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Best Wishes to John McCain... A True American hero


Well-known member
What a pathetic excuse of a man, I mean, is this a mock thread or what?
Here’s the facts:
Douche carpet bombed innocent villages, aka terrorized innocent men, women and children. Fighter plane gets shot down and he is held captive. The fact comes to light that daddy is a big shot so they plan to release him. Johnny has realized he is a true piece of shit scumbag and decides to stay as a POW and not let daddy help.
You can’t make this shit up, truth is stranger than fiction
This country has no real heroes but there are some in the history. Id start with Geronimo


Active member
What a pathetic excuse of a man, I mean, is this a mock thread or what?
Here’s the facts:
Douche carpet bombed innocent villages, aka terrorized innocent men, women and children. Fighter plane gets shot down and he is held captive. The fact comes to light that daddy is a big shot so they plan to release him. Johnny has realized he is a true piece of shit scumbag and decides to stay as a POW and not let daddy help.
You can’t make this shit up, truth is stranger than fiction
This country has no real heroes but there are some in the history. Id start with Geronimo

I would have to disagree their are man y hero's in America, they are not in Government. The kind of people who want to be part of government are far from heroic.

The young men and women who sacrafice their bodies and lives for our freedom are hero's. Even if they are not told what they are really fighting for. The men who kicked the British asses were hero's. The men who founded the union were hero's. Martin Luther king Jr was a hero, Harriet Tubman , Rosa parks.

The losers who spit on soldiers are not hero's, they are scum.

McCain definitely not a hero. He can't even stand for simple conservative principles. This idiot is the definition of a RINO.


Active member
I think he killed (by burning to death) and injuring by burning over 100 men on that Carrier.

He did a hotdoggin wet start, where you pump up the fuel so when it fires it shoots a huge long flame out of the back and looks really cool.

Except that the deck was still full of men when he was showing off, and flames shot out of the exhaust and burny many men to death. He was worse than the VC.

Then while men like Admiral Stockdale endured torture and said nothing, while punks like mccain hobnobbed with the VC officers to get good food and not get tortured. so fuck him.

Hello all,

You are entitled to your opinion but not your own facts...Try googling USS Forrestal fire and read....McCain was not to blame. Your information is incorrect.

Thanks for playing.


Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
G `day Folks

The power of US military propaganda is boundless .
Aggression against innocent people is not OK .

Thanks for sharin

EB .


Well-known member
..... but it is OK to wish him the best as one of our many flawed fellow human beings trying to make their best way on earth from a limited perspective in a relatively short amount of time!:tiphat:


Active member
You are entitled to your opinion but not your own facts...Try googling USS Forrestal fire and read....McCain was not to blame. Your information is incorrect.

but it is OK to wish him the best as one of our many flawed fellow human beings trying to make their best way on earth from a limited perspective in a relatively short amount of time!

Ok lads... if such a great person why do members of the military literally call him ‘we do not say his name’? Yeah that’s the ‘respect’ he gets from fellow military... treasonous Kunt

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
You are entitled to your opinion but not your own facts...Try googling USS Forrestal fire and read....McCain was not to blame. Your information is incorrect.

but it is OK to wish him the best as one of our many flawed fellow human beings trying to make their best way on earth from a limited perspective in a relatively short amount of time!

Ok lads... if such a great person why do members of the military literally call him ‘we do not say his name’? Yeah that’s the ‘respect’ he gets from fellow military... treasonous Kunt

G day BF

Arms dealer ,George Soros puppet , regime changer ...

Thanks for sharin



Rubbing my glands together
A family members uncle was his commanding officer in the lovely Hanoi Hilton. I've spoken to him many times about this. He tried to have him tried for treason when he finally returned from the camp. He was told to stfu to put it nicely. While this so called American Hero was sitting in the camp commanders office laughing and having a good time, eating oranges and sipping tea and providing info about other pow's everyone else was getting the fucking shit beat out of them. Her uncles favorite was having is arms tied behind his back then hung up for hours by a meat hook type devise. This is part of why his pow records were sealed. Wouldn't want the nasty bits about ratting out your fellow brothers, troop positions, flight routes, etc, ruin your senate career.
He didn't mess his arm/shoulder up as a result of beatings, he hit it on the canopy of his plane ejecting.
He was assigned to BE the head guy in charge along with the other pos, John Kerry to head up the POW hearings back in, what was it the late 80's early 90's, by GHW Bush with one purpose and one purpose only, TO FIND NO MATTER WHAT THE EVIDENCE SAID AS TO HOW MANY, WHAT THE LOCATION WAS, ETC, OF AMERICAN POW'S IN SE ASIA, THAT THERE WERE NO AMERICAN POW'S LEFT THERE. PERIOD. AND THAT'S A FUCKING FACT.
McCain is no hero, he's a confirmed piece of shit!