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begginner indoors setup + indoors/outdoors mix plan


New member

I am new to this forum. I have read quite a lot of material in last few days and I have done that in the past as well.
I have managed to grow some of cannabis outdoors but this is the first time I will do it indoors + outdoors and also this is the time I will set up my indoors for the first time (I have worked indoors growing with my friend for 1 session and it worked fine but not spectacular..).

I have bought seeds from AMS and received 5 seeds of Crystal rain feminized (55% indica/45% sativa)+ 10 random seeds.

What I would like to do this year is:

- Grow all 15 plants inside in vegetative grow for 1 month. After 1 month I will transfer some of the plants outside to corn field.
- After 1 month (depending on the size of plants) I will start with 12/12. After 4 weeks of flowering stage I will move some of the plants outside to corn field and keep 2 or 3 plants inside to finish under HPS.

What I want to achieve is to force some of the plants into flowering mode but then put them outside to finish with flowering under the sun. Because the corn fields are taken down around 15.9. I want those plants to finish faster and that they will be ready for harvest like at the end of july or mid august (depending on how the process will go).

So the plan is something like:

- 5-7 plants veg inside for one month then put them out
- 5-7 plants veg inside for one month then 1 month inside under 12/12 to force them into flower mode then put them out to finish outside
- 2-3 plants finish indoors

How does that plan sound?

The other thing is that I must be aware of FLIR and helicopters, because they are quite active always in our area, even though I don't live in a city. They become especially active at harvest time and they look for cannabis inside corn but don't find if there is not too many plants in small space.

The picture included shows my house position. On the picture you can see that:

In the morning - I could probably use mylar to reflect sun light into my plants. After 11am sun light does not reach my window so at that time I would turn on HPS and let HPS run until 1am (14hours if sunny day or 18h if bad weather) next day. I could also use my balcony after 17.00 till around 20.00 for some plants.

I would like also like to protect myself against FLIR cameras. I believe that if I thermally isolate my window after I turn on HPS and let the heat and air flow through my appartment, my rooms should not appear suspicious. My balcony is not easily reachable by helicopter and FLIR because it has quite nice position between buildings. But the other side must be isolated or light turned off when copters will be searching for farms.

How does this plan sound to you?

Any opinion and advice is welcome. Is there something else very important to think about.

And here is my position on the map of europe.. :)



Active member
Intresting plan, I'd like to see how it turns out for ya :)... might have some set backs tho with the whole movin in and out thing.. Keep it simple! btw nice heli in the plan pic lol.. beats my MS paint masterpieces :p


New member
little update

little update


so far so good. Well it could be better but still.

Ordered 15 seeds, 5 feminised + 10 mix, crystal rain.

Only 2 or 3 of feminised seeds germinated ok. 2 were dead. from mix another 4 or 5 germinated ok, but others didn't. So I am definitely not happy with my source of seeds after spending 53 euro for it (I won't go into detail just in case of any legal shit).

I don't know if it is appropriate or not to reveal which website I ordered from ?! But I am not happy with that.

On the other hand, the plants are growing fine. They have nice color. I bought soil that is supposed to be between 5.5 and 6 PH. Just used water from water network like 1 glas / day.

Although plants like fine and everything, I am a bit concerned about shape of leaves. I will show some pics and I would like if someone could comment about it. It is my first indoor so I am not so confident about growing indoors at all + I spent almost zero money on setup. only for soil I spent 8 euro. Soil has some perlite inside as well.

Oh on the pics you will see botles. In these botles I have sugar and yeast. It is a CO2 production unit. I dont know how many botles I am supposed to have , as I don't have co2 ppm meter. But I guess 2 litres of water + 1kg of sugar does fine. 1 other good thing is that the very rare flies (fly) got into botles because they are atracted to sugar. So it is much more likely chance that they die before they spread they eggs into soil..

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