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Best lawyer's by state list


Well-known member
Very strange thing. The Denver Post had a insert magazine today of "Best Lawyers" listed by their specialty. There were no marijuana lawyers listed. I know there are a couple good ones that specialize in nothing but marijuana issues. I think it is probably advertising where if you pay them enough you get to be in the magazine.


Active member
attny. joan williams. mass.
she is an amazing attorney... and the sole reason i didnt have to do a nickel in mdoc. i have some fond memories of her making the narco detectives and the da look like lying, civil right violating scumbags in front of the judge. good times..
if i were ever to get jammed up again, u can bet she is my first phone call.
The number one group fighting mj legalization is prison unions and cops.Cops like to jam you up on any detail.If you give them nothing,they dont have much to go on.

Never admit guilt.Never admit anything till the lawyer comes.You can be caught red handed and still get off with good lawyering.

Years ago i got jammed with an ounce and a gun.The gun wasnt registered to me and i am a convicted criminal.The ounce was for sale.They knew it and charged me for pwid mj and unlawful possesion of a firearm.

During the arrest a friend was riding with me.They pulled him out and searched him and found nothing.During the search his phone rang.The cop answers the phone and the guy on the other end orders some cocaine.After some back and forth the cop tells the guy to meet him on the street we were pulled over on.After 30 minutes the guy arrives to buy said cocaine and gets arrested,Dumb ass right?Fast forward i get bonded out and the charge gets dropped cause of their cockamany set up.

Fast forward 5 years later..A grand jury says they have enough to charge me..WHAT!!!
I was a dumbass i admitted the gun and weed was mine.So my friend didnt go to jail.Caught red handed with a confession.So after some checking i called THE LAKE LAW FIRM. This guy had all the charges dropped no fine,no jail,no probation everything!!!!!

Fast forward some more Im still doing illegal things,But staying away from guns and drugs.If i go to jail for mj cultivation i have bail and legal representation off the jump.Hopefully one day i can be free to do as i please.



Horse-toothed Jackass
But what if the cop promises to let you go if you just admit everything to him? That's what they do, right, they let people go once they give a confession? That's their job, right? To NOT arrest people?
Oh wait...

damn they charged you after 5 years? wonder what that was about...
I bet they were trying to make something happen before the "statue of limitations" runs out. Statue may not be the right term.. Statute? But I know either some states or the whole country- if they don't anything within like 5 years it gets dropped (since the initial court date I believe).

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