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Beheading Video Link!




Kinda funny its not ok too post about world events that effect us all? BUT it is ok too post about sex education and having sex with horses, and penises and vaginas on a MJ site? Just my 2 cents!! In this very same forum i might add!!

I agree that this is the most inappropriate forum for such a thread, however I disagree to the people who say that it should not be available for viewing.

Good or bad, the video serves a purpose.

To inform.
To upset.
To send a message.
To inspire to action.

No one would have known about Bosnia, had it not been for a brave reporter who took pictures of a mass grave.
No one would have even cared about the children of Ethiopia until Sally Struthers and the images of famine were seen while Americans ate dinner.
Remember the images of the Twin Towers burning and collapsing? What kind of emotions does that bring?

While the video is gruesome. It can serve a purpose. If every single Yank and Brit saw the Nick Berg video, especially at primetime when they're eating dinner, I guarantee that Bush and Blair would be withdrawing the troops right now! People might get organized, and start to take the power back to the people, a revisiting the 1960's perhaps?

Just my thoughts...



The terrorists win if you watch it. Thats hillarious. Oh my god you guys are supporting terrorism!

So Hybrid am I to believe that your Avatar was banned? If so who the fuck is modding this place Ashcroft? And disabling a link that is readily available to anyone with a computer after the fact that it was posted for a few days already? Thats like plugging up a dam that has already bursted. Seems like some people get a pass while others are repremanded. Not fair. Whats next no cussing?

That link was posted to start a discussion and to get peoples take on it. Removing that element has since ended the debate for those not informed which is tantamount to censorship. The link was disabled because of conflict of opinion which means imposing will upon someone. I no like that. If it was giving directions on how to behead someone then ban it. But by removing it, all that has done is end duscussion.



Blatant: No one banned his avatar...he did that himself. Maybe he's gonna change it to something else.:rolleyes:

You can have a discussion without the link. You can google it....like I said above....if you want to watch it. This is not about whether you or anyone else should or should not watch the video
.....it's about the inapporpriateness of it on this site.

Anyone can sign into the site here, yeah, even kids...we usually suss them out pretty quick...IMVHO if anyone wants to see the vid...go hunt it up yourself. This is a cannabis site.

If anyone is uniformed about this subject (the killings have been going on a while ya know) they must have been on another planet...how could anyone be uniformed about all the killings?

I could have just binned the entire thread...which is where this is all headed if you don't stop whining that a link was taken down.

Censorship by removing a link??????????? my arse Blatant....more like good judgement IMVHO.

Who the f**k is modding this place???.....I for one....but you knew that already from reading my post so I wonder what the real purpose of that question was meant to accomplish?

You said it yourself....the link is available to anyone with a computer....anyone who wants to see it can without the link here.



Active member
I haven't viewed any of those vids,my mind easily conjures up an equally gruesome scene when I see them blindfolded now.
As they continue this,and they will,we will at some point simply become numb to the act and the images.
When's the last time you heard about a car bomb in Iraq and really payed attention?

The beheadings are ugly but they don't hold a candle to what they pulled in Russia at that school with those kids.


PS: Hey DG,I don't have any problem with you removing the link.People had plenty of time to see it.


Bakin in da Sun
innocent kids..... cruel, barbaric, and without honor....

I know its not much, but i helped organize a toy drive for surviving school children.

When i saw people jumping from the world trade centers to their own deaths i thought there would never be anything worse...... then i read about europe's train bombings, then i watched people screaming from bali ,then the kids of russia,, then the displaced and murdered people from dufur, then the bombings in iraq,and its just so much tragedy.

I dont think the media give 2 shits about the victims families. And some of the media images are just sickening.

I agree that if we really want to seek these things out you can google it or find it yourself in any paper or news channell.

Putting it in front of people on a cultivation webiste for a reaction is another thing imo.

Im glad its removed.
It had nothing to do with cannabis law or politics did it?

PS: that was a kind thing to to do bartender.


Ogrish is the site for these videos. They have dozens, every one since the war started laid out in order of occurance. You can watch for hours :rolleyes:


Thank u dutchgrown

Thank u dutchgrown

Man i made the mistake of watching the be heading, after watching it i felt sickand when a bit white and a hole heap of hate came inside me. But what have we done to them, will this shit ever end.

No one should die like that, people dont watch it, its true your never forget it for the rest of your life.

Find this shit yourself this place is for peaceful, loving grower.

Rest in peace, but war is only round the corner.

Peace out


I happen to think that watching those videos does serve a purpose. It shows the uglier side of humanity which IS a very real part of the world. I do not, however, feel that it has any relevance to this site or forum or MJ politics. This is not the place for a visual demonstration of vile cruelty.

I think many "civilized" people would rather hold on to the notion that such acts aren't a part of the world we live in. See no, hear no, speak no evil. I am a proponent of truth as I feel truth is the only way to fight against anything that plagues us. It's hard for some, but we must remember that even those that commit such crimes are human. Turning a blind eye to any part of humanity is a very dangerous thing. I think we can all attest to the harm ignorance has caused for cannabis lovers and hemp companies throughout the world.

Again, I would like to state that I do not think this forum or website is the right place for this. The net as a whole is the largest place for information and there are more appropriate settings for this info. Peace.
my 02 cents

my 02 cents

I am sorry for the family. I am sorry for the victim. I am sorry for all the people that had to watch that video and will see it when they close their eyes to dream.

Of course, everyone has the right to see it. To know what is happening. For some people, hearing it on the news doesn't validate it as truth. Does it belong here? IMHO no. There are places to see things like that, this is a place to see people and pot...keep the hard news on the hard news sites.

