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Beginners 2008 Outdoor Garden

First time growing anything I think they look happy but still seem pretty small to me. I have them in Promix with perlite and worm castings (really wish I hadn't added that in there, my mix isn't all that loose and I think it's because of the poo). At first I bought some PBP Cal Mag and Liquid Karma for nutes but for various reasons I chose to buy some GH and go with Rez's recipe. I might change it from his 6/9 to 8/14 just because it seems like a really small amount, only reads 500 PPM and I thought that 1000 was more along the lines of what you wanted. The biggest reason I dumped the PBP was due to the fact that it has a 1 year shelf life and I have no idea how old it is, so I wigged out and went back to the store to blow some more cash.

Ok I put most of these out at around the first week of May, I think. I'm real bad with dates could be a week or so before or after really not sure, and the two smaller ones were planted about 1 week or 2 after the rest.

I really would like some input on what you guys think of them so here are some pics...... Well it turns out I have to figure out how to put pictures on here. They will be up shortly!
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Must say they look healthy, which is great.
Go wild, try lots of different stuff!
I guarantee that when you get them harvested and in the jars for a cure, and you're smoking your very own homegrown, from that point on you will never want to buy weed ever again. :D
Hey guys thanks for checkin out my thread and giving your opinions! Much appreciated!! It would be nice to not ever have to buy herb again, but living in the great state of California with so much good herb and hash floating around all the time I'm not to sure I would ever be completely self sufficient...

I have a question that I've been wondering about for some time, and tried searching for an answer, possibly not good enough because it seems like it would be a fairly common newbie question. Can my nutrient solution sit outside in a big res (in the shade) without any pump or anything? So far I've mostly just been mixing up a batch at a time which sucks because I hate fixing the dang PH every time I need to water. I just want to get a big barrel, fill it with 30 gallons or whatever it will hold and attach a hose to it, then filling it back up when it's empty. Sounds like it would be okay to me but then I think about how gross old stale water tastes and I think twice...
Still not sure about my question in the previous post about my nute solution sitting in the trash can without some kind of air pump for circulation. After a couple of days it smells bad, and I'm not sure if I'm harming my plants by feeding it to them.