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Being detected by helicopters

Sup everyone @ IC. I have a question concerning whether or not law enforcement can see inside someones home. I know that they can detect heat coming out your home being vented outside. Can they actually see inside your home? How advanced is leo technology? To what extent can they actually see your grow? Can a helicopter see inside your house? Not vented heat, but inside. Thanks.


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
So I am not the only paranoid one.

My issue and paranoia is when my wife and I are having sex and a helicopter flies over. I always think they are just posted up there watching the show. Trips me out because odds are the technology is there or at least close to there.

Reason why we need to remove all of the "monitor the citizens making sure they are not doing wrong" to "protect the people if and when they need HELP".

It is an us against them when it needs to be them protecting us as their paycheck should be paying for. Community service in its most finest way turned into a damn surveillance against the people.
The heat signature that your bulb gives off is what they see. The heat that gets vented out can be dissipated to a point where they would not notice, it can be attributed to a Dryer vent or water heater vent. The point is that if you have a really strong source of heat shining in your house at night then it will cause suspicion.

Many people will say they can't use infrared to detect you, it is against the law. These people are naive fools .Police helicopters have infrared on all the time at night, if you've ever seen cops,America's most wanted or your local high-speed chase on T.V you will notice that if the person(s) try to hide in foliage(tall grass) or down a dark alley they glow.

That same glow is given off by your light as they are flying over your spot. If you think that they are not going to take note of where they saw bright lights shining in houses at night then all of my writing has gone to waste and you will probably be posting- a i got busted thread soon.

In the winter use the Light during the day and in the summer go to your local home improvement store and get thermo insulation. 3m has 4X8 sheets they should be around the dry wall section. They also have a roll of insulation they sell it looks like the heat shields they make to keep your car cool, the kind you put on your dash, only its a long roll.That should be by the water heater section of Lowes or Home Depot.

These tactics are always used and lied about by the Police and DEA.

Good luck

Moldy Dreads

Active member
If you think that they are not going to take note of where they saw bright lights shining in houses at night then all of my writing has gone to waste and you will probably be posting- a i got busted thread soon.

I doubt it's their main way of detecting grows, but if you are running a bunch of 1000s side by side , then they could get an idea for what was there, I just highly doubt warrants are based off heat sensors on helicopters, it's just too expensive to do that type of looking. I believe most busts are started with a Narc...most important rule is to not let anyone know, which happens to be the hardest rule too..

Moldy Dreads

Active member
The heat is from a 400 watt hps tucked away. Is one 400 watt hps significant enough for them to see heat inside?

No way man, that could be your chicken egg incubator or any other strong light, I'd say your odds of being caught by a helicopter are .001%


If the police or DEA are looking at your home with FLIR, then that means they already have a good idea of what you're doing. And they have a warrant to do so.


No way man, that could be your chicken egg incubator or any other strong light, I'd say your odds of being caught by a helicopter are .001%


Concentrate your security efforts on odor control and light leaks....and of course, don't talk about it.
Thanks everyone for the feedback. I kind of figured it isn't that easy. I still get paranoid from time to time. I cant help myself with all the persecution against growers and just about anyone nowadays, I can never feel safe enough. Damn, I need to go live somewhere where it is more tolerated, a medical state at least.
Don't take the advice, i don't care. let the naive start in with the comments. You Tube never get busted. This ex Police officer did a reverse sting on cops he set-up a small grow room but grew legal plants. Sure enough they raided his house!. He had cameras set video-taping them as they did it. Then he approached them after and asked them why they just wrecked his house they looked really really stupid the kind of stupid that would be on the faces of the people that say this can't happen. I never said that they would specifically be looking for your house but the flir is on when they fly and it does read heat.

You tube never get busted. While i don't think a 400 watt light would be enough. it never hurts to shield your light. Moldy dreads may say what he wants but remember they confiscate all your shit in unfriendly states do you really want everything gone. That includes property, vehicles,savings etc.


Overkill is under-rated.
FLIR cannot see through walls! Lots of guys are so worried here about cops being able to see your lights, but they cannot! They can only see the outside of your house and what temperature the outside is. If you have a dryer, or air cooled lights venting outside than thats all they can see. In the US cops must have a warrant to use it on your house, so if you get FLIR'ed you're already screwed.


Don't take the advice, i don't care. let the naive start in with the comments. You Tube never get busted. This ex Police officer did a reverse sting on cops he set-up a small grow room but grew legal plants. Sure enough they raided his house!. He had cameras set video-taping them as they did it. Then he approached them after and asked them why they just wrecked his house they looked really really stupid the kind of stupid that would be on the faces of the people that say this can't happen. I never said that they would specifically be looking for your house but the flir is on when they fly and it does read heat.

