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BH Sample pack


Karma Genetics

This pack should have made it to the icmag cup, but was late so did not make it. Sorry BH.

So this is to show you all and give my impresion.

I started with this the Cheese x Yumb

the cheese is defantly dominant in this sample. A real nice sweet smelly bud.

a nice daytime smoke that doesn't gleu you to the couch.


Karma Genetics

Next up is this wierd purple sourdiesel.

it doesn't have a lot of smell to it. But looks so nice. The taste is more fruity then sour i would say. as for effect it did ring my bell ha ha .....


Karma Genetics

Next up Pope

I don't now what it is but it has a strong pungent smell. The taste is very nice and strong. The taste remembers me a bit of K2. It gave me a real artistic vibe. And the result of that was this great glass bead.


Karma Genetics

This morning i started with this TW i think trainwreck maybe ?

It got very loose bud structure. A more white looking herb. At first i thought it did not smell but when pressed it gave a nice gasaline kind off smell.

It smoked good and looks like a good morning smoke.


Karma Genetics

Afther that i tested this SD sample

By looks it is one of the best from the samle pack i think. It got a litle sour smell. Nice smooth smoke with a more stoned efect.



Hi Karma

Thanks for taking the time to review the samples.

The Cheese x Yumboldt is a cut gifted to me by Elevator Man, it is indeed very Cheese dom, I call it Stilton cos I think it tastes like that cheese.

The purple Sour Diesel was the NYCD pheno of Rez's IBL, I think it mostly went purple due to cold temps in December:

The other Diesel bud is the ECSD pheno of the SD IBL, I really loved this pheno, this is the one Rez said looked just like the cut but with better structure.

Pope is Pope Sativa by jj-nyc, it's Chemdawg D x Nigerian Silk, that bud is the dawg pheno I think, I noticed some similarities between the taste of this and Cheese, this plant was one of my favourites, I liked it just as much as the Cheese and ECSD.

TW is indeed Trainwreck, very white strain, like you say, open bud structure, but very good smoke, can't remember which pheno that bud is from, probably this one, I think the other TW pheno will be the catpiss one, you will know as it will smell like catpiss!

The PA x Cheese is Purple Afghan x Cheese, a strange staiva pheno that didn't resemble either parent much.


Elevator Man

Active member
Is that Cheese X PA the cut I'm growing out now? In fact, literally 'growing out' - it hits the hillside Monday...:chin:


No, that's pheno #1, you have pheno #2, which I think is the PA pheno, certainly looked like it in veg. I also have a cut of #2 going outside, would have gone today but it rained all day!


Nice smoke reports Karma, all the samples look superb, props to BH as that 'erb looks like dynamite, especially the Sour D + Trainwreck :headbange



Nice smoke reports indeed. Was getting asked at the cup about my own grows, doesn't deserve a thread of its own but found a few pics so hope you don't mind I'll add them here.

First lot are my first grow Super Skunk although originally I thought I ordred Skunk #1

These are my second grow the skunk FIM'd

And my bonsai mother



Cheers guys. Nice work neuro. Sadly, that is gonna be the last pack of samples from me from some time, I'm having to shut down my grow.


Ganja Pasha said:
Cheers guys. Nice work neuro. Sadly, that is gonna be the last pack of samples from me from some time, I'm having to shut down my grow.

maybe time for a relocation and new job ,,your gonna waste away stuck up their ,,especially if u have no weed :badday:


No, this is a seperate family/financial issue, hopefully it will only be a fairly short break before I can grow again.


time to cut the apron strings and move ,,u aint happy there so go find somewhere u will be ,your young ,very intelligent so the world should be your oyster ,like i said ,up there you wasting away ,become a university lecturer ,50 -70 quid an hour ,,then when u rich u can take me to spain :headbange


Yeah, you hit the nail on the head, I moved home 5 years ago to look after my mother when she had an accident and was housebound for 18 months, I'm still stuck here. The problem with relocation is money, without the money to get a flat etc. it's impossible to relocate. I'm working on it though, and will make it happen - soon hopefully. Wasting away is exactly right, sad thing is, no-one will give me a job as a web designer or graphic designer anymore cos I have been out of work too long and they say I don't have enough recent experience. It's a frustrating catch 22 but I will figure a way out eventually, just gotta keep patient.


offer to do some voluntary work just to get back in ,,voluntary work on cv's looks really good :headbange


I've been doing a load of voluntary work for a charity, teaching kids to shoot and edit video, I've been enjoying it a lot actually. I've done a load of voluntary work for the local development agency too, including creating a big web community. It's my fault for living in the arse end of nowhere. I gave up my career to look after my mother when she needed me, I don't regret it though, you only get one mother! It's been a disaster for me personally though! She doesn't need me to look after her anymore so I can live wherever I want now, money is the only problem!

Anyone got any idea how one goes about finding a job with a seed company growing weed? lol

Elevator Man

Active member
Focus on the outdoor thing for now - at least it will take your mind off the situation, and keep you busy - and at very little cost too, which is the main thing. And there has to be a way of utilising your skills for cash, if a job isn't going to work. But productisation is crucial - whatever you're good at, you have to turn into a product. Hark at me. But I'm getting there slowly...

The seeds is a great way to do it, as long as it's reliable - with outdoor plants, if they finish OK, you could get a LOT of seeds from one plant...:)


Well, all the irons I had in the fire with putting my skills to productive use went tits up in the last 6 months, you know about a fair bit of it, blondes, cocaine and alcoholic lunatics put paid to a lot of what was planned and I never got paid for the last load of work I did. I've been working hard at disentangling myself and my reputation from the smouldering wreckage of that venture!

If I didn't live in the arse end of nowhere, a job wouldn't be a problem, its the lack of jobs here that's the big problem...

Seeds, well I'm going to plant the Purple Afghan male and female together in a seperate spot, so there should be a lot of PA seeds come November and PA x Kentish Creme cos I'll plan a KC cut along with the PAs.
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