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Best method to make large quantity of hash

joe fresh

Active member
just wondering, lets say i got 10 lbs of material to work with, whats the best way to make good quality hash for a low price?

mdk ktm

One of those huge dry sift tumblers would be pretty damn sweet. Throw the shit in and let it tumble. Then press it into pucks. Bubble hash would probably go for more cash though.... it depends I guess.

joe fresh

Active member
all the above...lol

if i had to choose...id say.....in order:

largest yeild

when i say cheap....i mean if i was doing bho it would cost a few hundred to a few K to make which is way too much.....if doing it with a solvent i would prefer to use something that is cheap on the wallet....for 10 lbs of material atleast....


I do ISO, Bubble and Dry Sift.

Purest = Iso (or BHO if taht is your choice)
Largest Yield = Dry sift
Best combo = Bubble.

Dry sift will be the cheapest, easiest and quickest.
Iso/BHO is more pure (potentially) than Bubble, but takes longer (as you have to purge) and potentially very dangerous.

Bubble is the best (imo) only if you are separating the grades, but is the most labor intensive, even when using a washing machine to do the mixing.

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