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Best way to get guerilla trees out of the woods ?

Nothing like waiting till the last min to figure out a plan.. lol

Was planning on de-leafing as mush as possible, rolling up branches in a tarp then muscling everything out that way BUT...

Took one down early due to mold & fuck, buds got all smashed & it looks like an even huger mess to trim now.

Now im thinking BIG garbage cans, maybe movers boxes ?

It would be great to get everything out in one load but damn they dont make containers this big..

Not the worst of problems BUT....

Whats most affective ?

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy


Just an idea but how about a big snowboard/ski bag? Like the luggage kind you would travel with. They're about 6ft long, made from durable material, have handles, and some of them have a rigid internal structure to protect the cargo. At the very least it would be more convenient than a tarp.

two heads

Active member
Great idea Friend. I'm in Canada and use a hockey bag (or two). It's one thing to get it out of the site, it's another to deliver the goods wherever they are going. Unloading a hockey bag from a car doesn't warrant a second glance in my town. Just don't forget to carry a hockey stick.


I just remember what BrwnDirtWarrior did with his harvest. Trim everything in the bush, place in black trash bags then load in a large duffel bag. See how that works for you.

Sad But True

I usually use boxes... you can fold them up to move to the spot... ill chop all biggest buds first and stack them all in the boxes until they are packed.
Put them at a easy to get to spot and pick them up in the evening.

I have found with plastic bags you get a lot of condensation inside the bags... helps the onset of mold... i prefer to use cardboard so they can still breath "a little".

Ill leave all the lower stuff on the plants for another week or 2 to and it packs out a lot more.


yep i would agree hockey bags or army bags work the best in my opinion and if you are transporting far i would put the bags in a garbage can and duck tape it to keep the smell in the can and not the vehicle.

Guest 150314

I like to remove the big leaf in the bush, you can carry more out in a smaller package this way and it makes it easier to trim if you don't have leaf wilted around the bud.

I was taught to loose trim on site and put them in 5 gallon buckets with lid, then use caulking to seal the bucket up and make it smell proof. If you put it in a hockey bag your going to rough your bud up and it will stink on the walk out or drive home. That's not cool.


I like to remove the big leaf in the bush, you can carry more out in a smaller package this way and it makes it easier to trim if you don't have leaf wilted around the bud.

I was taught to loose trim on site and put them in 5 gallon buckets with lid, then use caulking to seal the bucket up and make it smell proof. If you put it in a hockey bag your going to rough your bud up and it will stink on the walk out or drive home. That's not cool.

^^^^^this^^^^^ I do it very similar. If anyone asks the bucket is full of nightcrawlers.....................


Large rubbermaid bins strapped on a frame pack, you can stack two of the largest available and carry around 60lbs wet between the two, so 5lbs dry or so at a time.
The rubbermaids don't smush the buds like garbage bags do. Try to de-fan leaf as much as possible in the bush and cut as much excess stem as possible.

If you've got a ways to go or a few hours before you can remove everything from the bins, put a blue freezer pack in the middle of the bud as you stack it in. Alot of the decomposition and damage in transportation is due to the composting effect of all the plant matter - it starts radiating heat from the inside out just like a compost pile then it smushes easily. Keeping it cool with an ice pack keeps it from wilting as fast so you can trim it easier as soon as you get home, too.

Guest 150314

good information about the freezer pack I never thought of that
depends on how much ur pulling and on how long you want to spend onsite...

if you're not pulling much or you don't care how long you are on-site, you can snip each branches into pieces that will fit inside shoe boxes and then just load shoeboxes into a pack or even into a large garbage bag (3 mil/thick)

if you have alot of plants or just wanna be in/out wham-bam-thank you ma'am, then you will most likely want to chop entire plants right at the base of stem and roll them up in a tarp (like a carpet, but kinda loosely) get plants to extraction site and come with a box truck, panel van, or truck and trailer.

the other option would be on-site drying/trimming, and hauling only dried/destemmed product out of the bush...

good luck.


I struggled to deal with this issue for years but ive had it under contro for a while now. I trim my plants when theyre standing in the field. Using the Arjan method of trimming: Taring the shade leaves off with your fingers is very effective and you can trim up a 7' plant in about 15 minutes.

Once a plant has been manicured, i take some heavy sheers( scissor type tin snips) and snip my bud/branches into lenghts that dont exceed 6 -8" and put them in a drink cooler. They can be trimmed more later if desired but its easy when most of the larger leaves are gone. The dring cooler is designed to keep air out and the cold in. It also keeps the smell in and you can have a chest cooler with 5 lbs of the rankist bud in the world in it and you cant smell a thing.

One littel note: I dont haul my weed off on the day i trim it because there isnt any way to keep from smelling like a pot patch. You cant really use gloves and its hard to avoid stinking like hell. so i pull all the leaves off of several plants, cut them up and put them in the cooler. I sit the cooler in a shady safe spot and come back the next day to get it when i dont smell like a pot patch.

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