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I use to have a Rottie but he died a few yrs ago. Since then I have had my home(twice) and car broken into. I need a good guard dog/companion, but one I don't have to worry about biting people I have over.:good:


get an ankle biter,yorkie jack russell or some sort of terrier.
them little things always storm out to the garden gate for passers by.
if they bite they aint going to do much damage.


Well-known member
my rottie only tripped on people who were shady never bit anyone either... belgian malinois is cool... sorta like a german shepherd crossed with a pit; the idf uses them and nothing else... need i say more :joint:

i currently have a rottie/dobe cross; he's a handful and a half but he's a great guard dog... i've had to block windows to keep him from trying to break through em if someone happens to walk up to the house who shouldn't... works as a nice proximity doorbell as well; recognizes friends and barks accordingly based on the sound of their car pulling up. it's a trip. he has his tail and ears too :joint:

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
my Rotts, Dobie, Dobey x Rotts and Boxer are not allowed in the house, and as long as I control them from the gate to the house when friends come over they won't bite as long as I introduce a friend to them first then they get the scent and they then know that that person is ok by me....

....I guess it depends on what you want a dog for, as security or a house-pet.....and how well you can train it....

*I'd go for the Dobie or Rott or cross over most other dogs....especially if you don't want any more theft...
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Opt1 got me to googling the Belgium Malinois

saw this belgium malinois rhodesian ridgeback mix what a handsome dog


belgium malinous is a great looking dog too


the rottie dobbie mix is a real nice looking dog too, if not a bit too cute :)


The cat that loves cannabis
Dobbermans just seem impossible to sweet talk your way past if your a stranger.
I like big pits, look and sound like the devil, and have that nasty biters rep as well, but you can sweet talk them even if they have never seen you before.
By sweet talk I mean a stranger that has been raised around dogs and is comfortable with them can get by most guard dogs, like Cezar Milon(dog whisperer)
But the one dobbie we had would have torn cezar a new ass before he even knew what was happening, lol.


Well-known member
i would have recommended a german shepherd but he said he didn't want his friends bit; german shepherds are responsible for more dog on human bites than ANY other breed by a good bit as well.

My dobie/rott is super cute; looks like a blk&tan hound dog with his tail and ears; till he barks or they notice the extra 20lbs of muscle on him ;) mofo can bite a hole in a campbell's soup can if given the opportunity


For guard dog..American Staffordshire Terrier..get a young pup,get a female,train it with nothing but love,and instincts from the dog will more then keep you protected ....I never use my dogs to fight my battles,just let me know when there's trouble, and most see the breed and just the look of the animal is deterrent enough..


i find that my staffy and other staffy pit crosses ive had dont do much barking
they are more a guns are for show knifes for a pro type dog,they dont need to
bark much because they know what they can do and the other down side is
they love humans too much.


Rhodesian Ridgeback's are great and if mixed with pitbull even faster :D Pitbullet


Active member
ICMag Donor
American Pit Bull Terriers (American Staffordshire Terriers are the show cousin to the American Pit Bull Terrier and have all Dog Gameness bred out of them) are the worst guard dogs. But best people dogs. Excellent lap dogs and pets.

American Pit Bull Terriers are bred to not be human aggressive in any manner. They were used later in life as Pit Fighting Dogs and thus random Referee's had to be able to handle them for scratches and check them for wounds, so they were purposely bred to not have human aggression. Any human aggressive American Pit Bull Terriers were worthless in the Pit and thus culled so they didn't pass on that unwanted trait.

Now on to the American Staffordshire Terrier. The American Staffordshire Terrier was bred from the oldest U.S. known American Pit Bull line which is the COLBY dog. The problem with American Staffordshire Terriers being bred for conformation and the show ring is that the years and years of breeding the American Pit Bull Terriers to not bite humans was lost in the American Staffordshire Terrier. They are Loyal, they are strong, they are athletic but they will in fact bite a human and since they look exactly like the American Pit Bull Terrier it is the American Pit Bull Terrier that gets the blame as the vicious dog.

If you own a dog that you think is a American Pit Bull Terrier and has Registration Papers, look at the Registration Papers. If the papers are A.K.C then the dog is not an American Pit Bull Terrier and you will see it is in fact a American Staffordshire Terrier or if not then the U.K.'s Staffordshire Bull Terrier.

Yes American Staffordshire Terriers make good guard dogs.

I hope this information is helpful to all.


Active member
Do you want a guard dog or a pet.. there are many breeds that can do both but a real guard dog does not make for a good pet. Working class dogs such as Rottweilers are well suited, Dobermanns and German Sheppards are both good choices as well. This is why there are so many of them currently working as service dogs.

As mentioned above, APBT and Staffies are very human affectionate, and can be persuaded by an intruder. A German Sheppard will rip the same intruder a new orifice.
The rott has the strongest bite, the dobie looks the meanest, the sheppard is probably the most agile of the three.

You could look into more exotic animals such as Cane Corso, Argentinian Dogo, perhaps even a Mastiff could fill the role.

The training is the most important part though, any animal can be dangerous. If you are willing to pay for it, a professionally trained Sheppard would be the way to go.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Opt1 got me to googling the Belgium Malinois

saw this belgium malinois rhodesian ridgeback mix what a handsome dog

good find reap'er

that's a damn good looking dog, wouldn't pass up on a mutt like that ever, this look is refined/clean enough that if you claimed it was a purebred of some sort I wouldn't doubt it; of course we haven't seen the rest of this one standing, walking etc but the way it sits now it sure is handsome.......



good find reap'er

that's a damn good looking dog, wouldn't pass up on a mutt like that ever, this look is refined/clean enough that if you claimed it was a purebred of some sort I wouldn't doubt it; of course we haven't seen the rest of this one standing, walking etc but the way it sits now it sure is handsome.......

Wow I agree he is a beauty. Aren't Rhodesian Ridgebacks the ones that never bark? Thanks for all the advice and input guys. I must say that I have had a AKC registered German Shepard (female), that I had to get rid of before she really hurt someone. She would hit the end of the leash and try and kill people just for walking in my general direction. My rottwieler was a male and he would just sit silently between any new person/stranger and myself. As long as he felt I was cool with it so was he, but he was totally different if I wasn't home and he didn't already know you, BAD news then. I think I have almost convinced myself to get another Rottie?