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Best muncies?

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I'm not high right now but I'm studying and I eat a lot when studying also so I need some suggestions for munchies to get right now.

I always get sour candy, beef jerky or chips with dip. can't think of any other good snacks....

I don't know if there is something wrong with me but I need to constantly eat while doing homework or I can't concentrate......


ICMag Donor
How about some slices of apple and peanut butter. Any kind of fruit or veggie would be good for ya. Saute some fungus....

Take just a couple tokes off the bowl, should help you concentrate a little better. Depending on whats in it....

I'm doin some studying myself....



I have tons of "munchie" recipies that I've accumulated over the years, varying in prep difficulty. I have some hot dips that go in a crock pot, if you get high and forget (I know none of US would! ;) ), it won't get totally ruined by a couple extra hours. My current fav is a buffalo chicken dip (I make it with TVP instead), basically throw the stuff in, and heat it. Keeps with the 2-step rule: if it takes more than two steps, don't make it when you're high. I also make homemade chewy granola bars, my own trail mixes, and dry my own fruit and fruit rollups.

Stuff out of bags is usually Swedish fish, sunflower seeds (SALT!!!!), Triscuits, popcorn, or whatever I can mash together in a sandwich. I find that the sunflower seeds are what I go for when I'm reading, I've worked out my method of laying on the couch, balancing a bag of seeds and my "spit cup" for the shells, and reading the book.


Active member
hmm, I love mushrooms but that first picture looks gross......maybe it's just the picture but it looks like frying brain... I"m sure it tastes good though. what kind of shrooms are those?

I"m too lazy to go cook something, I just want real quick snacks......

I really can't concentrate at all , I haven't even read a chapter yet today and I have to read another 70 pages at least by tonight...... it's biology and about genes and DNA. (anthropology).


Active member
about the apple and peanuter butter, are you telling me to cut apple into slice and just slab some peanut butte ron it? I guess it might be good, it's be better with caramel though, but I don't have caramel so I"ll try the peanut butter.




Posted at the same time, just saw the 'shrooms.

Pipeline, those look delicious!!! Made my mouth water, and I'm not even high right now. Slap those beauties on some nice steamed brown rice... mmmmmmm!

Not mushroom season 'round here now, little too cold for most of them.


1 jar of salsa
1 container of cream cheese
1 large bowl

mix em' 50/50

microwave for a minute, then stir.after 4 minutes,grab the tortilla chips and have a mouthgasm.


Cannabrex Formulator
Yummybud said:
hmm, I love mushrooms but that first picture looks gross......maybe it's just the picture but it looks like frying brain... I"m sure it tastes good though. what kind of shrooms are those?

I"m too lazy to go cook something, I just want real quick snacks......

I really can't concentrate at all , I haven't even read a chapter yet today and I have to read another 70 pages at least by tonight...... it's biology and about genes and DNA. (anthropology).

They are called morels, and they are the food of the gods........

You want a quick and satisfying munch, try a bagel and latke sandwich, mustard and mayo.


ICMag Donor
If ya know where to look you can find lots of them. Up at my grandparents they have many spots they've known about for a while. These were from my backyard woods. It was the first time I had seen any back there. I left one there to spread spores and hopefully make it a good spot eventually..

Hell yeah peanut butter and apples rocks my socks!


Active member
bagel and mustard/ mayo? I'll think about that.

so far I'm going to try the apple/ peanut butter, sounds good....

I"m just going to the corner store so they don't have anything fancy..... only chips, candy......

I wouldn't mind a beer and a nice cigar when I'm studying but I live with my mom so I can't smoke a cigar in her house...... she'll kill me.


Active member
If it were possible to cultivate morels year round I would grow a whole room full of them, but sadly I have been searching and its not possible to do.....

Morels are the best mushroom ever, god I want some.


Active member
oh I just thought, popcorn with seasoning is good.......

I want something that I can pop in my mouth while studying...... I"m going to explode if I eat bagels and pizza continuously all night.


ICMag Donor
Popcorn with shreded extra sharp cheddar cheese is bomb ass! A must have! I ate a whole bag at once the other day that way! :D


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I should make another thread, "how many stoners are overweight" haha.

I'm really skinny but I'm starting to grow a small beer belly, so maybe I should stop eating a shitload of food all day. I eat like those obese people you see on talk shows that weigh like 500 pounds.


Resident pissy old man
Kudos to you pipeline. I thought I was the only one who ate green apple slices with chunky peanut butter on them. Now I don't feel so wierd.

I don't know where you live, but we used to get great morels in Brown co., Indiana when we lived near there.


ICMag Donor
Thanks pops...not too far from here....:D Apples and peanut butter belong together no doubt.

I'm not fat at all, been the same weight for years, but I eat a lot too. Pretty much eat one meal around lunch then wait a few hours then eat until i go to bed :D Sooooooo fullllll!

Eatin some left over portabella chicken pasta stuff right now. mmmmmmh


Active member
just tried the apple peanut butter thing and it's pretty good. it's also more healthy than all the candy and crap I eat.

fruit salad is really good also but that's too much work for me.
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