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Best SNL in a long time!



I really miss the Eddie Murphy days of SNL. That was some funny stuff....I have not watched in quite sometime because...it ...well....got kinda boring. I guess I will give it another go.Remember the skit when Eddie played James Brown??? In the hot tub....damn that was funny!!! Oh and Mr. Robinsons neighborhood?? That was just good stuff.:thank you:

Or Gumby. Or Buckwheat Dings. Or Tyrone Green...C-I-L-L my landlord. :)


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
I really miss the Eddie Murphy days of SNL. That was some funny stuff....I have not watched in quite sometime because...it ...well....got kinda boring. I guess I will give it another go.Remember the skit when Eddie played James Brown??? In the hot tub....damn that was funny!!! Oh and Mr. Robinsons neighborhood?? That was just good stuff.:thank you:

I just watched that DVD the other night, those skits were in there and of course many more, stuff with Stevie Wonder and mimicking Stevie were great too.

SNL Best of Eddie Murphy can be found on ebay for $8.99 w/free shipping....... SNL Best of Eddie Murphy on eBay

Useful Idiot

Active member
I just watched that DVD the other night, those skits were in there and of course many more, stuff with Stevie Wonder and mimicking Stevie were great too.

SNL Best of Eddie Murphy can be found on ebay for $8.99 w/free shipping.
Yeah..I bought it quite some time ago,along with some others.:thank you:


Gotta disagree with lots of these comments-
The season when they had Tina Fey, Amy Pohler, Maya Rudolph and Horatio Sanz was pretty kick ass.
But personally, though I enjoyed the original cast the first time around, I just don't find it that funny anymore...


Could be, like I said I haven't watched it in years, since the 80s really, except for once in a rare while. I haven't watched the old ones in forever either.


I'm gonna try to watch the new players this season, I'm otherwise stuck on diggin' the vintage stuff I can find on the 'Best of SNL' DVDs.
Last night I saw the Best of '06-'07 and totally unimpressed. I stopped watching many years ago and guess I'm spoiled from growing up on Belushi, Akroyd, Martin, Murphy, Radner, et al.


Active member
I am sorry but the late eighties destroyed the original snl.
Phil Hartman was worth about ten Dan, Bill, Chevy, and Gildas!
The old snl may be nostalgic for some but it is seriously lacking in laughs.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Last night I saw the Best of '06-'07 and totally unimpressed. I stopped watching many years ago and guess I'm spoiled from growing up on Belushi, Akroyd, Martin, Murphy, Radner, et al.

absolutely agreed, the earliest years (original cast) were the very best, but some of the other not quite ready for prime time players that come to mind for greatness during later years would be Phil Hartman, Dana Carvey, Mike Meyers, Jon Lovitz, Adam Sandler, Chris Farley and many more really.

my problem w/the current players is that a lot of the humor goes over my head. I don't keep up w/entertainment gossip, no hip hop for me and I'm just out of the mainstream of life so I miss the humor in their skits, jokes and innuendos.

after seeing KSP's post again I'm throwing in the SNL Best of Steve Martin so I can get my King Tut (♪ he was buried in his jammies ♫) groove on.......


absolutely agreed, the earliest years (original cast) were the very best, but some of the other not quite ready for prime time players that come to mind for greatness during later years would be Phil Hartman, Dana Carvey, Mike Meyers, Jon Lovitz, Adam Sandler, Chris Farley and many more really.
Yeah bro lots of great people went through those doors. I like Tina Fey too. Just that '06-'07 'Best Of' I watched was yuch and after it was over I was like...this is the best of those 2 years? Yikes!

I still remember things like Akroyd doing the Bassomatic '76 'commercial' or the Trough & Brew skit...lol


More 'game show skits', more Jay Pharaoh, and those 'alternate casting' of old movies shit is great.

The guy that does Alan Alda and the gay guy was killing me with Top Gun.


after seeing KSP's post again I'm throwing in the SNL Best of Steve Martin so I can get my King Tut (♪ he was buried in his jammies ♫) groove on.......

:D Funky Tut - absolutely classic, and like you said Steve Martin was a genius in those days. Hell the whole cast was.




I always looked forward to the Mr. Bill segments :)

A 15th anniversary SNL survey found Mr. Bill’s popularity was exceeded only by that of the late John Belushi and Gilda Radner.


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