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Beware of Beliefs


Beware of Beliefs! It is better to reside in the realm of anxiety and not knowing rather than succumb to the slumber of beliefs. Beliefs are merely thoughts and perceptions of other fallible human beings that sound like Truth but under investigation...turn out to be...not. Live your life from your own Truths...through your own experiences...or even blazingly discard all beliefs and become a vessel for true knowledge. Get comfortable saying...I Don't Know...feel how it feels to not have the answers and even better...to not need them.

Its the irrational beliefs that you should be aware of.


What were we talking about?
I believe you!


Stay Puft

I believe in gangster rap
Gays and geeks and ghosts
I believe that we die
Of all the things that we hate the most

I believe in people
White and black and blue
I believe in people
Who don't believe the same way I do

lyrics from the song "I Believe You" by Todd Snider.


Why anxious not knowing? I'd be more anxious if I was a Christian, Muslim, or a Jew...worrying IF I had done "all the right things" so that when my judgment came...I'd be going to the GOOD place.

Don't confuse being comfortable not knowing what CAN'T be known...with ignorance of not learning all you can about what CAN be known.

There is so much we're ignorant of...so much we're being fooled.


I agree
Our environment and our own ignorance is the only thing that hinders our progress. Personal or Impersonal.


Rubbing my glands together
The belief that republicans or democrats care about anything other than themselves. It amazes me that with the shape both parties have put our county in that anyone would vote for either party. But hey, that's just me.


Active member
I see your point (but if you comb your hair a little differently no one will even notice). But statistics show, a belief system sometimes is a beneficial thing. Such as studies have shown those that believe in God have an easier time going through the grieving process.


I believe religious dogmas should be abandoned, world wide. Once the main division between people (religion) is totally gone, then maybe peace can ensue. I'm not saying don't believe in God, just not God - a man in the sky, like in organized religion.


I believe that to believe in one thing is not to believe in another which questions my beliefs in the whole preponderance of beliefs,