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Being charged with rootballs and stalks


WRONG...FEDS throw you into THEIR system and have thousands of laws to throw at you to ASSURE conviction...DON'T LIE to poster...

NOTHING good comes from that, goddammit...:asskick:


Did you read my post? You agree with me and call me wrong. Read before you put your foot into your mouth.


I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
yea man place i was growing got raided a few years back and they counted 360 root balls class c fellony. I escaped on fourwheeler =) buddy that got left behind at house got 30 days and paid 8k for lawyer. not to bad. but indeed bullshit that they count rootball
out of curiousity were you in a med state? I know it doesnt really matter to the feds. Anyway keep us posted, and the best of luck.
Unfortunatly this dude is fucked. Over 100 rootballs and a lb of dried herb. The prosecutor took the case because he knew he has him by the balls Sorry to hear of your troubles. I hope you are somehow able to beat your charges.


Freedom Fighter
Ever heard of temp files?

So you're certain your ISP will be involved with your bust?

Bro, nothing on you Comp is "Temp"-- If they are doing forensics on a comp, they will pull up most everything you have typed, and places you go...including deleted files/pics--
These things are straight Evidence Farms--:tiphat:


Active member
here i am sitting around with extra rootballs outside because I'm too lazy to dispose of them... and dead drying up trimmings.

To "them" it would look like I just finished trying to dispose of evidence


here i am sitting around with extra rootballs outside because I'm too lazy to dispose of them... and dead drying up trimmings.

To "them" it would look like I just finished trying to dispose of evidence

no they know what lazy looks like, doesn't help you any :)


Now in technicolor
Sorry you hear your troubles. How did you get popped if you don't mind me asking?

Let this serve as a reminder to me and everyone here: Throw out your garbage. Keep your computers clear.* If possible, store bud away from the grow op.

All my pictures are encrypted. The feds CANNOT and WILL NOT decrypt them. If you're on Windows and Linux perhaps look into TrueCrypt. On OS X this is natively built in. Create a new disk image in "Disk Utility."

The basic idea of how this all works is you're creating a file that is encrypted. When you try to mount the file, the OS will ask for a pass phrase (long password.) Once decrypted, you can see this under My Computer or on your desktop (on mac/linux.) Once you move files in and close it, the files cannot be seen unless you mount the disk image again (feds won't be able to without a password.)


here i am sitting around with extra rootballs outside because I'm too lazy to dispose of them... and dead drying up trimmings.

To "them" it would look like I just finished trying to dispose of evidence

OH GawD...Since it is winter and there is that snow stuff everywhere I have a collection of root balls in a small trailer waiting for spring to dispose of them....

What is a good way to get rid of them? Last year I tossed them all in my veggy garden and roto tilled them.


ICMag Donor
Sorry you hear your troubles. How did you get popped if you don't mind me asking?

Let this serve as a reminder to me and everyone here: Throw out your garbage. Keep your computers clear.* If possible, store bud away from the grow op.

All my pictures are encrypted. The feds CANNOT and WILL NOT decrypt them. If you're on Windows and Linux perhaps look into TrueCrypt. On OS X this is natively built in. Create a new disk image in "Disk Utility."

The basic idea of how this all works is you're creating a file that is encrypted. When you try to mount the file, the OS will ask for a pass phrase (long password.) Once decrypted, you can see this under My Computer or on your desktop (on mac/linux.) Once you move files in and close it, the files cannot be seen unless you mount the disk image again (feds won't be able to without a password.)

yes, how did you get popped, especially at the end of a run?

btw, you will be asked in court to provide the keys for the encryption you use. its the same as LEO opening safes.


I love my life
yes, how did you get popped, especially at the end of a run?

btw, you will be asked in court to provide the keys for the encryption you use. its the same as LEO opening safes.

Objection your honor, prosecutor is asking the defendant to violate their 5th amendment right against self incrimination; therefore defendant refuses to answer.

Now as to the prosecutor's ability to crack safes or encryption defendant has no opinion.



weed fiend
Bro, nothing on you Comp is "Temp"-- If they are doing forensics on a comp, they will pull up most everything you have typed, and places you go...including deleted files/pics--
These things are straight Evidence Farms--:tiphat:

You can delete hard drive addresses that would force leo to analyze your drive. Or you can just leave your hard drive full of addresses that appear on a monitor and open at the click of a mouse.

Contrary to popular opinion, leo doesn't analyze every computer drive they run across in a pot bust. Analyzation takes time, money and manpower. A mouse click, not so much.

