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Best place to sell a HPS

I bought a 1000w HPS about 6 months ago and used it for one grow (60 - 70days). I am moving to another state at the beginning of the year & I don't want to move in with an extra $60 on my light bill. That may be a red flag to watch me and see what I am doing. I am not growing for others just me and my wife and I think the yield from LEDs will suit us. All of that said I want to part with my HPS to offset some of an LED. Is craigslist or ebay really my best option? I see lights and other equipment on CL all the time but who knows if it sells.


Zen Master

a microwave uses more than 1000w.

if you are moving into something bigger than a one bedroom apt. a $60 increase in utilities after a new tenant moves in is absolutely nothing. Keep the 1000w, screw the LED's


natural medicator
if you sell it, sell right before you move so people don't have time to peg you as a grower, and if they do figure it out, they can't do anything about it. Don't use a contact number with your name or take your own vehicle to the meet to sell the light. Only anonymous, single purpose (only used to sell the light) email address. just my .02


New member
As said above a single 1000w light isn't going to peg you as anything. Even if it did you'd probably want to establish consistent high use as soon as you moved in anyway. But still, $60/month is hardly a big deal.

I'm not sure what used gear goes for but you'll probably take a decent hit if you decide to sell and it will also cost a small fortune for enough LED lighting to give you similar yields. Moving isn't cheap or easy. It might make sense to run a cycle or two of HPS and switch to LED later.

Ultimately though, you gotta do what feels right to you.


Dude, $60 is nothing. Mine tops $600 every month. No problems.

Just my 2 cents, but forget LED's too. Maybe in the future, but I think it's not perfected enough yet to match HID's.


Active member
There is no extra $60 on the bill, when it is there from the get go. I'd keep the HPS and fire it up right away. Besides, like others have said $60 ain't shit to be worried about.


$60 To run your HPS?! What are you running?! Or also it may be where moreso. I seen like a $12 increase on my 400w... now when i put two window A/C's in the house... Thats when "You need to get a job" started getting yelled at me... hehehe.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
that's the best time to start your grow as a new customer they dont know what your ave use is yet. If you just want to save the money then LEDS are fine. Get the largest model she carries. I think there over a grand check her website. I dont use 1k I use 600's more efficient and produces excellent dank. 15c per KWH and then going into tere 2,3,4 it can go up to 45c per KWH

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