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Best 1000 watt hps bulbs?


When I started growing I though people replaced bulbs every year but I guess 6 months is a better choice? And also that specialized bulbs like hortilux eye are a waste of $...

So I'm nearing the end of my 3rd cycle with these bulbs and I'm wondering what type of hps bulbs you super-pros out there use? And where to grab em?



Active member
if you want a "lumen perspective"(what plants use to grow) the newer sunmasters have 150,000 lumens, solarmax have 147500, and hortilux is 145000. i have found that these "plant specific" bulbs seem to be the brightest for growig the plants. pound for pound, 600w super hps digital set ups are the brightest nd mos effiecient, good luck, d


I'm a fan of Sunmaster.
Best lumen and par rating for a 1,000 watt.
They can last quite a while without lumen or par loss.
Most quality hps lamps can go 6000 hours without loss.
$64 delivered on ebay.


Hortilux is certainly not junk,I'm not sure where that came from but its totally untrue.For flowering you do want a horticultural lamp for sure but for veg any ole MH will do.


Well-known member
Ive used the hortilux super hps for both veg and flower and these plants were very bushy. All in all I think the hortilux kick ass.
if you want a "lumen perspective"(what plants use to grow) the newer sunmasters have 150,000 lumens, solarmax have 147500, and hortilux is 145000. i have found that these "plant specific" bulbs seem to be the brightest for growig the plants. pound for pound, 600w super hps digital set ups are the brightest nd mos effiecient, good luck, d

plants do not "use lumens to grow". plants care about PAR wattage.

lumens measure how intense light is to a human's eye.

par watts measure the amount of Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) a light gives off which a plant can use as part of it's nutritional cycle.


Well I never said hortilux was junk, just that I had heard it was more efficient to buy cheap bulbs and replace them more often.

I read people replace bulbs every 6 months-1 year, 6000 hours would be ~8 cycles or 16 months right? Maybe I will use these for 3 more runs and get the sunmasters then...

Thanks all!


Active member
plants do not "use lumens to grow". plants care about PAR wattage.

lumens measure how intense light is to a human's eye.

par watts measure the amount of Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) a light gives off which a plant can use as part of it's nutritional cycle.

to say that lumens dont matter is pretty weak, and to add insult to injury, you diss my rep, nice one. as if the youngster cares, i was trying to be helpful in a practical manner. thats like saying gram/per watt cant be used becuase plants dont care about watts. when you buy a bulb, lumens are listed on the box, not par watts. if you wanna be a pompous ass, do it to another person who takes life as seriously as you, troll elsewhere bro, nothing you wrote in your post helps answer the question, so why post? you have to realise not everyone is at your nerd level, so if you have nothing helpful to say, dont say it. when anyone blueprints a room, they talk about wattage and lumens. and when bulb efficiency is discussed, lumens/watt is the equation, you are right, but your approach is horribly wrong. you can help or hurt, based on your post, ive seen no help, if the kid was a scientist like you, he would not haver asked his question, d


I've had great results with hortilux. And even if it just throws a few more grams out, its already payed for itself. It's a very minor cost, in my opinion. I bought an ushio the other day, but only because I literally couldn't afford a hortilux. I think you can grow a lot of good herb with some really crappy equipment. I've seen it done countless times. But if the money is available, I think all equipment pays for itself. I've never hesitated to invest in any piece of equipment I know I could use in at least 2-3 cycles. Even an air conditioner, if you need to buy a new one every three harvests, it's still payed for itself.

That being said, I always love seeing people throw down minimal amount of resources to pull off an beautiful harvest. Badass. Me personally, I like having the best of everything for the peace of mind of knowing, if anything goes wrong... it was by my hand. Not something outside of my control.


The reason lumens and watts are listed is thats What people are most intetested in,and they are in the market of selling lamps,not educating the public about PAR wattage and how this is the most important thing to consider.Overgrow had a couple charts giving the PAR wattages of all sorts of different HID lamps.Maybe someone knows what I'm talking about and has the patience to find it lol.Bottom line is itsa fact lumens are seen by people and PAR watts are seen by plants,to put it simply.


And I bet you do killer to dont you.My first couple years or so I spent well over 100 bucks for the agrosun MH lamps.This I do remember from the charts they hace 581 PAR watts,higher than any other lamp on the chart MH or HPS.But you just dont need that to veg excellent plants.Its just been my experience after switching to standard 1K MH from those expensive agrosuns,my plants veg every bit as well.I wouldnt use a underground parking garage standard HPS to flower my babies with.Horticltural lamps to make a difference in flowering plants.I couldnt tell you how many PAR watts are in a standard parking garage HPS but I know it wouldnt compare to the PAR watts of a 1K hortilux.Damn I wish we still had those overgrow charts
Best bulb depends on what type of ballast you use, digital or magnetic?

How about for a 600W Digital?

Random chart...

Dr. Conjuror


I'm partial to Agrosun Red Sodium lamps in 1000 and 600 watts. They are at the lower end of kelvin for HPS at 2000K and are made in germany specifically for Digital ballast, of course they also work in traditional magnetic ballast.
Agrosun also makes a 430w hps that I use in a 400 watt digital ballast but are not made the same as the Agrosun 1000 & 600 watt HPS since there is no 430 watt digital ballast. I know hydrofarm makes a 430w magnetic ballast but the 430w Agrosun red sodium work just fine in a 400w digi ballast.

There really is no "best" bulb its all preference, you can argue lumen vs. par but what it all comes to is does the bulb your using do for you what you're looking for.



Hortilux fan here but I do currently have a new Sunmaster 1k because a friend owed me and thats what he had so I said screw it. It good in my opinion.
So let the pissing match begin.:dueling: