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Best Movie Trilogy


Active member
I think that it is a bit crazy how many movies are turning into Trilogies.

It used to be that very few movies made it to trilogy status. Now there have been so many in just the last few years.

Anyway, my pick for best would have to go:

Indiana Jones
Star Wars
Back To The Future



Mother Nature's Son
the Terminator trilogy is pretty good, I like the whole unstoppable killing machine thing.
The Substitute...I am pretty sure there are three. Wait, maybe 4...I think Dolph Lundgren was in one of them...not entirely sure. I know the first one was Tom Beringer and the second (and third?) were Treat Williams. Not the greatest movies, but good to pass the time with.
And lets not forget Smokey and the Bandit. Number one was badass, a classic, but the other two "pulled a Matrix" and sucked major ass. Jerry Reed was badass in them though.
Indian Jones still wins hands down in my opinion.

oops, I forgot to mention Psycho, Psycho II and Psycho III. Anthony Perkins' performance as Norman Bates is ranked #4 in Premier magazines 100 greatest movie characters of all time.
trivia: His widow and mother of his two sons was one of the 58 victims on flight AA-11 that smashed into the world trade center.
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Mother Nature's Son
Damn, I keep remembering more horror movie trilogies as soon as I hit submit.
Poltergeist one, two and three. They weren't too bad, scared the hell out of me when I watched em at the age of 5. My uncle kept jacking with the tv while I was at his house (where I saw them) and it would freak me out. Good flicks though.
I believe the Amityville Horror had 4 movies...but not too bad.


Great posts everyone! I thought the Matrix 1st movie was absolutely outstanding, but the second and third were beyond bad. I knew after seeing the second movie, the part where they arrive in zion and everyone lives like they were cavemen, that this series has all but died.

I am surprise no mention of the blade trilogy anywhere.


godfather hands down.. i dont even think many even compare.. the third movie is sorta slow, but 1 and 2 make up for it


Mother Nature's Son
GreenStreet said:
I thought the Matrix 1st movie was absolutely outstanding, but the second and third were beyond bad.

My brother and I walked out of the second one and I vowed I would neve see the third peice of crap. It was just too weak for me to bear, and I have seen some pretty bad movies. I do not like when the computer animate practically the entire movie. Looks way to fake, just make it a cartoon if you are gonna do it that way.

Mr. Nevermind

Star wars

Those movies are magic. I am glad that Lucas finally released the original versions on DVD, not that remastered shit with new scenes. The original star wars movies changed movies as we know it. Without star wars there is no Matrix, there is no lord of the rings ( Which is lame by the way) , without star wars there is no indiana jones.

I remember going to the theater in 1978 and i was 4 years old. That movie blew me away . I was lucky enough to see every star wars movie in the theaters as a kid. I remember when the last one came out ( revenge of the sith) . At the end of the movie i was actually sad. I knew that was the last star wars movie to be made and it was like a chapter of my life was over. No more star wars.

My girl and I had a star wars marathon not long ago. We started out with the 1st 2 prequals then watched the originals so the whole order was complete. Once you realize that the movies are about vadar and not Luke its like you are watching a different movie.


Underground Man

Active member
blade trilogy? yuck. Blade one had style I loved it, blade two sucked hardcore i was sooo disapointed. I don't even want to see 3.

I saw xmen 1 and two, the next day I forgot the entire plot line. I guess you have to be a fan.

LOTR, a bit overdone but ok

Matrix series, ok, I don't hate the second one like alot of people here. The "philosphy" is rather shallow and falls apart upon inspection but It makes you think, at least it gets alot style points.

I guess the original star wars gets my vote. Yeah its cheesy but its good.

Wasn't that movie "unbreakable" supposed to become a super-hero trilogy? I didn't like that one.


If you could go back in time and find a way of preventing rocky 4 & 5 from being made, I might have to nominate the rocky series.

Mr. Nevermind

GreenStreet said:
If you could go back in time and find a way of preventing rocky 4 & 5 from being made, I might have to nominate the rocky series.

Valid point. Rocky 3 was the best and they should have stopped there. Now there is a Rocky 6 coming out. Blasphemy!



I was a jason fan for a while, the original friday the 13th was one of the scariest horror films ever made. I lost interest after part 10, or was it part 11?


Mother Nature's Son
Now how about a double trilogy?? As in, 6 movies. Police Academy. They are all essentially the same, but number 6 was just too bad. They are all pretty bad (funny, but bad) but they got even worse. What is the correct term for any of these 4, 5 and 6 movie runs? Not quadlogy or anything, but what is the correct name?
Star Wars of course!! I still have my OT VHS box set next to my DVD set.
Others: Die Hard
Blade (3 was just terrible IMO)
Aliens ( even though a quadriolgy,they couldve kept the 4th)
Friday (I love 1 & 3,next friday was ok )
Sometimes they come back...
Sometimes they come back...again
Sometimes they come back..for more

Im not makin that shit up its for real lol! :crazy:
The Tim Allen christmas movies of course... soon to be Ali G, Borat, and gay austrian guy Crank it UP!! this is all a sober jibberish btw

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