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Best Movie Trilogy


I recently watched the final Xmen on dvd with some friends, and afterwards had a debate on what DVD movie trilogy was the best. We were divided, 2 said the original Star Wars and the other 2 said LOTR.

I think it's LOTR. And after seeing xmen, I would say its best super hero triology, until the third Spiderman comes out. Unless Spiderman 3 turns out to be a disaster, but I doubt that.

What dvd movie trilogy do you think is the best?

Space Ghost

I'd say either the orignal star wars, or the life series by terry giliam (brazil, the adventures of baron munchhausen, and time bandits.


Active member
Fist full of dollars, For a few dollars more, the Good the Bad the Ugly in some order

walks off whistling


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!!!!!! :woohoo:


Green Mujaheed
Once upon a time in the West
Once upon a time the Revolution
Once upon a time in America

Irie !


Indiana Jones was nice
can't forget Die Hard.

I watched LOTR and Star Wars..but it's not my type of stuff. Good movies, but I like a little less "fantasy" stuff. Also all the Lethal Weapons(4) were good.


Indiana Jones,
Back to the Future was lots of fun.
Kill Bill.
Harry Potter.

Not Lord of the Rings. That is so so tiresome. the battle scenes never ever stop.


Active member
Ronley said:
Indiana Jones,
Back to the Future was lots of fun.
Kill Bill.
Harry Potter.

Not Lord of the Rings. That is so so tiresome. the battle scenes never ever stop.

No offense, but I think Kill Bill is only two movies..or only one depending on how you view it. And isn't Harry Potter up to five movies now? Or possibly six. I only say this because if we aren't counting straight trilogy's (three movies) my list would be a little different.

Indiana Jones was one of the first movies I can remember actually falling in love with. It's a timeless classic, everyone loves Indy and his hijinks.

Evil Dead, while it may not be the scariest movie series. It is clearly one of the more memorable. Even those who haven't seen it know the one liners, without even knowing the source. Evil Dead II takes the cake for my favorite of the three.

Rambo...While the Stallion may be a shitty actor, he makes a fairly convincing killing machine. While the movies are unrealistic, and at points flat out stupid. One can't help but recall playing Rambo as a kid, as childish and inhumane a game it may be.

Back to the Future...the third one sucked, but I can overlook it. Michael J. Fox could be really funny when put in the right movies. With that said I still cringe everytime a Spin City rerun is shown.

There's more, but I'm lazy.


Laxpunker said:
No offense, but I think Kill Bill is only two movies..or only one depending on how you view it. And isn't Harry Potter up to five movies now? Or possibly six. I only say this because if we aren't counting straight trilogy's (three movies) my list would be a little different.

OOPs you are right, i was thinking series or sequal and not trilogy as the title of this tread says,


Active member
Ohh.Word said:
As did I...but u gotta admit the 2nd and third really lacked what the 1st had....

Yes I agree.

Ronley: not just posters, they even sell glasses online, that Neo, Trinity and Morpheus wore in the movies. ;)


treehuggers said:
Ronley: not just posters, they even sell glasses online, that Neo, Trinity and Morpheus wore in the movies. ;)

Of course, Its a big money maker the clothes and jewelry and accesories that actors use from any movie.

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