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Best FFOF Mix?


I go all organic and my mix is:

1 Bag FFOF
1/4 Bag Light Warrior
5 Cups Vermiculite
10 Cups Perlite
4 Cups Worm Castings


Forgot to mention that when I am starting the seeds I mix the above and then put into pots, I then take a scoopful with my hand out of center where the seed/clone will go and add Light Warrior to help start the transition a little easier and the girls love it.


So I just talked to my Hydro Store guy and he told me that he's had hardly any to no user complaints on the recent FFOF he has in stock. He's also been using bags of both batches at home without any problems. I think I'm going to go with my 5 bags this time and may think about going a different route next time.

Now I just need to figure out if I want to add chunky perlite or not. I don't think I'm going to go with any other additives other than that.
i have been growing with ffof and lw for over a year now with no problems. I use a mix of lw and ffof together, at about a ratio of 3:1. If i feel its needed i add some perlite. I always add some ewc. this mix works great for veg, i only feed when they start to say they want it.

by the way, im on the west coast, so that may be why i have no problems with my ffof. I have also used it straight out of the bag with no problems at all.

Disco-i like the idea of scooping out a small spot for the seed to start and adding lw. im going to give that a try next time i pop some new beans.


Active member
I'm from the East Coast and I'm told by the store that my FFOF comes from NJ and it's very nice! I bought 20 bags and all of them were perfect so no complaints here!


Disco-i like the idea of scooping out a small spot for the seed to start and adding lw. im going to give that a try next time i pop some new beans.

Thanks. Just thought about it one day while reading the bag and smoking. Haven't done a side by side to see if it makes a BIG difference but can't hurt right.


I use 50% ffof or other organic potting soil, 25% perlite and 25% peat moss. ffof is hot enough I'm not adding anything else until the 2nd run except liquid nutes as needed. I use massive amounts of soil and re-use it indefinitely.


I have used straight FFOF and found that it drained and dried just fine without added perlite (~3 days between waterings in 1 gal pot)

If you add straight peat moss make sure to add dolomite lime and perlite. You can crush some of it up to speed up the process but it will still need to sit damp with the peat for a week or so. If you cut FFOF with a mix like pro-mix, the dolomite is already in there.

FFOF and Light Warrior cost $15/cu ft while pro mix is $5/cu ft. Personally I would rather be in control of what nutes are going in so I prefer a plain base mix like pro-mix. You can make your own plain base mix for $2-$3/cu ft.

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