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Best edible for long time storage


well the question is what the best edible for long time storage? cannaoil/glycerin tincture/ect. How long does it last? and does it lose potency after time?.

On the other hand whats the best way to get rid of a large quantity of trim for long time storage without losing potentcy. Hash/cannaoil/ glycerin tincture/bho/cannabutter/resin/ect.


Vladimir Demikhov Fanboy
vacuum packed fudge in the bottom back of the freezer INSIDE a cheap styrofoam cooler to minimize temp shifts.


New member
I would recommend Ghee. This is clarified butter you can easily do for yourself. There are many recipes on the net.

Ghee fat lasts much longer than butter (it doesn't get rancid). It is the best available fat for human consumption and can be used for e.g. cooking instead of butter. The absorption rate is 96%, the highest of all oils and fats.


Ghee works great. I have used it for many years. Ghee, Coco powder, powdered sugar, and a pure extract. I use the ghee to make the extract from bud or resin. I make my own ghee from unsalted butter. If frozen keeps forever.
Wow, I had no idea that ghee lasted that long. I'm wondering what you mean by long term storage though. There are lots of options depending on what you're exactly needing. I make a gallon of oil at a time and I've had it last over a year, but typically call it "good" for about 6 months before I'll donate or toss it. What do you need to use it for? Ghee is wonderful stuff, but butter and clarified butter burns real easy, and then its worthless. Not exactly sure what its heat tolerance is, but much less than the more stable oils. And just for the record, I have had ghee go rancid in the fridge after about 6 months. if you are interested in a high heat tolerant medium, you may like a nice organic coconut oil. Also because of its solid state below like 78 degrees or something, it is a great substitute when a recipe calls for butter. Much like ghee in the fat content and delivery of the thc, but it has a very long shelf life and more versatility and stability.

BHO is amazing, but controversial because of its potential carcinogenic properties. I believe that the butane is eliminated in the process. If you had a few grams of honey oil in the freezer, stored properly, it would last indefinitely. And honestly, just storing trim in the freezer will last a really long time if dried properly and stored right. You are also on to something if you're open to tinctures. Alcohol preserved ganja tincture would last a long time I'm sure, but I don't know from personal experience just how long. Good luck! ~MissGD


Active member
Hard candy made from hash. I make qwiso hash, but with everclear (everclear was made to be consumed). I would imagine the hard candy would be good for many years.


By long term storage I mean for several years, at -30C.
I do not understand what you make a gallon of, that is not good in 6 months. Any weed oil or hash oil will last much longer if kept from O2 and frozen in the dark. As for ghee not lasting more then 6 months, I have had it last longer then that just in a room in India at normal high Indian temps, something was wrong with your ghee, were all the milk solids removed for sure, was unsalted butter used, did you make it? The milk solids go rancid very easy. I have used every oil in the world I could find, I still prefer ghee, because of the taste. I don't use high temps if I cook it, but I don't much, I like uncooked coco powder, powdered sugar, and ghee with extract, I do use a double boiler over boiling water to make the extract from resin or herbal Cannabis with the ghee, then I press the resin with a food grade nylon bag with a very small weave in a juice press to get all the extract, the resin is dry and useless after pressing, takes maybe 30 minutes. I don't like to eat Cannabis or resin just the extract, I like to use dry sift resin as it has more taste and smells then water hash, and makes a much stronger extract then weed does.
I have been making these for more then 35 years now.
One small one with maybe a gram or two of FMCD dry sift in each will have you tripping....
I like 5 at a time.

Wow, I had no idea that ghee lasted that long. I'm wondering what you mean by long term storage though. There are lots of options depending on what you're exactly needing. I make a gallon of oil at a time and I've had it last over a year, but typically call it "good" for about 6 months before I'll donate or toss it. What do you need to use it for? Ghee is wonderful stuff, but butter and clarified butter burns real easy, and then its worthless. Not exactly sure what its heat tolerance is, but much less than the more stable oils. And just for the record, I have had ghee go rancid in the fridge after about 6 months. if you are interested in a high heat tolerant medium, you may like a nice organic coconut oil. Also because of its solid state below like 78 degrees or something, it is a great substitute when a recipe calls for butter. Much like ghee in the fat content and delivery of the thc, but it has a very long shelf life and more versatility and stability.

