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Best Way To Clean A HPS Bulb?


Active member
hello...i am in veg...

what is the best way to clean my HPS bulb?

i want no streaks/smudges...



gloves on??

unscrew bulb first??

i also need to clean the underside of the reflector...

Weedman Herb

Non Detergent Cleaner is what Eye says (before you ask ... I asked them ... it says the same fuggin thing on the box for my flat screen monitor too Now my sub question is WTF is a non detergent cleaner??? all answers besides the obvious Water will be greatly appreciated) ... so Not windex (and windex sucks IMHO No streaks or smudges my ass) ... Dunno about ISO or denatured alcohol on a bulb but 90% ISO hasn't ever harmed my Lenses (grain leaves a slight sugar residue so unless you want to make candy/caramel too ...) for bulbs I use a slightly water dampened lint free cloth and I use a Fresh one to dry it good ... I've never gotten a reflector dirty enough to do more than dust it but you could probably use whatever is ok for aluminum. Now for my mogul socket (and the BS y'all knew was coming) ... I do it plugged in and humming (with the bulb out of course) and use my tongue while standing in a Copper Tub of water ... For a bonus I get a nice Hair Do too!
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I like a mix of 3 parts 70% isopropyl alcohol and 1 part distilled water, with a couple of drops of unscented liquid dish or laundry detergent per quart.
Use a lint-free paper or cloth towel, same as for eyeglasses. It's easier if you remove the bulb.
The same applies for the reflector.


I use alky swabs like you get at a restraunt to clean your fingers .
Take bulbs out 1st and obv. let em completely dry before reinstalling and firing them up .

Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
Chamois leather, used for precision lens cleaning.

There are special quartz glass cleaning solutions on the market, but I really don't see the necessity to shell money on a special cleaning solution, unless somebody put a very sticky price tag on the bulb. Quartz glass is very tough and you really have to go at it hard to scratch it visibly. Micro-scratches is a nuisance for high precision lenses, but hardly your HPS bulb.

Certain HID bulbs such as Metal Halides emit UV-radiation. Manufacturers coat MH bulbs with an anti-UV film to get a better security rating. That coating could be sensitive to certain types of cleaners, although that's not the issue with HPS bulbs, that emit hardly any UV.

Once, when I decided to clean a bulb and unscrewing it, I got into the growroom right after lights went out, and used a sock on my hand to unscrew the bulb. The problem was, the bulb was still hot, and the sock wasn't cotton, as I thought, but polyester. The damn sock melted on the bulb, and as the bulb cooled, that polyester stuck to it as glue. I spent a whole afternoon gently scraping that bulb clean, and the growroom smelled of burnt plastic for days.

So don't try that at home, kids.
I've used LCD screen cleaner and a microfiber cloth for years and have never had an issue. I lightly mist the cloth to get it damp and then clean the bulb, as opposed to spraying directly on the bulb itself. Hope this helps, peace.



Active member
paper towel soaked with alcohol, rub it good 'n hard, then with a dry one. mount it and have a smoke(safety break). jc