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Bench - Pressed For Space grow


bench warmer

Great examples :yes: I feel much more confident about my cleanup efforts now.

Is it too late to transplant to larger containers at 3 weeks of flowering after having trimmed the larf? If not, would going from a 2 gallon pot to a 10 gallon pot be overkill?


ICMag Donor
Are you in cheap-o plastic bags? I've tore the bottom of one off before and planted it on top of a 5 gallon bucket of dirt without any issues before. I just decided the plant was getting bigger than I expected and wanted to give it more life - not sure how old it was when I did that...but it had to have been about 2-3wks into flower while the plant was stretching and I realized how big it was going to be...

So, it certainly won't HURT anything. Will there be any sort of real benefit, I can't precisely. I know people say that roots stop growing at a certain point in flower - and I can't honestly say I know when that exact point is...maybe someone else can chime in... but when I put the plant essentially on top of a 5 gallon bucket with the bottom of the bag tore - the 5 gallon bucket was completely full of roots at harvest...


This was the plant I did that with. I think I put an additional 4 gallons in the bucket, and then gently filled in around the bag. I only pulled the bottom 2-3" off the bag...just so the roots could grow down.

My main concern wasn't to increase yield, but realizing the plant was bigger than I had intended, and I didn't want to encounter early deficiencies that would later be a pain to deal with.


So yeah, go ahead and transplant if you want to - as long as you aren't roughing the roots up - it shouldn't stress the plant out at all to give it more room to grow. Just be patient and gentle in regards to how you get it out - I wouldn't be flipping it upside down and shaking it all about... ;)


bench warmer

That's a bucketful of buds d.F. :laughing:

I decided to use 5 gallon pots instead of ten and am not going to bother with tomato cages. If necessary, I'll just stake the plants later.

Here's an example of how the trimming and transplanting has left my plants.


ICMag Donor
That looks perfect.

Plant looks pretty healthy to begin with. Why were you wanting to transplant into something larger??



my strength is a number, and my soul lies in every
ICMag Donor
I don't have any type of data but just my opinion, based on observation of the fact that my soil has turned into solid sponge like masses throughout the flowering period from the root growth, that the roots grow throughout the plants life, and as the roots go... so shall the plant, its only when the plant reaches natural senescence that the roots stop growing then so does the plant, then it dies... if we transplant and change the photoperiod before that stage the plant continues to grow new fresh root and the plant revegetates.

then again, I could be wrong.

the only symptoms I could imagine is a delay in harvest due to a potential floral explosion from being in fresh medium with access to fresh nutes


ICMag Donor
Only reason I wouldn't fear that too much is if the plant is in control - the chemical secretions from the roots tell the microbes in the rhizosphere what to do. Those chemical secretions aren't going to change, so in theory, the plant should just continue forward as normal...



my strength is a number, and my soul lies in every
ICMag Donor
true that, I guess If it weren't deficient in the first place then there would be no new introduction of nutes.

gotta love living organics... most people I talk to don't know anything about the rhizosphere relationship and the "cakes and cookies" interactions... they are missing out on the tastes... force feeding their plants chelated cocktails like their trying to grow foie gras, lol

bench warmer

The idea to up pot from 2 gallon to 10 was to allow for potential increase in bud girth; pure speculation on my part.
It was only a shortage of medium in hand that made me reach for 5 gallon containers instead. haha!
Although the transplant went smoothly I ran out of mixed medium (based on NSPB), so I simply used this organic mix
to fill the space in the new bigger containers.
The plants will be receiving Budswell & the GH veganic General Organics line until the last 2 weeks or so of flowering.
Infini - Thanks for chiming in. :tiphat:
There's a chance I may reveg some or all of these testers, so the larger pots may serve well to that end too. Kewl! :)


ICMag Donor
As long as the roots fill out the new space, their is potential for an increase...

But like was said before...it surely can't HURT anything. How much benefit you'll see is going to be hard to tell without having a comparison to make. I suppose in the end, you'll be making a anecdotal call based on how they turn out compared to your normal runs?


bench warmer

This will be different from my previous organic mix runs in a few ways.

• Plants were transplanted in a timely manner rather than being severely root bound before each up potting;
• They receive Buswell & GH's organic line since the last 3 weeks of veg;
• They'll have more root space than previous runs.

Only the Hortilab x Karma G plants are in 5 gallon pots. 2 King Kush went from 1 gallon to 2 gallon
The 3 CBDB x Flo, 3 Cannatonic x Flo & single Grapefruit/Mango x Purple Haze are still in 1 gallon pots.

tleaf jr.

Came up off 75w
looking good bench that plant looks spot on like frank said , the lady will definitely like the extra root space no matter what point of flower , except senescence of course ....ill be lurking around :lurk:

bench warmer

Thanks for checking out this space tleaf jr. :)

I may as well show how some of the other strains in the tent are coming along as of today. Excuse the crappy pic quality.

CBDB x Flo

Cannatonic x Flo

Grapefruit/Mango x Purple Haze

bench warmer

A couple pics of the whole tent at the beginning of week 4.
Wish I knew more about photography/camera settings.


bench warmer

Those last 2 pics were taken with an Olympus Stylus-7000.
Recently, I accidentally hit a setting that reset everything. Oddly, I don't recall setting more than the date and time settings on this camera but the reset button definitely has changed the way pics turn out nowadays.
I'm sure there's some simple settings that would fix the picture quality but hell if I have been able to figure it out. :confused:


ICMag Donor
You've got two different macro modes - macro and super macro. I'd keep her set on super macro - which I think you select by pushing left on the directional pad - with the little tulip image...

I'd imagine that some of the auto shooting modes don't allow for the macro mode to be on. I'd suggest either keeping it on the Intelligent Auto - or maybe play around with the cuisine mode for shooting close ups on the super macro...

I'd keep flash set to fill-in...or off completely depending on how much light you have..

It has adjustments for white balance as well - but typically on point and shoots you just put that on Auto and any more just correct balance in a photo editing program these days.

I'd keep the focus mode set on iESP to ensure a broader range of focal points.

I've not played with your camera - just looking over the manual .pdf online real quick...

When playing in the super macro - I'd recommend using a tripod and the self-timer, which is 12 sec. If you don't have a tripod...a chair or box and a stack of books to the right height works just fine and given you have 12 seconds to let the shutter click - you have plenty of time to ensure the shot is still - as long as whatever you set the camera on is solid and not being affected by vibrations...

Not exactly sure what aspect of your images you are trying to change...?


bench warmer

I'm aiming for more of a bluish hue to the images I think. The pics Phillthy posted often had this particular look that I admired.

The image below is closer to what I want from the point & shoot. I used the iAuto setting and then fiddled with it using photoshop.



ICMag Donor
If that is what you are after - to get rid of that HPS glow - then play around with the white balance on the camera when you take the picture...then with the combination of photoshop - you might just be able to get them looking more "normal"...

Try setting the white balance to "tungsten" ...


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