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Begging WWII Vet Yesterday


cant stop wont stop
man thats a good to hear, i dont know this guys life story but its a shame, when someone who has served their country and risked their lives for us, is out on their ass only hoping to be taken care of by citezens that have enough to spare. props to you my brother..

was heading to a movie downtown awhile back and a homeless guy asked us for a dollar.. i had a few of those shot size liquor bottles in my pocket for the movie so i gave him one of those... he's like hey man im actually just hungry.. so i was like hell yeah you'll get a better buzz that way.. lol he wasnt complaining


Active member
if you can walk past a dude that is seriously in need of a buck or so, and watch his starving ass beg...your a bigger asshole than me.

life kicks u in the ass sometimes, and when someone is homeless and fighting to live, and u cant help then it is what it is, and youll know what i mean when the train comes back around the track and your ass is sorry.


The other day in Berkeley, I saw a guy that was panhandling running down the street, pretty fast I might add. This got my interest, so I decided to see what happens.

Turns out he was catching the meter maid, and he had to move his truck at the last minute.
What a piece of sh*t. It took everything in me to not follow this clown and kick the shit out of him.

so because there is an abundance of homeless vets, the fact that this guy was trying to save $35 for a ticket just because he didn't put a an extra quarter in the meter, that guy deserved to get the shit kicked out of him?

get real ... he probably would have tore you a new asshole anyway


do you think he made it through the night?


don't feel bad for the guy - bring him to the VA hospital. End of story.

Yea. But, Man life is not a straight line. most of them are worthless its they're problem. But there is always a few where they just make the wrong turn. Those WW2 Vets are from a different generation. I respect the path they took. At least that's my option.


Have you ever been to a VA Hospital ? its depressing. You go in for a flu shot at 8am and get out at 8pm.. the system turns you.


Active member
even vets out on a good discharge have a pain in the ass w/ that.....and it's not the best medical.

i was in the usmc, and got kiked out on purpose.....failed a UA a cpl yrs after enlisting....you can have that shit.


Exactly its worthless.The va hospitals are just like the medicaid ones for the poor. Of course there are exceptions. But its a struggle.


even vets out on a good discharge have a pain in the ass w/ that.....and it's not the best medical.

i was in the usmc, and got kiked out on purpose.....failed a UA a cpl yrs after enlisting....you can have that shit.

can't handle the heat ... stay out of the kitchen

lemme guess ... you joined the military to get a college education(wrong reason) and then quit and you are still only making $20/hour?

re-evaluate yourself before you bitch about how fucked up the real world is next time


Active member
can't handle the heat ... stay out of the kitchen

lemme guess ... you joined the military to get a college education(wrong reason) and then quit and you are still only making $20/hour?

re-evaluate yourself before you bitch about how fucked up the real world is next time

i grow fucking weed and my day job doesnt even pay me half what weed does...u wanna step on toes...come on over son


i grow fucking weed and my day job doesnt even pay me half what weed does...u wanna step on toes...come on over son

you have almost 7,000 post ... you shouldn't have to justify yourself ...

insecurity is a som'bitch

get off your high horse and come hang out with us peddlers for a change ... you might learn something


Active member
you have almost 7,000 post ... you shouldn't have to justify yourself ...

insecurity is a som'bitch

im not justifying shit...im making a point...you obviiosly got it.

insecurity another issue...i got dogs that handle my dirty work


Active member
Sure hate to see a thread like this get trashed because you boys cant keep your cyber cocks in your pants.

More on topic, I feel like you are right Resinryder, we will be seeing more of this in the coming years. This country is fucked and plenty more folks are going to be destitute on the streets before it is done. I've been advocating a single payer type health care payment system for just this reason. So many people dying and/or bankrupt because of medical bills. We need to take care of all our countrymen.

Didn't mean to take this in a political direction and I certainly don't want a debate in this touching thread. Just made me feel real empathetic for a minute.

h^2 O

Have you ever been to a VA Hospital ? its depressing. You go in for a flu shot at 8am and get out at 8pm.. the system turns you.
yeah they suck ass but all you need is your dd214 and some id. they can't turn away some homeless 80-year ww2 vet


weed fiend
Nice thread, rr. Lots of good souls in here. My pops is 85 and was inducted in 1943. The guy you helped was probably 85 or older. I'm fortunate my dad is mobile, he still drives. He's a meals on wheels delivery driver once a week and fills in for cancellations. He just got his drivers license renewal card in the mail the other day and wondered out loud if he'd need another 5 year pass. Can't imagine him house bound and not helping others. That seems to be the thing that keeps him going.

Thanks to everybody in this thread that has served our country. Thanks to everybody that help where they can.

Mr. Burgundy

Active member
so because there is an abundance of homeless vets, the fact that this guy was trying to save $35 for a ticket just because he didn't put a an extra quarter in the meter, that guy deserved to get the shit kicked out of him?

get real ... he probably would have tore you a new asshole anyway

Come on man, you are quick to defend someone you don't even know-and then talk shit anonymously through the internet. AND -K to boot? You weren't there when the event happen, so spare your sanctimonious insecure drivel for other message forums.

My point was he was not using a HOMELESS VET sign. The guy was selling the point he was worse off then he really was.
My point was about homeless people using the niceness of others-not me kicking a FELLOW BROTHER IN GREEN.

Don't come on here giving servicemen a bad name.

Stay Classy!