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Best nutrients for sterile recirculating systems...

Hey all,

I've switch from dirt to sterile undercurrent systems and have had nothing but issues using Remo nutrients. Nothing against them, I had awesome results in soil but now that I'm doing UC it's no bueno.

Everything was perfecto in veg using their Micro, Grow, and calmag. Once I switched to flower I had buildup on my bulkheads, plugged airstones, and tons of sediment in the water. My nutrient mix would also cloud up when adding in my DIY UC Roots.

Their PK booster (Astroflower) is a Humic base, and the VeloKelp is organic based. I had no need for their Nature's Candy either since i run sterile. I swapped out the Astroflower for Liquid Koolbloom but I've been told that it has a Potassium Chloride blend and I should stay away from Chloride salts in hydro.

I'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions for a line that has no organic components and that will do good in a recirculating sterile system. So far I've found Jacks or Floraflex but wondering if anyone has any input..

THanks in advance


Active member
Anything salt based (no organic inputs)-

Cultured Solutions, Clean Grow, Athena if you like liquids.

Jack's Classic Hydro if you like soluble powders.