You tube never get busted. While i don't think a 400 watt light would be enough. it never hurts to shield your light. Moldy dreads may say what he wants but remember they confiscate all your shit in unfriendly states do you really want everything gone. That includes property, vehicles,savings etc.

not to hijack the thread or go off-topic but i heard a lot of sources say that he did something else to trigger the raid, like calling in an anonymous tip or something. could be bullshit but it would make a lot of sense


no flir can not see inside your home it can see the outline of a hot hood and light sitting in front of a window in a room or in a cold uninsulated attic since it is the only hot item there.

hence the term grow in a room with in a room


it is illegal to use FLIR evidence in court in the USA unless the FLIR image was gotten by using a warrant

commercial and industrial buildings have no such restriction from FLIR detection



FLIR reads the surface temps of the building

put your grow in a room within and keep the outer area the same temp as the house and you will not give off a heat signal


Active member
Are there a ton of Flir busts where you guys live... I live in so cal Flir busts happen time to time but are started by an "anonymous tip" from the grow partner or the old ball and chain/girlfriend call to leos, or grower talked to much. most of socal is basically desert, run your lights and A/C during the day its 70 to 100+ outside year round for the most part. Do you guys really know people that got busted just based on Flir?? My other hobby besides growing is too see how people in my area and around the US are getting busted so i dont. Usually theres more to the story with Flir busts. I read about more people getting busted for posting their grow on youtube or growwebsites than being busted by Flir or so it seems.


New member
it costs way to much for them to just fly around with the FLIR cameras trying to find grow rooms. as stated, if they use FLIR on your house you're already screwed.

but having a grow tent inside a room, with an air conditioner in the room never hurt anybody.

G.O. Joe

Well-known member
it is illegal to use FLIR evidence in court in the USA unless the FLIR image was gotten by using a warrant

No one is saying that they have to use illegally obtained evidence in court. All they have to do is call in an "anonymous tip" and bust down your door, and then they will have all the evidence that they need.

it costs way to much for them to just fly around with the FLIR cameras trying to find grow rooms.

It didn't cost too much in the 90's...it doesn't cost too much now for the city to have 2 helicopters flying all night and two state patrol planes circling the city 24/7 during the growing season. Besides, the drug business is a net profit for them, not a loss. Enough to fund other areas. If you nearly have your mortgage paid off, your house will be forfeited and they will get a share...gee I guess there just isn't any incentive for them.

"Wow, look down there Joe. That must be quite an operation down there. Too bad we aren't allowed to mention that to anyone because of the Court ruling."
*Sgt. Joe throws up hands and shakes head*
"Aw, shucks."


What if I don't have AC and I have a computer running? and yeah Barry Cooper definitely used other means then a heat signature to lure those cops. Probably just started bragging to kids about all the fire dope he farms, I remember watching that. 2 little fake xmas trees in some buckets under an HID lol, the cops were like wtf... I think they didnt have a warrant either


KopBusters rented a house in Odessa, Texas and began growing two small Christmas trees under a grow light similar to those used for growing marijuana. When faced with a suspected marijuana grow, the police usually use illegal FLIR cameras and/or lie on the search warrant affidavit claiming they have probable cause to raid the house. Instead of conducting a proper investigation which usually leads to no probable cause, the Kops lie on the affidavit claiming a confidential informant saw the plants and/or the police could smell marijuana coming from the suspected house.

The trap was set and less than 24 hours later, the Odessa narcotics unit raided the house only to find KopBuster’s attorney waiting under a system of complex gadgetry and spy cameras that streamed online to the KopBuster’s secret mobile office nearby.

To clarify just a bit, according to Cooper, there was nothing illegal going on the bait house, just two evergreen trees and some grow lamps. There was no probable cause. So a couple of questions come up. First, how did the cops get turned on to the house in the first place? Cooper suspects they were using thermal imaging equipment to detect the grow lamps, a practice the Supreme Court has said is illegal. The second question is, what probable cause did the police put on the affidavit to get a judge to sign off on a search warrant? If there was nothing illegal going on in the house, it's difficult to conceive of a scenario where either the police or one of their informants didn't lie to get a warrant.

Cooper chose the Odessa police department for baiting because he believes police there instructed an informant to plant marijuana on a woman named Yolanda Madden. She's currently serving an eight-year sentence for possession with intent to distribute. According to Cooper, the informant actually admitted in federal court that he planted the marijuana. Madden was convicted anyway.

The story's worth watching, not only to see if the cops themselves are held accountable for this, but whether the local district attorney tries to come up with a crime with which to charge Cooper and his assistants. I can't imagine such a charge would get very far, but I wouldn't be surprised to see someone try.