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Best way to approach outdoor garden that dealt with russet/broad mite infestation



Here is another thought. How would Sam go about dealing with it

I heard Sam (or read) saying he used 22 different types of predators^? was that true^? or was that ina dream^?

I personally only use cucumeris and persimillis for all cannabis pests I have encountered. Well I have used others like nematodes and rove beetles and ladybugs but I can run my garden with nothing but cucumeris and persimillis, no sprays, just bugs for bugs.


Cucumeris for the veg room and persimillis for the flower room. I apply weekly, costly but it works for me!


Well-known member
micronized sulfur at 1 oz gallon w coco wet and maybe some trifecta, often.

Yes ty, Micronized sulfur is definitely a part of my ipm routine, up till they finish stretch.

H2o2 would be really harsh on the microbes you will be relying on to feed your plant. A healthy plant can defend itself against russets. Their reputation far exceeds the truth. Enhance your microbes...don’t go all killing fields on them.

Get some micronized sulfur (key to life silver bullet works regardless of them being c u n t s). 5 ml/gal, some fulvic and a wetting agent. Spray preventatively in veg if you want

Most important get a soil test and see if you can get balanced. If you can, no worries. If you can’t keep that sulfur handy.

You know both threads where you can get help

Thanks bro for the recipe. Ill save that for sure. I hear what you are saying and am on a similar wavelength. I've only done aact for microbial life replenishment, I will look into bulk microbes as well. I know some folks on here using them with good results in respect to increased yeilds. I had the soil tested nothing too glaring.

The garden is long rows 18 inches deep by 6 ft wide filled with great soil and the native dirt is red iron rich clay, which prob will present its own drainage issues.

I do worry that the soil that is there, over 200 yards, is likely carrying dormant russets/broads ect...hence my thought of heavy af h2o2 drench and then give it a week then do a few aact's to replenish the life...thoughts?

I hear you that healthy plants are less likely to be affected. I know these guys last year cruised all the way till stretch then boom everything got affected more or less, some minimally but some heavily.

I think he means now, when the property does not have any pot plants on it. The sulfur would be gone when the grow started.

I want to hear a description of the property. Is it a greenhouse, open field, many trees or bushes? Offhand I would chop, rake, burn and then sulfur if needed.

Yes, i was thinking of any preventative measures that would help. Cheers
Cucumeris for the veg room and persimillis for the flower room. I apply weekly, costly but it works for me!

Nice im going to at least use them for the first grow after i heat treat my room and leave it barren for 6wks. If they come back after that i might wipe my floors and walls down with potassium cyanide then hit the room with a flamethrower:thinking:


Yes I have seen spider mites on white fly they are nasty little buggers. If you use persimillas the are not effective under short photoperiods, they work great under long flowering photoperiods.
That said I would suspect any plants close to the Cannabis plants that might harbor mites, then I would suspect that the mites were brought to the garden on any Cannabis clones used?
White fly can be controlled with yellow sticky traps as well as Encarsia formosa, Delphastus catalinae, Eretmocerus eremicus, Amblyseius swirskii,
Brown Lacewings Sympherobius barberi Banks, and Insect Sticky Traps (With White Fly Pheromone Coating)
I have not used this yet: https://www.alibaba.com/product-det...?spm=a2700.7724857/B.main07.36.63ba6b56F13vvq
or this:

Baranowski T 1996 Rocz. Nauk Roln. 30: 1613
benzaldehyde or A Poland
benzyl acetate


Baranowski, T., and Baszak, D. 1996. The influence of colour and smell on the effectivity in catching greenhouse whitefly (Trialeurodes vaporariorum Westwood). Rocz. Nauk Roln. 25:59-61.


Good luck,
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Great info sam im not sure if broads are hanging out in any of the bushes or small plants around my house so im gonna release predators all over the place. I imagine preventing reinvestation in a outdoor grow like the op has would be much harder then indoors.