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Beginner! What type of hydro system?!?


Active member

i have to say that the hempys solve alot of problems for doing hydro in warm environments. Over all simplicity blew my mind. and the results speak for themselves. Ive heard that day for day the RDWC will out yield them, but not by much. and if this is indeed true i mean. why the hell even bother with RDWC except for the ease of work. if i was set up on a larger scale i would set up a drip manifold to feed them at the desired time and get better sleep more often.

btw i dont know why that angry smiley face is up there on top of my last post. i was mearly trying to have an intelligent post to explain that you can do it, but the risks are imo too high. lol hope all is well with no hard feelings!


What Goes Around Comes Around. But Am I Comming Or
I say coco with lucas,rez,grate's idea of feeding. And top it off with some blumats.

one Q

you could do blumats or hempy with coir too. I think Coir and Hempy make a great combo. Perlite to just above the hole and coir all the way up. You will learn exactly how much to water in your hempys to not get any run off... that's the day you can just water blind and go. So little maintenance.

Let me add, if you do square or rectangle pots/cans you should put the hole on the corner. This will aid in draining the res quickly if you ever need to. And you can aim it better, right into a can/bucket.


ive never grown anything in dirt in my entire life... i started in water and i stayed with water... had some learning bumps along the way but no serious issues...

If you are gonna start with water you NEED a chiller... try it just once without one during the summer and you will never do it again... its simply a waste of time... you CANNOT leave roots in 80 degree water and expect to get thru a cycle and end up with good smoke...

you'll also NEED a PH meter... you simply cannot grow in water reliably without one...

so if you are broke to begin with and cant afford the proper equipment i would suggest you start with a bag of dirt and some seeds....

or else you will fail miserably and have wasted lots of money in the process...


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
you CANNOT leave roots in 80 degree water and expect to get thru a cycle and end up with good smoke...

Sure you can. Been there, done that as have many other growers here. Heat alone is not the problem. You had something else as the cause of the trouble that was then exacerbated by heat but, heat alone is not the problem.


"Madam, Miss Otis regrets, she's unable to lunch t
ICMag Donor
For an Absolute Beginner i,d recommend soil and bag seeds with cfl's.

then step it up to Rockwool , cause you gonna need it for Hydro later on .

but hydro get very specific , PH , Mag deficiancy , uppers /downers , pumps and timers.
and it takes a few months to dial in your grow if you new to growing.

Hydro....?? Prolly Hempy's , but ive never tried it .I cant give advice there.

For 1-5 plants ??? I started in DWC in buckets , but as soon as you go bigger the huge amount of water and heat becomes a pain in the arse.

I do Low Pressure Aerophonics in netpots filled with hydroton ATM.

You can push the temps a bit , have less nute waste when you flush every two weeks or so .
Just make sure your pumps dont fail or nozzle dont gets blocked , otherwise you good as gold !

I love Hydro , you can tweak and tailor your feed regime.
If anything goes wrong.......flush and mix a fresh batch of nutes


@freezer the likelyhood of a beginner keeping those issues under control WITHOUT a chiller are quite low...

and skip the flushing crap... its wives tale...


Starting out with bag seed will just open up more windows for issues or dirt weed (or amazing stuff as well). You can easily get clones or seeds anywhere for pretty cheap.


I bought one of these a few weeks ago but haven't used it yet
Oxy pot

From what Im reading most people are having good results with them so Im gonna move a girl into it tomorrow and see how I get on with it.

It looks to be pretty beginner friendly too.


Invertebrata Inebriata
Simplicity is important. And remember- 90% plus of what you need is at Lowe's, Wal-Fart, Dollar General, Goodwill, etc.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Whichever method you choose, only grow a few plants at a time until you get the feel for it. One poster here said it right, until you can look at your plants (or roots) and tell whether they need something, then don't grow crazy.


Check out my journal It's Flood & Drain for the 21st Century. I am now on my 4th grow using it.

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