest way to work with it..)

??'s - say you used refined gas and purged it this way...any butane left??? better purge method?? please share have a good one...



Proudly Growing My Own Since 1969
my thought is why put anything in your body that wasn't specifically made to be there? i've always used Everclear or other grain alcohol to produce my hash. hell, if you get tired of waiting for it to evaporate you can always drink in and have your ass kicked into next tuesday.


With a correct (long, low heat) purge, the way I see it nowadays bho is many times healthier than smoking buds. I also used to be a bit skeptical on how healthy it could be to smoke an extract that used butane as the solvent. After lotta reading and lotta oil making, I've become convinced that when made correctly, there are barely even micro traces of butane left in the finished product. And if you smoke using a bic or traditional lighter, shouldn't be worried about inhaling a little butane anyways.

Key is obviously the purge. Sounds like you use high heat, and have to freeze your product for it to become brittle. A long, lower heat purge with a little blow-dryer action on top to pop the bubbles will leave you with a product that's rock hard at room temp and goodluck detecting any butane in the hit. Couple times in the past where I've overheated during the purge I've found my oil stays runny.

What could be better than smoking only the good stuff: trich heads, plant oils/waxes, terpenes...without the extra. Still love buds, but I'm liking bho more and more. As far as taste and overall representation of the starting material, IMO it's the best hash/extract method.

EDIT: Pipe, you think it's natural to be inhaling combusted plant material and drinking alcohol? I love em both too, and def not trying to start shit, but I think we all need to become more aware of what it is we're putting into our bodies and whether it's truly "natural".
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lover of all things hashlike
i love me some oil, with that said however, i do notice this...

growing plants or even non chemical hash extraction does not explode.

butane or other chem extractions can and do.


three for playing, three for straying, and three f
''my thought is why put anything in your body that wasn't specifically made to be there?''

got to agree..that makes no sense..
''my thought is why put anything in your body that wasn't specifically made to be there?''

UH do you normally not use a lighter to light your bowls or joints. Because unless you ONLY us a vaporizer this is a really stupid comment if you think about it.

Now that I think about it, weed wasn't "meant" to be in ur body at all so you better throw it all away.
chicalyx said:
With a correct (long, low heat) purge, the way I see it nowadays bho is many times healthier than smoking buds. I also used to be a bit skeptical on how healthy it could be to smoke an extract that used butane as the solvent. After lotta reading and lotta oil making, I've become convinced that when made correctly, there are barely even micro traces of butane left in the finished product. And if you smoke using a bic or traditional lighter, shouldn't be worried about inhaling a little butane anyways.

Key is obviously the purge. Sounds like you use high heat, and have to freeze your product for it to become brittle. A long, lower heat purge with a little blow-dryer action on top to pop the bubbles will leave you with a product that's rock hard at room temp and goodluck detecting any butane in the hit. Couple times in the past where I've overheated during the purge I've found my oil stays runny.

What could be better than smoking only the good stuff: trich heads, plant oils/waxes, terpenes...without the extra. Still love buds, but I'm liking bho more and more. As far as taste and overall representation of the starting material, IMO it's the best hash/extract method.

EDIT: Pipe, you think it's natural to be inhaling combusted plant material and drinking alcohol? I love em both too, and def not trying to start shit, but I think we all need to become more aware of what it is we're putting into our bodies and whether it's truly "natural".

word nice purge method..I appreciate it...me gusta hashish :joint:

have a damn good one


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