BHO is amazing, but controversial because of its potential carcinogenic properties. I believe that the butane is eliminated in the process. If you had a few grams of honey oil in the freezer, stored properly, it would last indefinitely. And honestly, just storing trim in the freezer will last a really long time if dried properly and stored right. You are also on to something if you're open to tinctures. Alcohol preserved ganja tincture would last a long time I'm sure, but I don't know from personal experience just how long. Good luck! ~MissGD


fully decarboxylated?

fully decarboxylated?

By long term storage I mean for several years, at -30C.
I do not understand what you make a gallon of, that is not good in 6 months. Any weed oil or hash oil will last much longer if kept from O2 and frozen in the dark. As for ghee not lasting more then 6 months, I have had it last longer then that just in a room in India at normal high Indian temps, something was wrong with your ghee, were all the milk solids removed for sure, was unsalted butter used, did you make it? The milk solids go rancid very easy. I have used every oil in the world I could find, I still prefer ghee, because of the taste. I don't use high temps if I cook it, but I don't much, I like uncooked coco powder, powdered sugar, and ghee with extract, I do use a double boiler over boiling water to make the extract from resin or herbal Cannabis with the ghee, then I press the resin with a food grade nylon bag with a very small weave in a juice press to get all the extract, the resin is dry and useless after pressing, takes maybe 30 minutes. I don't like to eat Cannabis or resin just the extract, I like to use dry sift resin as it has more taste and smells then water hash, and makes a much stronger extract then weed does.
I have been making these for more then 35 years now.
One small one with maybe a gram or two of FMCD dry sift in each will have you tripping....
I like 5 at a time.

seems like you would have a better experience if the extract were baked in a muffin or brownies at higher temps than from the double boiler.

maybe extract the resin in oil using a candy thermometer to not over heat it.
Thanks Sam!! Yes, my ghee sucks, I never get all the solids out but I usually use it quickly if I have it, so I don't often notice how much it affects shelf life. I agree the taste of ghee is unsurpassed! coconut oil is a close second for me!

as far as canna-tech stating it doesn't go rancid, I was chiming in that it can. I only use fresh (6 mo. or less) oil for edibles that are made for retail donation. I would use oil that was older than that for personal use, and recommend it to homeboy johnnyjae for his long term storage of his by-product resource.

Overall, it really depends on what he ultimately johnny wants to do with it. Smoke it? (hash/bho) dose friends' and their beers/drinks at a party? (tincture) make a baking or high heat oil?(coconut) make hummus and salad dressing? (olive oil) everyday cooking and baking? (probably ghee, right??)

Lastly,keep in mind that ghee would be quite expensive and time consuming to make when you're going for quantity, which is what the original poster here is talking. A good portion of the butter is essentially waste. An example of a cheap and verstile option for long term preservation is trader joe's canola oil. Not organic, but decent...Very versatile, tastes no where near as exquisite as a nice ghee, but its stable for cooking and storage and easy for the average person to acquire in quantity and utilize. A QP/gallon is my general measure. Don't know what others' ratios are.


You can store your Ghee longer if you put some water in the jar with ghee after each usage. Just half an inch or so. It will keep the aerob bacterias from using the ghee as some growth media.
If you want to take some Ghee you obviously spill out the water first ^^ and later refill...




Infuse trim (or bho) into cocoa butter, decarboxylate it in a double boil, separate from any water that crept in during infusion, recombine with equal mass of cocoa powder (and 10% total mass powdered sugar if you need it), and pour into molds.

If you want a firmer, snappier chocolate, learn how to temper it ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chocolate#Tempering ). It might take you a small batch our two out of your big batch to get the hang of it, but it's not hard at all.

This stuff will keep forever (especially if you double bag it and keep it in the freezer). If you see little white patterns coming out of chocolate after a while, that's just fat and sugar separating, and you should do a better job mixing and purging of water next time, but it's still good and will still keep.

If you don't want to mess around with the chocolate, just infuse into cocoa butter (solid at room temp!) and cook with that. It should also keep forever in the freezer.

Also, a small amount of chocolate on an empty stomach hits like a mac truck since the fat and sugar stimulate dose dumping of the thc. I think that the chocolate solids work synergistically as well.