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Bending plants to grow TOWARDS light vs letting them grow upwards?

Hey folks....

I see some of you vert dudes using scrog screens but not really using it to keep plants growing/pointing towards light (instead of up towards the ceiling) once budding is starting.

In horizontal setups, the tops of plants grow up towards the light and scrog screens space them apart perfectly (captain obvious) ......It seems this idea but with the increased canopy area of vert would be perfect...

but i see nobody doing it? Am I missing something?

Anybody with experience forcing the plants to totally face the light vs letting them grow up.


Devil's Advocate
They would jam into each other as they got longer and closer to the light. I think that you were on to something, and it sounds good at first, but to do it where the "spokes" wouldn't cross each other at the ends would be to do similar plant counts as if you grew them upwards as usual... I think a picture would get my point across better, but this might have worked.

pine boy

I have been trying vert.bulb and horizonal colas trained to a radius.It takes supercropping and stakes.I suck at growing so my success is going to be limited untill I figure this stuff out.I run at 1/4 - 1/2 gpw per plant.
Its pretty cool though...The heads get a ton of light and they flower all the way to the soil.The little off shoots get a ton of light too and get really full.

Green pots are coming down now.
I'm going to shut down and make shelves:woohoo:


Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
Good question Bro! I plan to try to do just that soon. I agree w/pine boy ^, it will probably take a lot of supercropping and an extended veg time depending on bulb size and plant #'s.
Stay safe n high :joint:
I think I'm gonna try it w/ an extended veg time and the ability to move the plants back a little if they extend to the point where they'd criss cross...or deal with it when they do...

thanks guys:joint:


i am going for a 1200W cylinder of bud 3 feet wide and 6 feet tall. with 6 plants!!!! w0000tt!

definitely will post pics of this masterpiece all over here but that will be many moons from now.


I use an individual trellis for each plant. 8 around a 1kw cooltube.

Here let me show you

I train the planet into the trellis, and then control their weighty droop out the front with wire. The distance from bud to bulb is most critical. I try to push a bunch of the fan leaves out the back where they thrive on all the reflected light.

Simplygreen, is this what you mean?



I use an individual trellis for each plant. 8 around a 1kw cooltube.

Here let me show you

I train the planet into the trellis, and then control their weighty droop out the front with wire. The distance from bud to bulb is most critical. I try to push a bunch of the fan leaves out the back where they thrive on all the reflected light.

Simplygreen, is this what you mean?


curious to what your yield is? and the vegge time



About 26z.

Had to veg way longer than I planned because my inexperience meant my next generation was behind schedule. Straight up 4-5 weeks...same things happening now. I'm learning how far out to plan for the next run. I have a veg box, but the cloning and establishing plantlets is going slower than I expected.