I'll put it this way. If you were searched, wouldn't you like to have whatever contraband you own to be hidden, out of plain view and without a sign that says, "look right here"...



Active member
what exactly can they see on your computer? just pictures? the only incriminating shit i have are a few pictures of my grow...nothing serious.

but if they are able to access all your email accounts and dig up deleted emails or view previous instant message convos, i might be somewhat scared. i have dozens of random emails i set up under fake names...my computer has no cookies so i have to enter my logins manually...is there a way cops can still access my email accounts? and if i deleted all my incriminating emails can they still dig them up?

if the only thing cops can access is your immediate files...then all i have are a few pictures of weed on my computer and no way to prove its actually MY weed i can say i was at a friends house...


weed fiend
what exactly can they see on your computer? just pictures? the only incriminating shit i have are a few pictures of my grow...nothing serious.

They can see everything you can and more (things you've deleted, things your hard drive has written over.) But if you cover your tracks, leo would have to analyze your drive(s) to see data that no longer has an hd addy listed in the operating system software. They can do it but you'd have to be somebody they're looking for or worth the trouble.

but if they are able to access all your email accounts and dig up deleted emails or view previous instant message convos, i might be somewhat scared. i have dozens of random emails i set up under fake names...my computer has no cookies so i have to enter my logins manually...is there a way cops can still access my email accounts? and if i deleted all my incriminating emails can they still dig them up?
I'm not a lawyer nor a computer expert but spreading your data means leo has to coordinate as opposed to everything being in one nice place (like outlook.) If you have an ISP e-mail account, leo would have to figure it out for themselves if your setup doesn't carry web addy's, cookies, user names and passwords. I guess there's a chance you could contract a key-logger bug but I don't think leo is in the business of cyber warfare, especially to catch the typical pot grower.

if the only thing cops can access is your immediate files...then all i have are a few pictures of weed on my computer and no way to prove its actually MY weed i can say i was at a friends house...
I could see where pics might contribute to maintaining a criminal enterprise. But they'd have to tie any loose ends to convict. If you bring up friends, that opens new doors. You could get a conspiracy scrape at the mention of "friend(s)" that grow. Of course they'd have to prove any charges beyond reasonable doubt. Just be careful what's said, they can always throw it back at you.

I don't know everything that leo has at their disposal to read my files or follow my tracks. I just try to keep the obvious stuff to a minimum.

It's not unlike a ledger full of contacts and dollar figures. Leo would have to prove in court that these identities and figures represent illegal transactions. If you've got their real names and phone numbers, it makes leo's job easier. If your book is full of only unknown nicknames, their job just got a lot harder.


The feds will rake you over the coals for rootballs, it's the same thing as a plant to them.
Yeah that. Had a buddy a few years back and they collected dead, dried, crispy plants he had pulled and added to the total. That didn't hold up eventually but they'll try.

You guys need to destroy any plant remnants soon as you can. Don't be lazy.


Active member
so the law really states I can have 6 mature plants or 12 immature and I better make sure to clean up my mess


Active member
They can see everything you can and more (things you've deleted, things your hard drive has written over.) But if you cover your tracks, leo would have to analyze your drive(s) to see data that no longer has an hd addy listed in the operating system software. They can do it but you'd have to be somebody they're looking for or worth the trouble.

I'm not a lawyer nor a computer expert but spreading your data means leo has to coordinate as opposed to everything being in one nice place (like outlook.) If you have an ISP e-mail account, leo would have to figure it out for themselves if your setup doesn't carry web addy's, cookies, user names and passwords. I guess there's a chance you could contract a key-logger bug but I don't think leo is in the business of cyber warfare, especially to catch the typical pot grower.

I could see where pics might contribute to maintaining a criminal enterprise. But they'd have to tie any loose ends to convict. If you bring up friends, that opens new doors. You could get a conspiracy scrape at the mention of "friend(s)" that grow. Of course they'd have to prove any charges beyond reasonable doubt. Just be careful what's said, they can always throw it back at you.

I don't know everything that leo has at their disposal to read my files or follow my tracks. I just try to keep the obvious stuff to a minimum.

It's not unlike a ledger full of contacts and dollar figures. Leo would have to prove in court that these identities and figures represent illegal transactions. If you've got their real names and phone numbers, it makes leo's job easier. If your book is full of only unknown nicknames, their job just got a lot harder.

its not ISP based emails...they are random emails set up on your everyday free email service like hotmail or gmail...

also how could LEO possibly manage to dig up an instant message convo? they would have to subpeona the company for records but it would be like finding a needle in a haystack...