The day comes soon when America goes to the polls. Look in your hearts and use your minds. Vote. Vote. Vote.
This is probably the biggest drawback to the "information highway". The entire world has instant access to these atrocities.
The pix and video coming out of Iraq are not that different from the flics & pics that came out of Viet Nam in the late 60s-early 70s.
But, back then, these were not widely distributed. I knew a crew chief on a helo who filmed an interrogation by US Military Intelligence officers. They threw 2 enlisted NVAs out of the chopper in order to encourage their officer to talk. Guys in my outfit carried instamatic cameras and took pix they thought were funny at the time. About 10 years ago, I ran across a box of pix and stuff from back then. I was shocked and sickened by these reminders.
This type of thing has happened in every war since man first picked up a rock to whack his neighbor. Thanks to the internet, you can now watch it from the comfort of your own living room.


New member
the worst part is hearing the sound. it will haunt me for awhile. i hope the victims were drugged. so who asked the US to go over there and help free Iraq? not Iraq! I guess the US could do as they please and give what ever reason. :mad:


Re: Hmmm

Re: Hmmm

Hybrid said:
Kinda funny its not ok too post about world events that effect us all? BUT it is ok too post about sex education and having sex with horses, and penises and vaginas on a MJ site? Just my 2 cents!! In this very same forum i might add!!


Guess DutchCroft isnt going too explain why its appropriate too post about penises and vaginas and sex with horses in the Tokers Den, I.E. "sex education" on a MJ site, but world events is taboo. Maybe someone needs too moderate DutchCroft, and reign her in a bit? Maybe then members like BillyGoat and some of the Fantasy Football peeps, not too mention the Swapping thread, wouldnt be pissed. Go ahead and delete my account DutchCroft that would just validate my point, case closed....Hope ur MJ Utopia works out for you and all the others who dont mind being led around by the nose.



Re: Re: Hmmm

Re: Re: Hmmm

Hybrid said:
Guess DutchCroft isnt going too explain why its appropriate too post about penises and vaginas and sex with horses in the Tokers Den, I.E. "sex education" on a MJ site, but world events is taboo. Maybe someone needs too moderate DutchCroft, and reign her in a bit? Maybe then members like BillyGoat and some of the Fantasy Football peeps, not too mention the Swapping thread, wouldnt be pissed. Go ahead and delete my account DutchCroft that would just validate my point, case closed....Hope ur MJ Utopia works out for you and all the others who dont mind being led around by the nose.

Are you serious!????????Its not about talking about it, its about putting the link on this site that actually shows the beheading that DG was not wanting on here.Did you see anyone put a link on this site that takes you to penis' and vaginas or videos of sex with horses? NO!Thats what was not wanted.You can discuss stuff like that all you want ,DG and others just dont deem links like that appropriate to IC.Like was said-if you want to discuss it fine.If you want to see someone beheaded then you can Google.
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Re: Re: Re: Hmmm

Re: Re: Re: Hmmm

Hybrid said:
....Hope ur MJ Utopia works out for you and all the others who dont mind being led around by the nose.

Does that mean youre not going to visit IC anymore.I hope this hasnt got you wanting to leave.People disagree all the time but the way you put it sounds like youre leaving so you wont get led around by the nose.If anyone tries to grab youre nose just smack their hand away.
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cooked cook

bake at 420 until nicely toasted
Re: Re: Hmmm

Re: Re: Hmmm

Hybrid said:
Guess DutchCroft isnt going too explain why its appropriate too post about penises and vaginas and sex with horses in the Tokers Den, I.E. "sex education" on a MJ site, but world events is taboo. Maybe someone needs too moderate DutchCroft, and reign her in a bit? Maybe then members like BillyGoat and some of the Fantasy Football peeps, not too mention the Swapping thread, wouldnt be pissed. Go ahead and delete my account DutchCroft that would just validate my point, case closed....Hope ur MJ Utopia works out for you and all the others who dont mind being led around by the nose.


hehehe, kinda reminds me of that South Park ep where Butters gets a ninja throwing star stuck in his eye. There's a big outraged town meeting, but the boys don't get in trouble at all for the weapon thing, instead Cartman gets in trouble for being naked. The lesson at the end of the ep is "I guess parents don't care about violence as long as there's sex stuff to worry about."
no offense Hybrid

personally- I am not offended by either the sex OR the violence being referred to on the site(despite the lack of relevence to MJ)
Generally, if I see something that might be offensive- I JUST AVOID IT! (yeah, it's that ol "change the channel" argument again)
that being said, it's totally the mod's call on this one. It's like going to the grocery store. We're all welcome there, but keep it mellow, THEY STILL RUN THE PLACE, so we gotta respect the wishes of the owners/mods(let's face it, if you're walking around showing beheading photos in the grocery store, they'll tell ya to knock it off as well). I don't feel like I'm being censored at all OR led around by the nose. They're just trying to keep the site here for what it's meant for -good ol grass :) Otherwise, we could have all manner of dumbass on here posting pictures and descriptions of their Power Rangers collection, the pile of dead hookers in their garage, or that Paris Hilton video. I don't mind having to not sort through that stuff, and if I want to see it, it's one short click away. Nothin to get all upset over. Have a mellow, happy day everybody :wave:
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Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
i made the mistake of looking when this was put up, and now a coupkle weeks l8er, i still cant get rid of the image of that poor man screming and the goin silent. and now, i am seeing it in nightmares with mr bigley too, i was such an idiot to look. why did i? morbid curiosity, im not ashamed to admit it, but i am ashamed that i watched all the way thru, and didnt turn it off. i waish i could wipe it from my memory.