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Benzene used in corn oil processing


There had been some threads talking about if it is dangerous to eat chemicaly processed hash. This might be interesting to read;

This information is from Karl Loren:

Corn oil is first squeezed from the corn and filtered. This is virgin oil. Virgin corn oil is not very stable to begin with and immediately starts to oxidize (break down/turn rancid).
There is still corn mash left over from the process, and because the food industry wants to make even greater profits, they go on to chemically extract the rest of the oil found in this mash. They add benzene to the corn mash.
The benzene pulls the extra oil out of the corn the same way gasoline pulls oil out of a soiled cloth. Since benzene is not allowed in food, the oil must be heated (burned) to burn off the benzene. The burning process denatures the oil (starts to turn it into a trans fat) and also oxidizes it and makes it rancid.
The oils are all mixed together, the virgin squeezing and the chemically extracted oils. They are bottled in clear plastic. Oh, I forgot: there’s a chemical factory just outside of New Jersey that makes an oil flavored perfume that is added to the oil so you don’t smell the rancidity.
In the clear plastic, the oil is assaulted by light which further breaks it down.
So, when you finally open that bottle of corn oil, it still smells clean and pure, but much of it is already rancid, and rancid oils can attack your arteries and have been linked to cancer.


Active member
Can't compare ..over consumption of.. carcinogenic food oils to.. smoking some pin head dabs of BHO. However I am not a scientist nor a professional just seems silly, that chemically processed hash could ever be as bad as that corn oil is to me.


I was not intending the message to be that the smoking is bad, rather that in the foods industry, solvents are used to process our foods. Therefore, one should not be too concerned about using solvent based concentrates in making food items.

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