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Best ph pen??


EU-TECH are the best and have a interchangeable electrode my 1 hasn't gone wrong ever they are dear but worth it.. a new eletrode is £25. pen £65


Thanks so much ya'll, I learned something here!!! I have an aquarium drop kit around all the time but it's not so accurate. I think I'll buy some papers...both kinds..


my oakton is really fussy right now. i got new batteries and it reads "Or" after i turn it back on.


That you Chris?? Mine only has an E1 or an E2. 1 is bad batteries and 2 is faulty electrode.


There is ALWAYS meaning to my madness ®
Milwaukee USED to be awesome, now I have my doubts. My original SM802 EC/PPM/pH meter lasted 18months before any significant drift or slowing of the reading (calibrated often, cleaned always).

Since, I have bought 2 replacement probes, first one cable was broke where it entered pen when it arrived. They replaced under warranty no problems. Since, Both the 2nd new probe and warrantied replacement have broken exactly the same.

The wire is a bit different color than the original one, either they cheaped out on the cable or a bad batch in Manufacturing. I'm going to get in touch w/ the retailer and see if they can do anything about it.

I'll keep you guys posted :joint:


Had my ph pens and ec pens for 8 years with no probs...

Always clean probes...
Always store probes in water...
Always have spare batteries...and probe tips!
Always calibrate with a ph buffer solution...
Always put the lid on the probe IMMEDIATELY after use...

Always have a backup/redundancy scenario planned!

hes got it. Take care of your pens, store them properly and don't let them dry out. Drying out of the probe is your enemy, treat it good and it will be good to u.


Active member
I use a Hanna. Battery life is good and it calibrates to both 4 & 7 in about 1 minute. Holds it's accuracy longer then other ones I have tried.


I do not personally know of one single person who has kept a meter for more than 2 yrs and that person was me.I've met a few growers over the years, whatever it's worth, and their biggest problem in hydro and soil too for that matter was between.4 and 1.5 ph points because they were not on top of their water. It's obvious that many have problems with their meters, most of them are replaced under warranty quite easily but that's a hassle.I have brand new one today I hope it lasts..and to those who never have problems, may your fastidiousness and fortune continue..Chaco.

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
Could some of you folks chime in and give me some of your opinions regarding these fickle instruments? I seem to go through about 3 per year and I had a battle with 2 the other day that drove me mental. Which pen is bombproof and where is it??? Thanks, Chaco.:smokeit:
Milwauke(like the territory, spelling maybe off) it's a yellow colored pen. I have had mine for 4 years and it still works. I calibrate once a month and has been working like a gem.


Now in technicolor
Make sure whatever you get has Automatic Temperature Compensation (ATC). Hanna has excellent customer service. I had my pH probe dry out, and after one email Hanna asked for my address. They shipped me one no questions asked, free.

I recommend Hanna HI 98129. It's about $125-150 and does ppm and pH, is water proof and easy to calibrate. The tip cover is really annoying to take off because it makes a strong seal with the pen (so water can't go in or out), but it's great in terms of accuracy and durability. dongle69 uses one.




Hi chaco,

got the hanna combo PH ec meters with temps for 2,5 or 3 years now I do not really remember and it works like a charm.
And i m ashame for aquarium fishes when their owner uses drops to check water ph.
Finally how do u read EC or ppm when using drops

Honnestly chaco go for that hanna combo i m talking about you ll like it


Trying to have a good day
I ordered a ph meter pen off of e-bay.They sent it to me with chinese instructions only.I have no idea how to calibrate it and use it correctly.I tried to look on the net to find the operators manual in english..couldnt find it though...Any ideas on what I can do i can use it?..I dont really want to have to order another one right now..money is kinda tight..its made in china at "Weafco instruments" Model # wf009

Im hoping maybe one of you have one or have had one before and can offer me a little help??


keep em clean and calibrated is the answer,,

bluelab are very reliable ,get their ec truncheon and the ph metre(replaceable probe) ,u good for 5 years guarantee ,silly not to :tiphat:


I've had the Milwaukee 802 for about 2-3 years. Never really had to calibrate it after the first time when I got it, still I check every so often to see if its on point. The only problem I had with it was I had to replace the probe because the cable gets messed up when it gets twisted so had to get a new one.

Before that I had the black Hanna "waterproof" ec/ppm/ph tester. Dropped it in the nute bucket and it went haywire.


Oakton ultra basic (which they stopped making).I have three of them and have never had a single prob in almost two years of using them.I do take care of em and they just keep doing their job...best I,ve ever used.Tried Hanna 98128 ph5 and just no good for me.
I tried cheapies but they are a waste of money..I would pay good money for the right pen...but the Oaktons at $60 are perfect.my 2 cents for what it,s worth.....also whatever works for you is always good no matter the brand.



I like the hannah combo pH/EC/TEMP meter but apparently some people have varying results from hannah pH probes. In all honesty I'ld go with an oakton. Their meters really are waterproof (unlike the milwaukee pH51 I have) and durable. The Oakton EcoTestr pH2 is a nice pen and probably the next one I will buy.

Stay away from the milwaukee pH51! Trust me it's a piece of shit. Go with the oakton if you are getting just pH or the hannah if you are getting a combo.


I just gotten a hanna hi 1298 from a online buddy. Unfortunately it only worked once and the "waterproof" meter was waterlogged and the batteries rusted. I can't get it to power on anymore.. And of course, its not waranteed and would cost a hundred dollars minimum according to hanna co.

I'm not looking for one immediately but are the hanna's worth the extra cash or go with a economic model or antoher brand like milwauke. I have a ph meter from milwauke and its pretty good..... But hey, first grow newbie here<---

What about the types of readings? are one (like ppm) better or more accurate for organic fertilizers?


New member
I have used many brands. I started with the yellow cheap thing with no brand from china. Worked for a while with pretty good accuracy. $20. You cannot get them wet AT ALL. If you keep them moist in RO water or 7.0 solution, thye can last a year with good accuracy.

1. Yellow cheapo.
2. Milwakee waterproof, the white looking pen. Works great. However, for some reason, it just stopped calibrating and wasn't reading correctly. It would pass the 7.0 but fail the 4.0. I just let it sit in solution for a few weeks, then one day tried to calibrate it again, and it did, and it has been working accurately. Not sure for how long, though. It worked for like 5 months before that happened. It is working again, but who knows for how long.
3.Oaktons Eco testr Ph 1. There is also a eco testr ph 2 that is supposed to be better. Bought it from the hydro store. After a month it stopped calibrating and will not read correctly worth shit. Going to try new batteries. If that doesn't fix it, then I will take it back to the hydro store. I don't have my receit, though.

Hydro store dude has this one pen I never heard of. He claimed it will last a life time. He also claimed Oaktons will last 1-3 years.

I haven't tried those continuous ones yet with the seperate probes attached to a machine for like 170-500.

I'm thinking about just buying a few cheapo $20 ones at a time.